AMP@Work How much is enough (HMIE)? Calculator; Version 3.1.4 Completed on: 10/07/2006

A. The following changes relates to the content of the default.htm file.

1. / No changes

B. The following changes relates to the content of the disclaimer.htm file.

1. / Replace the following block:
Revision: 3.1.3a
Author: Miles Glisovic
Modtime: 26/09/05
Revision: 3.1.4
Author: Miles Glisovic
Modtime: 10/07/06
2. / Replace the following block:
Your retirement income increases each year with inflation at a rate of 2.5% pa. This rate have been based on historical and expected future rates and is the mid-point of the RBA target range for inflation. The actual rate of inflation may differ from this assumption.
Your retirement income increases each year with inflation at a rate of 2.5% pa. This rate has been based on historical and expected future rates and is the mid-point of the RBA target range for inflation. The actual rate of inflation may differ from this assumption.
3. / Replace the following block:
Employer contributions are calculated to not be less than the minimum amount you are entitled to under Superannuation Guarantee Legislation and are subject to 15% contributions tax but has not been limited to the maximum SG contribution base of $134,880 pa for 2005/06.
Employer contributions are calculated to not be less than the minimum amount you are entitled to under Superannuation Guarantee Legislation and are subject to 15% contributions tax but has not been limited to the maximum SG contribution base of $140,960 pa for 2006/07.
4. / Replace the following block:
Total superannuation benefits are assumed to be paid as a lump sum, and the calculator does not take into account any tax payable on those superannuation benefits that exceed the relevant Reasonable Benefit Limits.
Total superannuation benefits are assumed to be paid as a lump sum, and the calculator does not take into account any tax payable on those superannuation benefits that exceed the relevant Reasonable Benefit Limits. Recent government proposals means that from 1 July 2007 RBLs will be abolished.

C. The following changes relates to the content of the calculator.htm file.

1. / Replace the following block:
Revision: 3.1.3c
Author: Miles Glisovic
Modtime: 18/10/05
Revision: 3.1.4
Author: Miles Glisovic
Modtime: 10/07/06
2. / Replace the following block:

A.LNmg1 { COLOR: #005596; }


A.LNmg1 { COLOR: #005596; }

.red1 {COLOR: #ff0000 }
3. / Replace the following block:
<DIV ID="divPBar" align=center>
<TABLE border="0" cellpadding="0" BGCOLOR="white">
<applet CODE="AMPProgressBar.class" WIDTH="474" HEIGHT="21" NAME="progress">
<PARAM NAME=BARTEXT VALUE="Downloading calculator, please wait ...">
<DIV ID="divPBar" align=center>
<TABLE border="0" cellpadding="0" BGCOLOR="white">
<TD class="red1">
<applet CODE="AMPProgressBar.class" WIDTH="474" HEIGHT="21" NAME="progress">
<PARAM NAME=BARTEXT VALUE="Downloading calculator, please wait ...">
<BR<P class="red1" STYLE="margin: 50px">This calculator requires the Java Runtime Environment or JVM to be installed in your browser. It appears that you either have not enabled Java in your browser or it has not been installed. Please contact your system administrator for more information about Java or visit <A target='_blank' class='red1' href=""></A</P<BR>
4. / Replace the following block:
Your retirement income increases each year with inflation at a rate of 2.5% pa. This rate have been based on historical and expected future rates and is the mid-point of the RBA target range for inflation. The actual rate of inflation may differ from this assumption.
Your retirement income increases each year with inflation at a rate of 2.5% pa. This rate has been based on historical and expected future rates and is the mid-point of the RBA target range for inflation. The actual rate of inflation may differ from this assumption.
5. / Replace the following block:
Employer contributions are calculated to not be less than the minimum amount you are entitled to under Superannuation Guarantee Legislation and are subject to 15% contributions tax but has not been limited to the maximum SG contribution base of $134,880 pa for 2005/06.
Employer contributions are calculated to not be less than the minimum amount you are entitled to under Superannuation Guarantee Legislation and are subject to 15% contributions tax but has not been limited to the maximum SG contribution base of $140,960 pa for 2006/07.
6. / Replace the following block:
Total superannuation benefits are assumed to be paid as a lump sum, and the calculator does not take into account any tax payable on those superannuation benefits that exceed the relevant Reasonable Benefit Limits.
Total superannuation benefits are assumed to be paid as a lump sum, and the calculator does not take into account any tax payable on those superannuation benefits that exceed the relevant Reasonable Benefit Limits. Recent government proposals means that from 1 July 2007 RBLs will be abolished.

D. The existing file amp_lesr.jar needs to be replaced with a new file from the AMP HMIE PRODUCTION 3.1.4 directory (

Note: The main PRODUCTION page contains a link to the corresponding ZIP file as well (version 3.1.4). This ZIP file contains all necessary files to be used (in un-zipped form) in case the client wants to burn a CD and distribute the HMIE Version 3.1.4 calculator (to be run locally, from a CD-ROM drive, by double-clicking on default.htm file).