Marine Renewables Commercialisation Fund (MRCF)
Array Technology Innovation Programme
Preliminary Application Form
Deadline for Preliminary Application: 17:00 on 30th September2013
Project Title:Lead Applicant Company:
The information that you provide in this application form will be treated in confidence and will only be used in the evaluation of the application for grant funding under the Marine Renewables Commercialisation Fund which may involve third party consultants/advisors or Marine Farm Accelerator Prospective Partners, all of whom would be bound by confidentiality agreements.
Preliminary Application
Information provided within the Preliminary Application is non-binding and for information only.If the applicant isinvited to submit a full application for funding it will be possible to reviseapplication details.The Carbon Trust may also request project changes where it sees additional benefit or to meet certain constraints.
There is no limit to the number of Preliminary Applications that can be submitted by any one company individually or as a member of a collaborative effort.
Please fill out this form ensuring that you give clear and concise answer for each and every part of the question and keeping in mind the Selection Criteria as outlined in the Preliminary Application Guidance. Also, please be mindful tokeep response length to within the stated limit per question.
Completed forms should be emailed to prior to the 30th September 2013 deadline.
Applicant Details
Lead Applicant Company:Company Address:
Company Registration Number:
Principal Contact Name:
Collaboration Partner Companies:
Project details
- Innovation description- Please describe the innovationwhich is proposed to be developed, including:identification of the relevant innovation area (as per the guidance document); a brief background to the challenge which is being addressedand why this innovation is the most appropriate means of addressing it. [max ½ page]
- Project description - Please describe the project activities which will be undertaken to develop and demonstrate this innovation. What is the current status of these activities in terms of planning/commitment? [max ½ page]
- Please demonstrate how your innovation project meets all of the Selection Criteria outlined in the Guidance document.[max ½ page]
- Project costs - please provide an estimate of thetotal costs of the projectand level of support sought (respecting State Aid intensity limits) ideally broken down by financial year (FY 13_14 and FY 14_15)
FY 2013/2014 / FY 2014/2015 / Total
Project Cost (£)
Level of grant intensity sought (%) / n/a
Level of grant sought (£)
- Please provide an outline programme for the project also showing when the innovation could be deployed in an array setting.[max ¼ page]
- Where project partners have been listed please indicate the role of each partner in the project.[max ¼ page]
- Please tell us why MRCF support is needed. [max ¼ page]
- Financial position - To aid our initial understanding of the company's financial position, please attach i) The company's latest set of signed audited accounts and ii) an up-to-date set of management accounts or alternatively other relevant information to confirm the position of the applicant company.