P.O. BOX 13727, SALEM, OR 97309


October 16, 2017

6 PM Mike Bevens called meeting to order

Present:Duane Bedell, Julie Bevens, Mike Bevens, Angie Hatch, Leslie Parpart, Doug Perret, Angie Rue, Hunter Rue

Absent: Wendy Biggs, Amanda Buntjer, Tim Halfman, John Parpart, Jeff Pinkerton

Treasurer’s Report: Accounting sheets were passed out by Angie H. No clarifications were asked for. Leslie asked for a separate accounting entry under sponsorship that was for designated funds towards a specific project. Reason: as grants are applied for, often a financial statement is being asked for that indicates how much money has been raised towards a specific project as the grant will match funds raised by us. Angie will make an entry for designated funds.

Meeting Minutes: Minutes for September 2017 regular and annual meeting minutes motioned to approve by Julie and seconded by Angie R. No addition or changes. Motion approved unanimously.

Committee Reports:

Field and Grounds (Doug):

Possible work day to winterize park on November 4.

If you come to the park, be aware that homeless have been sleeping in dugouts. As a member has drove down, the homeless have been seen gathering up their belongings and leaving.

Concessions (Leslie):

The Pepsi machines will be winterized – may wait until after the retreat in case someone wants soda during the day long retreat.

Ice machines are on still and will be for another month.

Player Agent: No report

Safety Officer: No report

Equipment (Angie R.):

Had a question about what equipment was bought new last year.

District 7 has flipper pitching machines (more discussion at November retreat)

Ranger uniforms are still missing. Suggestion to either have Mike or Jeff Holden call and see if we can find out the status of the jerseys. ‘

Duane would like to see Parrish no longer supplying helmets for players. Question came up about what the rule book says about helmets being supplied. More discussion at the November retreat.’

Fundraising/Grants/Sponsorships (Julie):

Mike Godfrey will do the cards for $2 cost again. Mike will be meeting with him in a couple of weeks to verify businesses.

Perhaps assigning teams to have a table set up on a Saturday at various businesses to sell cards: Sportsman Warehouse, Pietro’s, Roth’s. More discussion at the November retreat. ‘

Old Business:

District 7 Retreat: People currently signed up to attend the District 7 Retreat next Saturday, October 21: Angie R., Hunter, Doug, Mike, Julie. Jeff, Leslie and Duane will be there with D7 duties. Board members attending are responsible for paying the $10 registration fee.

Oregon State LL Conference: December 1, 2, and 3 at Eagle Crest. Registration is $100 a person includes 3 meals. Accommodations are at Eagle Crest. Leslie will send out the letter from D5. There is a deadline date in November for registration. Payment after that deadline date is increased to $120.

New Business:

Parrish Retreat:

Will be a one day retreat this year because of finances

Will be at the park from 9 to 4

  • Potluck for lunch/munchies – Mike will send out a notice asking who is bringing what
  • Soda, water, Gatorade will be in concession stand

Leslie will call and have the porta potty moved down below

Please clear this day so that we can hammer out the upcoming season.


Question about who has keys and to what.

Angie and Hunter would like to get into the pole barn to see what is there from Pioneer LL

Perhaps we can verify who has what at the retreat


Julie asked about posting various clinics on FB. Concern was brought up about who was being endorsed. Tabled for the retreat.


Angie will be unavailable Oct. 26 to Nov. 16. She will have the bills paid prior to her trip. However, if there is an emergency, her husband will be here and get the checkbook to Leslie, Jeff or Doug if need be.

Motion to adjourn at 7:00 made by Julie and seconded by Doug. Motion approved unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,Next meeting date(s) meeting time is 6 PM at Leslie Parpart Holland Youth Park:

Secretary Parrish Little LeagueNovember 18, 2017-Retreat 9-4

December 17, 2017

January 21, 2018*

February 4, 2018*

March 18, 2018

April 15, 2018

May 20, 2018

June 3, 2018*

Dark July, August 2018*

September 16, 2018 Annual Meeting and Regular Meeting