Board Training Workbook



We believe these Board resources and training modules could potentially change our ministry. Why such a big statement? Too many areas are not mobilizing and maximizing theirBoards. FCA desires to see fully engaged Board members at every level to strengthen the ministry. We must focus on equipping our most significant volunteers—the Board members.

The key to this training is making sure that Board members understand their role, expectations and responsibilities, as well as the purpose of the Board. At the core of this training is this simple concept: the leadership capacity of the ministry is increased because of Boards. We want Board members to step in and help lead the ministry. As you prepare to lead your Board Training, here are some things to consider:


This training was developed for four hours of training. You could fit it into two hours or extend it into a full 8-hour day. You will have to add ministry planning for the year into this training module if you want to extend it beyond four hours of training. The four hours will give you enough time for discussion, breakouts, videos, small group discussion, and questions.


You will need to get a good room with preferably round tables to allow interaction. Provide food and refreshments. Get a good projector and speakers for videos. Do not rely on your computer speakers.


There are five Board resources for you to utilize: (1) Leadership Board Manual, (2) Chairman Handbook, (3) Leadership Board Workbook, (4) PowerPoint Training, and (5) Staff Notes. You should provide a Board Training Workbook and Leadership Board Manual for each Board member going through the training. Also, provide your Board Chairman with the Chairman Handbook. The Staff Notes and Board Training PowerPoint will help guide you.


Be careful not to present or speak too much. This training is designed for self-discovery, group interaction and experiential learning. Spend time pulling your material together. Utilize scripture and personal examples to highlight points. Ahead of time, ask certain members to be involved in the training. Peer influence is critical. There is flexibility on how you present the content, but not when it comes to the content. Make sure you at least train on the enclosed material. If you want to add some additional content, then you can.

Enjoy the training. Have fun investing in the men and women who desire to see the world impacted for Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes. – The FCA Executive Team

Welcome and Introduction

Training Points for this section:

Plan 15-30 minutes for this section.

You can open with a 10-15 minute devotional on Leadership – an excellent opportunity to get a Board member to lead.

Communicate how thankful you are for them.

SLIDE 1: Board Training for Board Members


(Workbook Page 1 Intro)

The “win” is to EQUIP Board Members.

We are training hundreds of Boards around the country to increase the effectiveness of local ministry.

Our desire is tohave a fully-engaged Board that knows what is expected of them, and this will multiply ministry!

  • The goal is expand their vision and narrow their focus so that they can become more impactful as Board Members.


(Workbook Page 1 Intro)

Board Training Goals:

CLARIFY the role of the Board

INCREASE the leadership

UNIFYour efforts

A good teambuilder is have the members take two minutes by themselves and have them come up with an object that best describes FCA. If you could describe FCA as an object, what object would you pick? When they are done, have them share as a group. Now share with them that a great object to describe FCA would be a battleship. Here is why we think so. Then show the video.

SLIDE 4:VIDEO: Show the Cruise Ship vs. Battleship Video. (4 minutes)

SLIDE 5:What stood out to you in the video?

Get a couple of them to share an insight or thought from the video with the group.


(Workbook Page 1 Intro)

3 Training Guidelines:


  • Ask them to be fully present. Make the most of the time.

2. Be OPEN

  • Ask them to be open to learn regardless of how long they have been involved in ministry.


  • When sharing, have them be brief and to the point. Lots of ground to cover!

The Vision, Mission and Values

(Workbook Page 1 Vision, Mission, Values and Ministries)

Training Points for this section:

  • Plan on 20-30 minutes for this section. Lead with the Wildly Important Goals video. This is a creative way to show that people are not on the same Page. What is the FCA Way? Is there clarity and unity as we share about FCA?
  • Show the new Presentation Video to paint the picture.
  • As you share and they discuss the vision, mission and values, it is important that they have clarity on what FCA is.

SLIDE 7:VIDEO: Show the Wildly Important Goals Video to start this section (5 minutes).

SLIDE 8: What stood out to you in the video?

The line - faster, cheaper, better.Why is it important to be clear on purpose? What is the FCA Way? What is our faster, cheaper, better statement?

SLIDE 9: The FCA WAY – Vision, Mission, Values, Ministries

SLIDE 10VIDEO: Show the FCA Presentation Video (5 minutes).

This sets up the discussion of FCA’s vision, mission and values.


(Workbook Page 1 Vision, Mission, Values and Ministries)

FCA Vision: To see the world impacted for Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.

Read the vision out loud. Have them share what this statement means to them personally. What pops out? What resonates with them? Remind them that vision is a picture of the future that produces passion.

SLIDE 12:Mission: To present to coaches and athletes and all whom they influence the challenge and adventure of receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, serving Him in their relationships and in the fellowship of the church.

Mission is our purpose. How we are going to reach our vision. Have them circle the three most important words to them. Have them discuss in small groups (of two or three) what words they picked. Then share as a whole group what they thought.

SLIDE 13:Values: Integrity, Serving, Teamwork, Excellence

These aren’t what we want to be, but how we are. Core Values are road rules: how we treat one another as we do ministry. Discuss how these values can impact the FCA ministry and shape the culture. How are we doing with our core values?


(Workbook Page 1 Ministries)

Ministries: We highlight the “win” for each ministry. These are our methods of ministry. Read each “win” out loud.

COACHES: The “win” is to see coaches be authentic disciples of Jesus Christ that is reflectedin their character, their coaching and their relationships.

CAMPUS: The “win” is to see campuses impacted for Jesus Christ through the influence ofcoaches and athletes.

CAMP:The “win” is to provide athletes and coaches the opportunity to reach their

God-given potential by offering athletic, spiritual and leadership training in acamp environment.

COMMUNITY: The “win” is to see coaches and athletes reached for Jesus Christ in off-campussports programs.

The History

(Workbook, Page 2 The History)

Training Points for this section:

  • Plan on 15-20 minutes for this section. Lead with the Don McClanen video.
  • Get responses from people on Don’s words.
  • We are invited to participate in FCA ,as Don says, “God’s amazing, miraculous dream.”
  • God has been growing FCA over the years. We are experiencing record growth each year!
  • Remind them of their responsibilities.

SLIDE 15:VIDEO: Show the Don McClanen video (5 minutes).

In 1954 FCA was founded by Don McClanen. What characteristics stand out from his video? Write down the thoughts on a flip chart. What themes are there? (community, perseverance, sacrifice, influence, Christ-centered, cross, etc.)


(Workbook, Page 2 The History)

Don’t ever FORGETwhere we have come from.

The men and women who have gone before us are the FCA FORERUNNERS.

SLIDE 17:FCA is the ministry TODAY, because of the servants who have gone before us. FCA will be the ministry TOMORROW, because of your faithfulness today.

SLIDE 18:1956

  • First FCA Camp at Estes Park, Colorado, 256 athletes attended.
  • Revenue of $35,480

SLIDE 19:1996

  • Camps/Campers: 50/13,203
  • Campuses: 5,944
  • Staff: 362
  • Revenue: $26 Million

SLIDE 20:2013

  • Camps/Campers: 429/59,752
  • Campuses: 8,929
  • Staff: 1,119
  • Revenue: $85 Million

SLIDE 21:VIDEO: Show Impact video; it shows ministry impact.

Have them share their thoughts on the video. Reflect on the impact.


(Workbook Page 2)

Our envisioned future is going to take:

  • Staff who are CALLED - Assignment from God, not a job
  • Leadership Boards who are COMMITTED – care about the community

SLIDE 23: Reminder:

  • PURSUEthe vision
  • PROTECTthe mission
  • REFLECTthe values
  • RESPECTour history
  • REPRESENTHim well

The Principle

(Workbook Page 3)

Training Points for this section:

  • Plan on 10 minutes for this section.
  • Have them discuss the importance of vision in their groups of three. Have them come up with Biblical examples of men and women who had vision in their eyes.


(Workbook Page 3)

One person with VISION in their eyes can multiply and change the world.

SLIDE 25: What are some Biblical examples?

The disciples, Moses, Nehemiah, Caleb and Joshua, Joseph.

The Challenge

(Workbook Page 3)

Training Points for this section:

  • Plan on 10 minutes for this section.
  • Work through each point. Allow two minutes for each point.

SLIDE 26:Hey FCA staff, why don’t you have a Leadership Board?

  1. My Leadership Board is more of a BURDEN than a BLESSING.
  2. I just want to do MINISTRY.


  1. FCA wants Board Members to take OWNERSHIP and use their influence, but sometimes they can TAKE OVER.
  2. The best potential Board Members DON’T HAVE TIME.
  3. Board Members can run their own businesses, but they can’t REMEMBER when the next Board meeting is!

SLIDE 28:Special Note:

You are a good FCA staff member, but you are not that GOOD to do it alone.

The Opportunity(Workbook Page 3)

Training Points for this section:

  • Plan on 10 minutes for this section.
  • We look at these as opportunities, not problems. This is why FCA is needed!


  • Over 68,000 campuses (7-12 grade)
  • 23 million students
  • 99.5% will go through the portal of local campuses
  • Nearly 8 of 10 will indicate decisions for Christ before high school graduation


  • 57.3 million youth under the age of 18 participated in organized sports programs (Coaching Report/ The State of Coaching in the U.S. 2008)
  • 7.3 million of the 57.3 million are in interscholastic sports
  • 50 million play sports outside of school

Additional stats you can share (

  • More than 10 million current drinkers in the United States are between the ages of 12-20. Of these young drinkers, 20% engage in binge drinking and 6% are heavy drinkers.
  • On average, young people begin drinking at 13.1 years of age.
  • By the time they are high school seniors, more than 80% have used alcohol and approximately 62% have been drunk.
  • Alcohol is a factor in the four leading causes of death among persons ages 10 to 24: (1) motor-vehicle crashes, (2) unintentional injuries, (3) homicide and (4) suicide.
  • The U.S. has the highest rates of teen pregnancy, birth and abortion in the industrialized world (Singh, S., & Darroch, J.E. (2000). Adolescent pregnancy and childbearing: Levels and trends in developed countries. Family Planning

Why Are Boards Needed?

Training Points for this section:

  • Plan on 10-15 minutes for this section.
  • Let them take 3-5 minutes on their own to come up with their reasons. Then have them discuss their answers in groups of three. Have them each group present a consolidated top three. Capture them on a flip chart. See which reasons were the same.

SLIDE 31:Why are Boards Needed?

Take 5 minutes and write down four reasons why a Board is needed.

SLIDE 32:You can’t accomplish our vision without a TEAM.

The Board Member Mindset

(Workbook Page 4)

Training Points for this section:

  • Plan on 10-15 minutes for this section.
  • Help them understand the difference of “on” and “in” the ministry. You could have them share some examples of each.

SLIDE 33:Board Members need to move their focus of time and energy from MANAGING the ministry to LEADING the ministry.

SLIDE 34:Work INthe ministry vs. Work ON the ministry

  • DOING(In the Trenches) > DEVELOPING (Strategic Development)
  • MAINTAINING (Incremental Growth) > MULTIPLYING (Exponential Growth)

Leadership Capacity

(Workbook Page 5)

Training Points for this section:

  • Plan on 15 minutes for this section.
  • Spend some time on the graph. This is key. We are volunteer-intensive ministry (one of our ministry distinctives). We give the ministry away by equipping volunteers. Ministry doesn’t happen when staff show up, but when we leave, as a result of people being trained and empowered.



FCA is a VOLUNTEER intensive ministry.

FCA staff love giving AWAY the ministry.

Ministry Multiplication is impossible without a FULLY – ENGAGED Board!

Rate Your Board

(Workbook Page 5)

Training Points for this section:

  • Plan on 3-5 minutes for this section.
  • After rating their Board, you can capture their responses on a flip chart.

This is a personal evaluation to rate their Board.


Take 60 seconds and rate your Board on these six areas:

1.Do you have a board chairman? YESNO

2.Does your board meet regularly? YESNO

3.Are your meetings scheduled in advance? YESNO

4.Do you have at least 6 members? YESNO

5.Do all your board members give financially? YESNO

6.Do you have board objectives? YESNO

Let’s Evaluate

(Workbook Page 6)

Training Points for this section:

  • Plan on 15 minutes for this section.
  • Give them a few minutes to determine if their Board is a blessing or burden, and then have them break into the same groups of 2-3 and discuss. Also, they can answer the three questions in their groups.



Why is your Board a Burden or Blessing?

What can you do to make it a Blessing?

Leadership Board Member Check Up

(Workbook Page 6)

Training Points for this section:

  • Plan on 5-10 minutes for this section.
  • Let them work through questions on their own.
  • This is a 12-Point Leadership Board Member Check Up. Rate yourself on each area (1-10, with 10 being the best):

SLIDE 40:Leadership Board Check Up

Take 5 minutes and rate yourself.

Board Focus

(Workbook Page 7)

Training Points for this section:

  • Plan on 5-10 minutes for this section.
  • You can provide examples for each area.


(Workbook Page 7)

Expectations of a Board Member

(Workbook Page 8)

Training Points for this section:

  • Plan on 15-30 minutes for this section.
  • Explain each one, and then have the Board develop onegoal for each one. This will create ownership around each expectation. This can be developed through getting consensus from the members. You can take more time if needed.

SLIDE 42:Expectations of Members:

  • PRAY
  • GIVE

The 4 W’s of an FCA Board

(Workbook Page 9 & 10)

Training Points for this section:

  • Plan on 20-40 minutes for this section. It will depend on how much time you spend unpacking each “W.” You can spend five or ten minutes on each one to dig in and utilize scripture if you want.
  • It’s important to know that a great Board member doesn’t have all 4 “W’s” at full strength. Hopefully, each Board member can really step up with two of the four and support the other 2. This helps them clearly know how they can make an impact.


Board members need to spend their timeEXPLORING, DEBATINGand REFININGFCA … with impassioned discussion about maximizing the opportunities and implementing the necessary changes.





Excellent Boards

(Workbook Page 11)Training Points for this section:

  • Plan on 15 minutes for this section.
  • Highlight the areas you feel need to be emphasized.
  • What makes a great Leadership Board?You should focus on these things:


  1. EXCELorganizationally.

(See points in workbook Page 11)

  1. EVALUATEannually.
  2. ENGAGE spiritually.
  3. EXECUTEthe plan.
  4. EMBRACE your role.

SLIDE 45: MOVIE CLIP ROBIN HOOD - Robin speaks out against the King and the way that he rules his kingdom. He says, “Empower every man!” The Board purpose is to empower every Board Member to multiply ministry!

Board Purpose

(Workbook Page 12)

Training Points for this section:

  • Plan on 10 minutes for this section.
  • This summarizes the Board purpose and Chairman responsibilities.
  • You can ask for insight and input from members.
  • Spend time reading through the purpose of Board and responsibilities of the Chairman.


The Board purpose is to INCREASE leadership capacity and MULTIPLY ministry.

Leadership Board Structure

(Workbook Page 13)

Training Points for this section: