- DATE: March 16-17 2018
- TIMES: Leave Our Savior at 5:45pm, Arrive at Our Savior 5:00pm.
- COST: $55.00 per student
Adult Chaperones Free
- INCLUDES: S’mores Friday night,breakfast and lunch on Saturday
- Presenters: Pastor B.J. Fouts, Pastor Chris Asbury, DCE Matt Wingert,
DCE Christine Ekberg,and April Laskowski
Visit camps website for more information
Contact Christine Ekberg for more information
Sign up by February 15th!!!!
Our Savior 2018 Confirmation Retreat Commitment Form
Motivated by God’s love for me, I, ______, commit to exploring, sharing, and growing in my faith this year. As a part of the Our Savior Lutheran Confirmation I plan to attend the confirmation retreat March 16-17 2018.
Parent Youth
______I understand the spiritual, financial, and personal conduct expectations that are a part of this trip. I also understand this deposit is non-refundable. If an unavoidable circumstance causes me to not attend the retreat, I know that I will not be refunded any payments made toward the trip and will not be held responsible for any remaining payments.
______throughout this experience we will be intentional about sharing God’s love with others through both our actions and our words. I will build relationships with fellow youth, serve my peers, and strengthen our youth group by being actively involved in worship, confirmation and Transform 3:18 before and after.
______It is the work of many people to coordinate and prepare for this retreat. I will do my part by committing to this retreat and obeying the guidelines of Camp Luther and Transform 3:18 ministries.
With my signature affixed below, I hereby give permission for my child, ______, to attend the 2018 Confirmation Retreat. This signed agreement hereby absolves the volunteer sponsors, Our Savior, the church staff, Camp Luther and any and all members of its governing boards of any responsibility for the safety, welfare, health, and well-being for the above mentioned child beyond such matters as may be called reasonable care for youth in the care of a sponsor, and subject to the sponsor’s clear instructions. The undersigned also assumes, personally and exclusively, all responsibility and liability for accident, injury, or other misfortune which may occur to the above-named child during the time of this activity.
My child agrees to behave responsibly according to the laws of the State, the rules of Our Savior Lutheran Church and the reasonable expectations of the adult sponsors.
I also affirm that my child has the following items up to date and on file at Our Savior Lutheran Church:
- Emergency Medical Release From and Insurance Card (check in the church office for information)
- _____ Youth Shirt size (Adult S, M, L, XL)
$20 deposit due at registration February 15th, remaining $40 due by March 10th.
$20 deposit – check # ______or Cash $____
OR If you choose to use any und from your youth account, contact Christine no later than March 1st.
$40 payment– check # ______or Cash $____ OR youth account $_____
- Total amount can be paid at any time!!
Youth Signature Date
Parent Signature Date