Meeting Minutes--February 13, 2013

Present: Jim Henson (President), Keren Carter (Treasurer), Janet Leslie (Secretary), Craig Wilcox (Web-keeper and substitute secretary), Jim Anderson, Walter Ballin, John Berger, Richard Burrill, Michelle Curran, Kim Felix, Krista Gray, Betty Hannis, Vince Haynie, Molly Heck,Charney Herst, Jesse Kearns, Tom Kelem, Christ Moore-Backman, Jessie Olson, Jim Peck, Rosie Potestio, Terre Reynolds, Ted Sandberg, Peg Schultz-Akerson, Loretta Steinke, Bill Such, and Tara Sullivan-Hames.

Opening Focus: The person who was to offer this was not present, so we simply shared a moment of silent prayer.

Minutes: The 1/9/2013 meeting minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Keren Carter, Treasurer, reported reimbursing Craig Wilcox $39.95 for renewal of the CAIC website account, It was moved, seconded and approved that we authorize this payment. Bank balances as of 1/9/2013 were $9,395.16 in checking and $1859.71 in savings (campus ministry fund). [Attachment#1]

Introductions and brief announcements:

  • Free online directory of low cost and no cost health and human service for Butte County, Go to or contact Tara Sullivan-Hames (530-592-8493)
  • Religious Diversity Association at CSUC is a new group on campus that we heard from last fall--they ask our help in letting students in our congregations know about this effort to build bridges across lines of religious difference. [Attachment #2]
  • Ecumenical Lenten Series each Wednesday 2/20-3/20 at 7 pm after a soup supper at 6 pm, at Faith Lutheran Church, with presenters from various churches. An ecumenical Good Friday service is planned for 3/29 at noon at Trinity United Methodist Church [Attachment #3]
  • Human Trafficking presentation by Chico Soroptimists 2/27/2013, noon-1:30 pm, at Elks Lodge with lunch buffer. Tickets $20, more information at
  • Suicide Prevention Summit 3/1/2013 at Butte College—see under Stonewall report.
  • Interfaith Choir Festival 3/3/2013 at 7 pm at the Latter Day Saints church on Mariposa Avenue. To know more, contact Kim Felix (891-1389, ).
  • Yuval Ron Ensemble concert3/9/2013 at CSUC Laxson Auditorium at 7:30 pm. Also events at Congregation Beth Israel on 3/8. For more information, contact
  • CROP Walk Sunday 4/28/2013 at 1:30 pm, starting and ending at First Baptist Church on Palmetto. Congregations are encouraged to join in this effort to “end hunger one step at a time”. Local organizations to receive funds are Jesus Center, Torres Community Shelter, and Community Food Locker. Packets, posters, CDs, etc. available from Jesse Kearns (First Christian Church, 343-3727). More information also at

Discussion Items:

  • Love Chapmantown Coalition and Mormon Helping Hands community service project: Kim Felix presented this project (in which hundreds of volunteers will paint, weed, garden, pick up trash, and make repairs in Chapmantown on April 27th) and proposed that the Interfaith Council donate $2000 for materials. Discussion followed. It was noted that our Interfaith Council has occasionally made small contributions for speakers or other events, but in general uses dues money for Interfaith Council projects. Our policy is that requests for funding come to two regular meetings of the council, with any decision not made until the second meeting. It was suggested that we take this back to our home congregations and organizations, and it was moved and seconded that we bring the funding request back to our meeting March 13th.[Attachment #4]
  • Reading Partners: Michelle Anderson Curran, Chico Stewardship Network, presented this program that matches volunteers with young readers to help children read. Orientation, in-school training, and easy-to-follow curriculum equips volunteers to work one-to-one with a student to make a huge difference in his/her life and school success. To know more, contact Michelle, volunteer coordinator (530-570-5570 or ) or go to
  • Internet services recommendation: Craig Wilcox, CAIC web-keeper and alternate secretary, has renewed our website domain for one year for $39.95, and recommends purchasing the domain for 10 years for $249.90, for a significant savings. It was moved and seconded that we make this purchase. This will be brought back for a decision at our 3/13/2013 meeting.

Speaker: Chris Moore-Backman, Director, Chico Peace and Justice Center--Chris read excerpts from “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness”, Michelle Alexander’s new book, and from the accompanying study guide. He noted that the US, with 5% of the world’s population, has 25% of the world’s prisoners, and that incarceration rates since the onset of the “War on Drugs” have been hugely skewed towards imprisoning Black people, in spite of drug usage being roughly equal between ethnic groups. Chico Peace and Justice Center is joining in the effort to “bring down the New Jim Crow” by promoting a radio documentary series, offering the study guide at no cost to reading groups, congregations, etc, and supporting others working to end mass incarceration. He called on faith communities to join in this work.


  • Catalyst—Molly Heck: “Giving Threefold” is an opportunity offered by Catalyst, Torres Shelter, and Jesus Center for congregations to sign up to make a donation one month of small items to the three community shelters. A calendar was provided for signing up. For more information or to sign up, contact Molly Heck (). [Attachment #5]
  • Chico Community Shelter Partnership--Krista Gray invited congregations to an open house 4/27 at 11 am at the Torres Shelter .
  • Fellowship of Reconciliation and Human Relations Network—no report
  • Homeless Task Force—Ted Sandberg shared the need for volunteers to enter data from the Butte County Homeless Survey conducted 1/31/2013 so that follow-up can take place.
  • Jesus Center--Bill Such expressed concerns about anti-panhandling and other punitive action proposals, and the need to balance business owners’ needs and other community goals.
  • Stonewall Alliance—Tom Kelem: Suicide Prevention Summit 3/1/2013 at Butte College. This free conference will run 8:30 am – 4:30 pm with breakout sessions with goals of education, outreach, community collaboration, etc. More information and registration, call 530-879-6185 or email or go to [Attachment #6]

Next Meeting: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 (11:45 am – 1 pm)

Opening Focus: Walter Ballin. Chico Havurah and Human Relations Network;

For items March agenda items, please contact Jim Henson()