ROOM NUMBER: _____ PERIOD: _____
Dear Students and Parents,
Please take the time to read the following important information pertaining to this class. Please keep this information for future reference. This course’s information, assignments, announcements, will be posted on my webpage at
1. Materials
Textbook: Algebra 2. Please keep in mind that YOU are responsible for the book assigned to you at the beginning of the year. If you do not have that book to return in June, you will be charged for that book. Your name and year used must be printed inside the cover of the textbook. Resources and online textbook can be accessed at
Binder with loose-leaf paper and/or notebook.
Pencils – no pens. Homework assignments, quizzes, tests or assessments are to be taken in pencil. Corrections and amendments are common in mathematics and problem solving, which is why it is important to be able to make those corrections easily.
Student Agenda – Any and all homework assignments and assessments should be recorded in the student agenda.
Calculator- Any version of the TI-83 or TI-84 or TI-nSpire calculator is required and is used in and out of class. Also, TI-73 is acceptable, but the course will revolve around the TI-83 & 84.
2. Classroom Policies
Students should come to class each day prepared to work. This means each student should have with him/her the materials listed above.
When the bell rings, students should be in their assigned seats ready to begin class. Check the board for possible warm-up activity.
Cooperation and respect for each other is expected at all times.
All rules in the student code of conduct section of the student agenda will be strictly enforced.
Participation is important and will be considered when determining quarter grades.
Cheating, in any form, will not be tolerated. Student will automatically receive a zero for any assignment when cheating is apparent, and further disciplinary action may follow. See the student code of conduct for more details.
Electronics, phones/music, should not be out during the lesson, unless given teacher permission. While working on assignments, students may be permitted to listen to music as long as it is not disrupting anyone else. If I can hear it, it’s too loud and you will be asked to turn it down or off.
3. Homework
Homework is given almost every night to review the day’s lesson. Homework assignments are to be dated and done in the binder, unless told otherwise. Major emphasis is placed on homework for this course. This is the student’s opportunity to determine whether the material is understood. Homework will be reviewed in class. Ample time is provided for questions. If absent, homework must be made up within a reasonable time period. Occasionally, assignments will be done on loose-leaf paper and handed in. They will be factored into an overall homework grade.
4. Absences
Students are responsible for getting notes and missed assignments. Please do not expect me to take class time to give out missed assignments or go over missed material. See me any time during the day; I am located in room 216 in the morning and 111 in the afternoon.
5. Extra Help
If you are having difficulty, please seek extra help. I am available before or after school or during any free period. Do not wait until a day of a test for extra assistance!
6. Testing
Announced tests and quizzes are given periodically. Quizzes will be given with a day’s notice, while tests are given with several days’ notice. If you are absent when a quiz or test was announced, the quiz or test can be made up when you come back. A quarterly assessment/project will be given at the end of each quarter. This assessment will come in the form of a project and will count as a major grade.
7. Grading
Tests/Assessments: 2 – 3 major tests will be given each quarter. Each will be worth 60-100 points, optional extra credit.
Quizzes: Quizzes will be given occasionally. Point value up to 60.
Homework: Each homework is worth 5-10+ points, unless stated otherwise in class
Quarterly Assessment: test or project - TBA. Point value varies.
Class Grade: based on preparation for class, class participation, classroom behavior, cooperation, and organization
You will have 4 or 5 grades at the end of each quarter. At least 3 of them will be major tests/assessments and the other will be a test grade made up of your total homework points and quiz points. Quarter average is determined by taking the total points earned divided by the total number of grades.