Draft Whitchurch Down

Management Plan

2010 – 2015

Prepared By

Tavistock Town Council




2.1: General Information

2.1.1: Location & site boundaries

2.1.2: Tenure

2.1.3: Management/organisational infrastructure

2.1.4: Site infrastructure

2.1.5: Map coverage

2.1.6: Photographic coverage

2.1.7: Zones or compartments

2.2: Environmental information

2.2.1: Physical

2.2.2: Biological Habitats/communities Flora Fauna

2.2.3: Cultural Archaeology Past land use Present land use Past management for nature conservation Present legal status of the site

2.3: Current public use & interest

2.3.1: Public interest/relationship with local communities

2.3.2: Access & tourism

2.3.3: Current interpretation provisions

2.3.4: Current educational use

2.3.5: Current research use & facilities


3.1: Identification/confirmation of other focus points of plan


FEATURE 1 Heathland

FEATURE 2 Access Interpretation and Recreation

FEATURE 3 Funding

FEATURE 4 Legal and other obligations

Monitor and Review




Whitchurch Down

Executive Summary

Whitchurch Down is located to the West of the town of Tavistock and in total covers over 460 Acres. The land is owned and managed by Tavistock Town Council.

This total area can be subdivided into land directly maintained by Tavistock Town Council (250 acres), land leased to The Trustees of Tavistock Golf Club (225 acres) and maintained by the golf club under the terms of their lease, and land leased to the Trustees of Tavistock Cricket Club (8 acres) maintained under the terms of their lease. Under the terms of both leases,no works of any kind can occur on any part of the leased land without the landlords’ agreement. The site is popular with both local and visiting public and a number of rights of way and car parks are managed and maintained by the Town Council.

In addition to this, 335 acres are within the boundary of Dartmoor National Park. Common Land within designated National Park boundaries comes under further restrictions under the local byelaws set down by the National Park Authority.

As Registered Common Land Whitchurch Down is subject to rights of access on foot and on horseback under Section 193 of the Law of Property Act 1925 and the Commons Act 2006.In addition to this, 335 acres of Whitchurch Down are within the boundary of Dartmoor National Park. Common Land within designated National Park boundaries come under further restrictions under the local byelaws set down by the National Park Authority and this land would additionally need to comply with the Dartmoor Commons Act 1985. Whitchurch Down is actively grazed under rites in common; this grazing is overseen by the Whitchurch Commoners Association who are in turn regulated by the Dartmoor Commoners Council as required under the Dartmoor Commons Act 1985 for the land within the National Park Boundary.

On the North side of Whitchurch Down there is an area that has been designated as an SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest). This designation (from Natural England) puts heavy restrictions on any work carried out on and sometimes near this area.

It is therefore essential that Tavistock Town Council play a lead role in protecting and shaping the future of Whitchurch Down and recognise the importance of the area for the local community, the many varied recreational uses, the rights of the commoners and the intrinsic value of the natural habitat that it provides.

To that end, It is proposed to put forward a 10 year management plan for Whitchurch Down that will set out a regular maintenance schedule of tasks that need to be carried out to protect the current nature of the site whilst ensuring that all of the users of Whitchurch Down can enjoy their respective activities unhindered.

Whilst drawing up this management plan the following factors will be taken into consideration:

  1. requirements of relevant legislation
  2. conservation of the natural lowland heath habitat
  3. the needs and expectations of all users of Whitchurch Down
  4. available resources, both financial and practical


2.1: General Information

  • Site of Special Scientific Interest on part of site
  • Majority of Site within Dartmoor National Park
  • Registered Common Land

2.1.1: Location & site boundaries

Grid Ref: SX 502 737 GB (Central Grid Reference)

A site boundary map with central grid reference is attached

2.1.2: Tenure

The management plan is not a legal document. Reference to the title deedsand tenure documents must be made before taking any decision or actionwhich may have legal implications. These documents are held by Tavistock Town Council, and The Land Registry However a summary is given below:

The Entire of Whitchurch Down is owned by

Tavistock Town Council

Council Offices

Drake Road


PL19 0AU

Part of the site is leased to Tavistock Golf Club and Tavistock Cricket Club

Local Authority: The site mainly falls within Dartmoor National Park Authority, apart from 110 acres at the West of the site which falls under West Devon Borough Council

Type of holding: Freehold

Size of Holding: 460 Acres

2.1.4: Site infrastructure

The Pimple

This small building designed by sir Edwin Lutyens is privately owned and maintained.

Pixies Cross

This is a granite cross that reputes to stand on the old Abbots Way joining the Abbey of Tavistock to the Abbey of Buckfast.

Car Parks

There are currently 4 car parks that are maintained by Tavistock Town Council, they are all of compacted hardcore see attached map for locations

Surfaced Tracks within Tavistock Town Council Responsibility

There are no surfaced tracks or paths over Whitchurch Down; however Tavistock Town Council maintains tracks that become warn by laying hardcore down on badly effected areas.

2.2: Environmental information

2.2.1: Physical


The climate is typical of South West England, wet and temperate withmild winters. Prevailing winds are from the south west. Rainfall rangesbetween 1400 millimetres and 1800 millimetres per year.Normal average temperatures are 17ºC in July and 5ºC in January. Sunshinelevels are below the average for Britain, and the number of snow days isrelatively low.


Drainage on the site runs from the high point in the centre to all directions towards the boundaries. There is a stream to the North of the site and several dew ponds can be found. In the past the drainage to the West of the site has caused some trouble with the road leading into Tavistock being the easiest route for excess surface water to take.


Whitchurch Down is on the Western Edge of Dartmoor which is the remnants of an ancient granite batholith 280 million years old. This granite is not far below the surface and as it is broken down leads to very poor and acidic soil. The sedimentary rock that was pushed out of the way by the granite can also be seen and because of the heat of the granite has metamorphosed into slates and shale deposits found in the area (officially known as Upper Devonian Slates and Volcanics)


The majority of soil on Whitchurch Down is typical of heathland being a low nutrient podsol. These are acidic and often iron rich. Subsequently, only quite specialist flora can survive in such conditions.

2.2.2: Biological Habitats/communities

The majority of land on Whitchurch down is classified as Lowland Heath. Lowland Heath is one of the world’s rarest habitats of which 20% is found in the UK. Heathland is restricted by climate. A continental climate with harsh winters and hot summers make it unsuitable for the development of heathland. Plants that make up heathland require the 'oceanic climate' of the western seaboard of the continent; hence the reason the UK has a large proportion of this habitat.

There is a small patch of lowland pasture to the north of the site. The SSSI site also to the North is classed as Lowland Fen, Marsh and Swamp. As the two areas to the North are managed under separate regulations overseen by Natural England they will be ignored for the purposes of this management plan. Flora

The site has classic heathland flora including, European Gorse (Ulex europeaus), Bracken (Pteridium aquilinum), Sedges (Carex Sp.) and various grasses common within this habitat. There is however a distinct lack of heathers, (Calluna vulgaris, Erica

cinera) this may well reflect on past management styles and point to prior overgrazing. Fauna

Heathland habitats are important for diverse invertebrate species in Britain. Heathland in the south West are most significant for invertebrates as they support over 50% of Britain’s spiders, dragonflies and true bugs. It has been recorded that 133 Red Data Book invertebrate species and 210 scarce species are found on lowland heaths. It is important to note that the data does not include species that are not threatened or rare, indicating that lowland heathlands inhabit a larger and more diverse invertebrate population. These species are of great ecological value.

2.2.3: Cultural Archaeology

It is likely that the woodland that covered Dartmoor also covered Whitchurch Down and was removed for animal grazing and timber from the Bronze age onwards. Past land use

The Rights in Common on this land extend back well over 200 years. In the mid 1800's The Duke of Bedford (Landowner) allowed the building of a cricket pavilion and a golf course on Whitchurch down both of which survive today. Present land use

The whole of Whitchurch Down is Registered Common Land and registered as open access land. Maps showing Open Access Land can be found at

A system of Footpaths, Bridleways and informal paths exist. The area is predominantly used by dog walkers, golfers, cyclists and horse riders. Past management for nature conservation

Little active nature conservation work has taken place to date. Extensive scrub encroachment is degrading habitats and limiting public access. All previous work was directed towards scrub clearance and path maintenance by the Town Council in response to overgrown and non maintained paths being highlighted by members of the public.


Grazing is permissible and carried out on Whitchurch Down by members of the Whitchurch Down Commoners Association. In the recent past the area has been overgrazed and the Commoners have responded by reducing their stocking rates. Grazing of Lowland Heath is the ideal method of management, however finding a balance between overgrazing and undergrazing is notoriously difficult. The grazing and stocking rates on Whitchurch Down are monitored and set by DEFRA and Natural England.


Bracken is particularly prevalent on the areas of Whitchurch Down that are maintained by the Town Council. It is noted that the Commoners have harvested and bailed areas of bracken in the past, in an attempt to clear the area. It is important for the cut bracken to be removed from the site because as it degrades it enriches the soil. The species found within Lowland Heath thrive on poor soil. It would be beneficial to the site if a more robust approach was taken in controlling the encroachment of bracken.

Scrub and Heather management

Dense Gorse Scrub can be found particularly at the Western end of the site again managed by the Town Council. In the past these areas have been cut back however it does appear that no scrub management has occurred for 20 years on any useful scale. Whilst Gorse is an integral part of heathland it does have a tendency if left unmanaged , to out compete the other species synonymous with this habitat. It is therefore important to have in place an action plan controlling the gorse and allowing stands of gorse of varying ages to exist, maximising the potential habitat.

Similar to the gorse it is essential to create and maintain an uneven age and structure within heather stands and undisturbed bare ground to achieve favourable condition. Because of the proximity of this site to Tavistock this can realistically only be achieved by mechanical means; swaling is not an option.

Any cuttings produced from the management of the gorse and heather should be collected and removed from the site to ensure the nutrient poor soil is not enriched. Present legal status of the site

there is a designated Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) under the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981to the North of the site.

The Natural England Conservation Objectives for the SSSI/SPA are attached

The whole site is Registered Common Land and Open Access Land

The majority of the site is within the designated National Park Boundary

2.3: Current public use & interest

2.3.1: Public interest/relationship with local communities

Public Interest

The principal public interest in the site is for recreation. The majority of

visitors appreciate and value the area because it is Registered Common Land

available for informal “air and exercise”.

Relationship with local communities

Whitchurch Down is used by the residents of Tavistock as an area of recreation, to that respect it is likely that any action taken upon the site will come under deserved scrutiny.

The Town Council currently holds a minimum intervention policy to this area of land work is carried out on a reactive basis. Any change to this would if correctly managed be seen by members of the public in a positive light.

2.3.2: Access & tourism


Walkers use Whitchurch Down and the network of paths that cross it. To the extent that parts of the area are heavily eroded through excessive footfall. It may be beneficial to the area to designate official paths and routes to help control footfall and contain erosion to specific areas.

Horse Riders

From observation horse riding tends to occur on the outskirts of the site no doubt due to the avoidance of the Golf course in the centre.


The site is popular with mountain bikers from the local community.

Anti-Social Behaviour

There has been occasional fly tipping in the area and some low level conflict between different user groups which is to be expected on such a popular site.

2.3.3: Current interpretation provisions

There are currently no interpretation provisions on Whitchurch Down

2.3.4: Current educational use

There are no forms of formal educational activities in place. Offsite there is the Tavistock Museum that contains information with regard to Whitchurch Down

2.3.5: Current research use & facilities

Tavistock Museum.

Feature 1 - Lowland Heathland

Objective 1

Restore, and where feasible recreate, areas of heathland. This will entail the maintenance of existing habitat and expansion of these areas.

Factors and Limits


In the absence of active management lowland heath will be lost through serial

succession to scrub and woodland. Succession will also adversely affect

features within the open heathland such as bare ground, early colonist and

ephemeral communities.

Visitor Pressure

The site already experiences a high level of public access. Any uncontrolled

increase in visitor numbers will have a detrimental effect on the feature and

habitat -dependent species through habitat fragmentation, trampling and


Attributes and Limits

1. Extent of lowland heathland

Existing wet and dry heathland components should remain at its current extent. A further 5 acres of heathland to be restored from scrub areas over the next 10 years.

Management Rationale

In view of the dynamic nature of lowland heathland, the least appropriate

management strategy is non-intervention. In order to meet the objective

described for the lowland heathland feature, work to arrest natural succession

will be continual and planned. Work will be undertaken to control scrub such as gorse which is highly invasive on the site and, if left unchecked, can overrun heathland communities. in other areas emphasis will be placed on management and control of these species. Bracken will be monitored and controlled by swiping and chemical control.

In addition, areas of scrub on heathland areas will be cut or swiped to

encourage regeneration of the heathland vegetation and control invasive

species. Invasive plants will be uprooted or cut and treated with appropriate

chemical and turfs will be removed in key areas to create bare ground.

Scrapes and ponds will be maintained and created in the wet heath areas.

grazing on Whitchurch Down will be encouraged as a sustainable means of arresting succession, reducing the coverage of Molinia caerulea and scrub re-growth in favour of ericoid communities. Grazing has been shown to result in creation of a mosaic of habitats and age-structure necessary to maximise biodiversity and maintain the site.

It is proposed that resources for carrying out the work will be underpinned by funding from the Environmental Stewardship Higher Level Scheme

Management List -

Carry out a variety of management techniques in order to achieve the

stated objective.

Manage habitat

• Bracken control by spraying / forage mowing

• Controlled grazing

• Manage scrub / gorse encroachment by any form of clearance except chemical treatment.

• Remove all cut brash by scraping and remove from restoration area.

• Create bare ground areas for heathland species.

Liaison with others

Liaise with the following organisations as necessary:

• Whitchurch Commoners Association / Inhabitants of Tavistock

• Tavistock Golf Club

• Tavistock Cricket Club

• Natural England / DEFRA

• Dartmoor National Park

Monitor progress towards achieving the stated objective.

Fixed point photography

• Standard technique will be used. The selection criteria for the fixed

points was to select those points that represent visually the greatest

coverage of the site.

Feature 2 - Access, Interpretation and Recreation

Management Rationale

Paths, rights of way and car parks will be monitored fortnightly and necessary

work undertaken in order to maintain them to a high standard. A more detailed bi-annual inspection will take place in line with Tavistock Town Council's existing outside area procedures. Any faults highlighted by this bi annual process will be entered into the existing register for correction in priority order.