Information for Visit and Observation at Holy Family of NazarethCatholicSchool
- Before you leave UD, be sure that you have the following:
- Instructions/procedure sheet for the specific conservation task you will use
- HFN Data Collection Instrument for recording information
- Equipment/supplies for your specific task (water bottles, cups, paper, blocks, play dough, pennies, shapes– whatever)
- Directions to HFN
- Arrangements for a ride to and from the school with specific plans for meeting back at the front of the school at a specific time that accommodates your class schedule
- At HFN, wait until I arrive and announce our arrival to the HFN Office Staff
- Once you are given instructions to begin, you will enter the cafeteria (across from the main office of the school), introduce yourself to a child, and then proceed with the given procedure. It would be nice to “isolate” a given child for the procedures – and you may attempt to do so if there is space at the table where the children are eating lunch. However, it is likely that you will conduct the tasks with other children watching. That’s OK – just indicate such information on the data collection sheet.
- Since you are working in pairs, it might be nice to take turns with the jobs involved. One person can record data while the other is interacting with the child – and vice versa.
- Keep an eye on the clock. Everyone must leave HFN no later than 11:50 a.m. Students who have a 12 class may leave at 11:45 a.m.
- As you are getting ready to leave UD – MAKE SURE that the same people you came with are leaving with you. If car pooling plans change while at HFN, let me know!!
- IMPORTANT: Use the information collected on the data sheet in conjunction with information in the Crain text and the Piaget handout to write the observation for your Observation Journal. You must have the HFN Data Collection Instrument to turn in with your observation. It is acceptable for those working in partnership to make sufficient copies of the Data Collection Instrument so that all members of the group have a copy. Each student is required to submit his/her own observation.
- HFN OBSERVATION is due by the Midterm Turn-In Date (See online calendar).
Good luck and have fun!
Directions to Holy Family of NazarethSchool from the University of Dallas:
Take Hwy 183 West [towards the airport]. Exit Esters Road. [Esters Road is one exit past Beltline where IrvingMall is located.] Turn right on Esters Road. Holy Family is one block south on the right. You may be able to turn directly into HFN from Esters if the gate that secures the parking lot is open. However, you will probably need to go down to Rainier St. [the first traffic light], and turn right onto Rainier. Go down Rainier to the first stop sign [Cheyenne Street]. Turn right on Cheyenne and then turn right into the HFN drive.
At Holy Family, BE SURE to sign in as a visitor at the School Office.