Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Thursday 7th June 2012 in the St Keverne Methodist Hall at 7.00pm.

The following Councillors were present:-

Cllr A R Peters (Chairman) / Cllr D Lambrick
Cllr R Hobson (Vice-chairman) / Cllr A Carey
Cllr A Richards / Cllr Mrs A Basher
Cllr R Richards / Cllr W Frisken
Cllr D Kevern / Cllr R Combe
Cllr Mrs D Kemp

Also present: - C Cllr Mrs P Lyne, Noel Perry (West Briton) and 7 members of the public.

1 Apologies for absence – Cllr R Hocking, Cllr Mrs S Lyne, Emma Goodfellow (Helston Packet – getting married) and the Police.

Cllr Robin Hobson (Vice-chairman) took the next item.

2 To confirm Cllr R Peters as Chairman for the forthcoming year.

Declaration of acceptance of office.

It was RESOLVED that Cllr R Peters be confirmed as Chairman for the forthcoming year. Cllr R Peters thanked Council for the honour and stated that this was the last year before Parish Council elections next May. He felt that this was a good time to look at what Council had achieved and press on with a few other things. He had recently attended the welcome service for the new vicar. The vicar now covered 4 parishes and the head teacher now covered 4 schools. With this in mind, he had asked for a governor report on the agenda. As for the future of the parish toilets – he found it unbelievable that Cornwall Council felt St Keverne village did not need a toilet. It could write off £2m for the Eden Project and £90k had been spent on advice alone for the incinerator project but they could not afford to keep toilets open. He asked all members to try and fight all they could. As for the recent Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations – an amazing effort had gone into the weekend and there had been nothing but praise from the public. He paid tribute to Cllr D Lambrick who had really lead the team and achieved so much. The beacon procession was wonderful. Finally, the Chairman stated that he looked forward to working with all members in the coming year. Cllr Mrs D Kemp thanked Cllr R Peters for taking the Chair and keeping Council in order – for the 4th time.

Cllr R Peters signed the Declaration of Office for Chairman and re-took the Chair.

3 To confirm Cllr R Hobson as Vice-chairman for the forthcoming year.

Declaration of acceptance of office.

It was RESOLVED that Cllr R Hobson be confirmed as Vice-chairman for the forthcoming year.

Cllr R Hobson signed the Declaration of Office for Vice-chairman.

4 Members to declare personal and prejudicial interest (including details thereof) in respect of any item on this agenda

Cllr R Combe – item 8a) brother, Cllr D Kevern – item 8c) son working there, Cllrs A & R Richards – items 8a) business arrangement and 8b) friend of applicant

5 To receive PCSO Julia Berry’s report

The report was not available at the meeting was emailed later:

Please accept my apologies for not attending the meeting tonight; I am currently on annual leave.

During May, up until the 30th, there was one crime reported. This crime was the theft of a handbag from a shop in Coverack; this is still under investigation, as I am not sure whether it was lost or stolen.

If you have any crimes you would like to report please telephone 101.

6 Public Question Time

Members of the public present discussed planning item 8b) and one read out a statement. They stated that neighbouring landowners had not been informed of the application and the masts would be on the hedge of an adjoining landowner. They feared it would lead to increased traffic in the very narrow lane. Cllr R Richards stated that Council had held massive meetings before about Tetra masts and Council had agreed not to support them. Cllr W Frisken made an observation that double blind tests had been carried out by Essex University and no problems were found. The signal dies exponentially. The public present noted that the study was only based on short-term results. Cllr W Frisken observed that the poles were only 6m – lower than existing poles. Finally, it was stated that the large Tetra mast at Goonhilly had been placed there due to opposition from all the villages where they tried to site them and everyone was told that they would not need any others as a result.

A member of the public who wished to address the charity car park meeting was given permission to speak in that meeting, following this meeting.

7 To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting

It was RESOLVED that the Chairman sign the minutes of the previous meeting as a true and correct record.

8 To receive the following planning applications

a)  PA12/04129 Addition of two dormer windows, Trenoweth Nurseries, St. Keverne, Mr J Combe

Cllrs R Combe, A & R Richards left the meeting. It was RESOLVED to support the application.

Cllr R Combe r-entered the meeting.

b)  PA12/04248 Installation of 2Nr. 6 metre timber poles each supporting a Yagi antenna with an equipment cabinet at ground level and ancillary development, Land At Polcoverack Farm, Polcoverack Lane, Coverack, Airwave Solutions Ltd

Cllr R Hobson stated that there were a lot of people opposed to the application. It was proposed and seconded not to support the application. On a vote 6 were in favour, with 1 abstention.

Cllrs A & R Richards re-entered the meeting. Cllr D Kevern left the meeting.

c)  PA12/04267 Conversion of Barn to form a dwelling, The Manor Farm, Roskorwell, St. Keverne, Mr John Slade

Cllr A Richards stated that a few years previously there was a planning application for conversion of a barn. Now it looked as though all the farm buildings were being incorporated into the application. Cllr D Lambrick observed that it would be re-utilizing disused stone buildings. It was RESOLVED to support the application.

Cllr D Kevern re-entered the meeting.

d)  PA12/04386 Change of use of existing residential utility building and former barn to holiday let accommodation, Polcoverack Lane, Polcoverack, Coverack, Mr & Mrs T Angel

One section of this would be 2-storey. This had come before Council previously and Council felt the same. It was RESOLVED not to support the application because it was felt to be overdevelopment. 5 were in favour.

9 To receive planning decisions

11.05.2012 PA12/01951 APPROVED

Applicant: Mr M Tylor

Location: Roscrowgey Farm St Keverne Helston Cornwall TR12 6RW

Proposal: Formation of agricultural building

17.05.2012 PA12/01611 APPROVED

Applicant: Mr Martyn Waller

Location: Rutherglen Porthallow St Keverne Helston TR12 6PP

Proposal: Extension of time for the erection of a dwelling decision notice W2/PA09/00040/F dated 17 April 2009

31.05.2012 PA12/04319 Prior approval not req'd (AF/TEL/DEM)

Applicant: Mr Adrian Tripconey

Location: Great Arrowan Farm Arrowan Common Coverack Helston Cornwall

Proposal: Prior notification for the construction of agricultural building to store farmyard manure

10 Matters arising (for information only)

No reply had been received from the Cornwall Council Leader to Council’s request for him to attend a Parish Council meeting. It was RESOLVED that he be chased.

11 To receive Cllr Mrs P Lyne’s report

Cornwall Cllr Mrs P Lyne stated that there was not a lot to report. Everyone had been heavily involved in the Jubilee and it was enjoyed everywhere. Cllr A Richards asked about the proposed stadium. Cllr Mrs P Lyne stated that she did not vote in favour of it because they did not produce a decent business plan, which was needed to get money from elsewhere and she didn’t feel the public should have to pay for it instead. Cllr R Richards observed that the vote was to seek more information but instead the project was turned down. Cllr Mrs P Lyne felt that the time and money could be better spent. Cllr D Lambrick stated that £2m/yr was spent on keeping Newquay airport open, £4m had been spent on the Sita incinerator, which didn’t even have the go ahead yet. Cllr A Richards understood that the children who had been denied places at St Keverne school now had places and a new teacher/class was being brought in. Cllr W Frisken stated that getting hold of planning officers was now very difficult. Cllr Mrs P Lyne agreed and asked members to keep an eye on this sort of thing and report back if the public were having difficulties.

12 To receive report on playing field public meeting

The Chairman stated that only 3 Council members had attended the public meeting, together with 7 members of the public. It was a very important meeting and he was a bit disappointed. However, the members of the public and Committee present felt that they could carry on and give the running of the playing field another go. Cllr A Richards reported that they had held an AGM since then and more people had joined the Committee. This was noted.

13 To discuss auditor report from last meeting – ref VAT on St Keverne car park

This stated that Council was providing a service via the car park and therefore should be paying VAT on the income and requested that Council look into the situation. The Clerk thought Council was registered for VAT and if that was the case then it would have to pay VAT. The other option was to add it to the Coverack car parks charity, then VAT would not have to be paid and rates would be waived. It was agreed that the Clerk find out whether Council was VAT registered. It was RESOLVED to also look into registering the car park as a charity.

14 To receive report on site meeting with Steve Kemp, at Dolor car park, Coverack

The Chairman and Cllr W Frisken had met with Steve Kemp at Dolor car park. Cllr W Frisken felt he seemed very down to earth and got a good handle on what was required. His report into costings was awaited.

15 To discuss regular maintenance of the war memorial – complaint received from visitor

A visitor had complained about the state of the granite sets around the bottom of the war memorial. There were weeds growing out of the cracks in mud and dirt that had been dropped by vehicles parking nearby. The British Legion felt that if the area was swept once in a while it would keep the weeds away. It was agreed that the bus shelter cleaner be approached to see if she could do it occasionally. The Chairman would liaise with her.

16 Next toilets meeting – Tuesday 12th June in the Reading Room at 7pm

The Chairman stated it was important as many members as possible attend this. Cllr D Kevern advised that the developer of the 4 houses in Back Lane had offered to do up the toilets but had received no response from Cornwall Council. The Clerk would pursue this matter.

17 To consider re-quote for street lighting excluding lights that will not be adopted

The Clerk was waiting for confirmation from Cornwall Council that North Corner lane was not adopted, before going for the final quote. Cllr W Frisken said it was not adopted but that the Clerk should pursue that line and have it in writing. Polcoverack Lane should also be investigated. It was noted.

18 To receive feedback on Jubilee celebrations

Cllr D Lambrick thanked everyone as a whole – Cllrs, Committee and helpers – everybody had pulled together. He was really pleased with the enthusiasm in all the villages. There was a £3-4k surplus fund and he asked whether Council would be happy that the Committee distributes the money. He also asked whether Council wanted the £1k back that it had donated initially. He stated that it would be helpful if organizations had ideas of what they wanted done with the surplus money. He felt he would like to see it spent on something visible that would last for many years to come. It was RESOLVED that Cllr D Lambrick had some good ideas and the Committee goes ahead and distributes the funds. Cllr W Frisken stated that Coverack people were pleased to see Cllr D Lambrick there at events. It was also RESOLVED that the Parish Council money should remain with the Committee. Cllr A Richards was gratified to know that the St Piran’s flag was present on the Thames during the flotilla.

19 To receive school governor’s report

Cllr Mrs A Basher – school governor – reported that she was not a governor yet, she had to go through some training first. It was noted.

20 To receive report from Sandys Hoskin

This Committee only held 2 meetings a year in March and November. The Council representatives would report after those meetings. The question was asked as to why it was only Sandys Hoskin charity that a report was required on. Cllr W Frisken suggested that it be added to standing orders that Cllrs on all other committees were to report back after their respective meetings. It was noted.

21 Correspondence

a)  Letter of thanks from Porthoustock Village Hall for 1st 50% precept

This was noted.

b)  Letter of thanks from Churchyards Committee for 1st 50% precept

This was noted.

c)  SSE – maintenance contract – price increase of 4.5% from 1st July 2012

This was noted.

d)  SSE invitation to attend an open evening to discuss maintenance and adoption requirements by Cornwall Council

Council was already doing this.

e)  Porthallow Village Hall Highly Commended in 2012 RICS Buildings in the Community Award

Congratulations were extended to the Hall Committee on this achievement. However, Cllr D Lambrick reported that Porthallow Hall had been receiving complaints about noise from Zumba dancing that took place 6-8pm, so they had stopped running it. This was felt to be disappointing.

f)  Clerks & Councils Direct

Cllr Mrs D Kemp took this to read

22 To receive the financial statement

Current account: £4,344.66 Business tracker account: £35,727.93