Day 1
Welcome and Rules (45 min)
  • SWBAT identify the rules and habits/expectations in both classes.
  • SWBAT to explain consequences and rewards to following the rules and expectations.
Building Community (45 min)
  • SWBAT state their name in a complete sentence.
School Tour (30 min)
  • SWBAT identify important locations in the school.
Calendar (15 min)
  • SWBAT identify the date, day of the week, the weather and the number of days of school.
Line Up Procedure (15 min)
  • SWBAT form a line following the procedure established by the teacher.
Read Aloud (10 min)
  • SWBAT identify if a behavior is a good or a bad one.
Song (10 min)
  • SWBAT count to 12.
/ Day 2
Building community (30 min)
  • SWBAT state, read and write their names.
Calendar (15 min)
  • SWBAT identify the date, day of the week, the weather, and the number of days of school.
Partner Procedure (20 min)
  • SWBAT work in partners or small groups using the procedure established by the teacher.
Read Aloud (15 min)
  • SWBAT identify the number of dots on each page of the book.
Math Counting Activity (35 min)
  • SWBAT count to 6 (or 12).
Interconnections Rules Part 1 (25 min)
  • SWBAT identify the class rules.
  • SWBAT name some appropriate student behaviors.
Song (10 min)
  • SWBAT count to 12.
/ Day 3
Calendar (15 min)
  • SWBAT identify the date, day of the week, the weather, and the number of days of school.
Read Aloud (45 min)
  • SWBAT identify the number of dots on each page of the book.
Interconnections Rules Part 2 (55 min)
  • SWBAT identify class rules.
  • SWBAT name some appropriate student behaviors.
Manipulatives Procedure and Math Lesson (25 min)
  • SWBAT use manipulatives using the procedure established by the teacher.
  • SWBAT count out loud to 10 using manipulatives as a counting aide.
Song (10 min)
  • SWBAT count to 12.
/ Day 4
Building Community (30 min)
  • SWBAT state their age.
Calendar (15 min)
  • SWBAT identify the date, day of the week, the weather, and the number of days of school.
Read Aloud (20 min)
  • SWBAT identify the colors of the animals in the text.
Interconnections Rules Posters Day 1 (30 min)
  • SWBAT identify class rules and interpret their meaning.
Raising Your Hand Procedure (10 min)
  • SWBAT raise their hand using the procedure established by the teacher.
Color Lesson (45 min)
  • SWBAT recognize and state the name of 4 colors.
/ Day 5
Building Community (20 min)
  • SWBAT state their age.
Calendar (15 min)
  • SWBAT identify the date, day of the week, the weather, and the number of days of school.
Read Aloud (10 min)
  • SWBAT identify the colors of the animals in the text.
Color Lesson (45 min)
  • SWBAT recognize and state the name of 4 colors.

Day 6
Calendar (15 min)
  • SWBAT identify the date, day of the week, the weather, and the number of days of school.
Interconnections Rules Posters Day 2 (30 min)
  • SWBAT identify class rules and interpret their meaning.
Colors Lesson (55 min)
  • SWBAT identify the colors.
Read Aloud and Animal Lesson (35 min)
  • SWBAT identify the animals in the text.
Math Lesson (30 min)
  • SWBAT identify numbers 0-10 and count up to 10.
Song (10 min)
  • SWBAT identify the days of the week.
/ Day 7
Calendar (15 min)
  • SWBAT identify the date, day of the week, the weather, and the number of days of school.
Interconnections Rules Posters Day 3 (30 min)
  • SWBAT identify class rules and interpret their meaning.
Reading and Animal Lesson (35 min)
  • SWBAT state the names of the animals.
  • SWBAT read the name of the animal and its color in their animal books.
Math Lesson (30 min)
  • SWBAT identify numbers 0-10.
Read Aloud with Interconnections Animal Lesson (30 min)
  • SWBAT demonstrate that baby animals look like their mothers.
  • SWBAT match a baby animal with the correct mother.
Song (10 min)
  • SWBAT identify the days of the week.
/ Day 8
Calendar (15 min)
  • SWBAT identify the date, day of the week, the weather, and the number of days of school.
Sharpening Pencil Procedure (10 min)
  • SWBAT sharpen their pencils by following the procedure established by the teacher.
Math Lesson (45 min)
  • SWBAT match a number word with the correct digit 0-10.
Interconnections Animal Families (40 min)
  • SWBAT demonstrate the baby animals look like their parents.
  • SWBAT name the mother, father, and baby in a family.
Read Aloud (10 min)
  • SWBAT identify the correct mother of a baby animal in a text.
Reading (15 min)
  • SWBAT associate a letter sound with a particular word and action.
Song (10 min)
  • SWBAT identify the days of the week.
/ Day 9
Calendar (15 min)
  • SWBAT identify the date, day of the week, the weather, and the number of days of school.
School Jobs and Responsibilities Procedure (15 min)
  • SWBAT participate in school jobs and responsibilities by following the procedures established by the teacher.
Math Lesson (45 min)
  • SWBAT match a number word with the correct digit.
Interconnections Families (45 min)
  • SWBAT identify mother, father, brother and sister in a family.
Read Aloud (15 min)
  • SWBAT identify the different members of a family.
Reading (15 min)
  • SWBAT associate a letter sound with a particular word and action.
/ Day 10
Calendar (15 min)
  • SWBAT identify the date, day of the week, the weather, and the number of days of school.
Procedure of Choice (10 min)
Math Review (20 min)
Interconnections Family (45 min)
  • SWBAT demonstrate that children in a family look like their parents.