Upper Moreland School District
Planned Course for Social Studies
Course: Third Grade Social Studies
Focus: Pennsylvania
National Social Studies Standards
NCSS: I Culture
NCSS: II Time, Continuity, and Change
NCSS: III People, Places, and Environments
NCSS: V Individual, Groups, and Institutions
NCSS: VI Power, Authority, and Governance
Course Description:
The K-5 Social Studies program provides a foundation for developing essential skills enabling students to become active, responsible citizens. Purposeful activities based on essential questions provide opportunities to develop high level thinking skills, integrate concepts across curriculum, and become aware of cultural diversity.
The third grade social studies curriculum will focus specifically on Pennsylvania History. Students will understand how Pennsylvania is unique and different. Students will recognize how cultural contributions and cultural diversity influence the people of Pennsylvania from the past to the present day. Students will understand how the first Americans of Pennsylvania and past events helped to shape the State and how key individuals and past events shaped the city of Philadelphia. Third grade students will apply skills and concepts developed using maps, globes, and charts while studying Pennsylvania. They will understand its location in relation to the Unites States. They will understand how Pennsylvania geography influenced its first Americans.
Specific and measurable objectives directly related to the academic standards to be achieved by the students:
The specific objectives for this course are delineated in the Upper Moreland Township School District Social Studies Scope and Sequence based on the standards set forth in the Expectations of Excellence: Curriculum Standards for Social Studies published by the National Council for Social Studies (NCSS). Specific objectives are also listed in the corresponding Pennsylvania State Standards for History, Geography, Economics and Government.
Content to be used to reach objectives:
In order to provide a meaningful social studies education that encourages active and differentiated learning a variety of instructional strategies, activities, and materials will be utilized.
Instructional Activities:
A standards-based social studies program requires the use of variety of activities to stimulate creative and critical thinking. Below is a list of some of those best practice activities:
· Big 6 Research Process
· Inquiry-based Inquiry
· Technology-centered activities
· Student-centered discussions
· Hands-on learning with maps and globes
· Student reflection/response journal
· Various reading strategies
· Various study skills strategies
· Use of multi-media resources
Estimated instructional time devoted to achieving objectives:
36 weeks, 2 to 3 days a week, approximately 2 - 2 ½ hours a week
(Alternating with Science)
Procedure for measurement of student progress in social studies:
· Teacher observations
· Discussion
· Presentations
· Tests (teacher generated and text based)
· Performance tasks
· Writing pieces
An explanation of how student grades will be determined:
Students will be evaluated in the areas of class work homework, class participation, projects, tests, quizzes, and presentations.
June 2008