Fayston Selectboard Meeting

December 8, 2008

Members Present: Robert Vasseur, Jared Cadwell, Ed Read (arrived 7 p.m.)

Assistant Town Clerk/Selectboard Assistant, Patti Lewis (arrived 7:30 p.m.)

Guests: Atty. Paul Gillies, Stuart Hallstrom, Ben Andrews, Ky Koitszch, Mary O’Leary, Jane Lazorchak, Corey (?), Stellan Wollmar

A regularly scheduled meeting of the Fayston Selectboard was held on December 8, 2008 at the Fayston Municipal Building at 6:30 p.m.

1)  Minutes of the regularly scheduled Selectboard meeting of November 24th, 2008 were approved.

2)  A discussion with Atty. Paul Gillies regarding ancient roads: Gillies has extensive experience in this field. He is prepared and able to take on Fayston’s ancient road research, namely, the Baird in the Bush road/trail in Phin Basin and Sharpshooter’s Road to the Duxbury town line. The Fayston Natural Resource Committee’s recommendation is that the Selectboard proceed with this research. The Selectboard approved the use of the town’s grant monies to pay for Atty. Gillies work. The research shall be completed by July, 2009.

3)  A discussion with Stuart Hallstrom and Ben Andrews of the road crew: Currently, the crew is down one plow truck as the new truck is still being outfitted and delivery is not expected until December 20th or later. In the meantime, Stuart, Ben and Tony (Long) are tag-teaming the two plow/dump trucks and pick-up. Stuart is going to use the ample current supply of diesel from Gillespie and not order more until January, 2009, as a budgetary measure.

4)  Signed excess weight permit for Villieux and Sons Trucking.

5)  The Personnel Policy will be amended to state that “no overtime/holiday pay will be paid to part-time staff.”

6)  Selectboard asked P. Lewis to inquire to VLCT about town lister residence/citizenship qualifications for elected and appointed positions.

7)  Other business:

The Selectboard and Natural Resource Committee discussed the NRC request for monies in 2009 to cover signage for interpretive and boundary purposes and for field trip costs at the Chase Brook Parcel – for the amount of $1,000. The Selectboard agreed to make this a line item in the 2009 budget.

8)  Meeting adjourned, 8:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jared Cadwell