Ontario Federation of School Athletic Association (OFSAA)
Special Projects Coordinator
Job Title: Special Projects CoordinatorReports To: Executive Director
Position Summary:
This part-time position provides assistance and direction in the coordination of the OFSAA Tennis and Alpine SkiingChampionships, the Snowboard Racing Festival, and all Board of Reference – Sanctions matters. The individual will also provide administrative support and direction in other areas of the Federation’s operation.
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Championships and Festivals
Oversee the Tennis and Alpine Skiing Championships, and Snowboard Racing Festival.
Consult and advise convenors and host committeeson all aspects of their event.
Ensure all OFSAA rules, regulations, policies, and procedures are followed.
Approve the championship budgets.
Attend the Tennis, Alpine Skiing, and Snowboarding events and act as on-site support.
Select the Leadership in School Sport Award winners.
Facilitate sportsmanship banner presentations, if applicable.
Work with the convenor and the OFSAA marketing and communications coordinator to ensure a media plan is in place and followed for each event.
- Committee Management
Provide support and direction to the sport advisory committees for tennis, alpine skiing, and snowboarding.
Schedule meetings.
Gather information.
Provide advice and support on policies and regulations.
Refer issues that arise from championships or inquiries.
Maintain minutes for all meetings.
Ensure motions are submitted for inclusion on the Order Paper.
Develop and update a list of SAC members.
- Board of Reference - Sanctions
Provide support and direction to the Board of Reference – Sanctions.
Schedule meetings.
Receive sanctions reports and ensure all documentation is in order.
Ensure communication is sent to all affected/interested parties.
Maintain minutes of all meetings.
Provide administrative support to the Board.
Serve as the staff liaison for the Board and communicate as required with the Board chair.
7. Other duties
Provide information articles for each issue of the Bulletin
Attend monthly staff meetings at the Federation’s office in Toronto.
Attend meetings of the Executive Council and the Representatives’ Council.
Attend the Convenors’ Workshop and present information as required by the assistant director.
Develop and update list of association convenors.
Other duties as assigned and agreed to.
Job Specifications
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
- Knowledge and proficiency in using Windows-based applications.
- Internet and Email literate and proficient.
- Basic knowledge of event planning requirements.
- Experience in the Ontario education and school sport systems.
Note: This is a part-time contract position.
Job Description – Special Projects Coordinator