COURSE NUMBER NGR 6255, Section #7717
COURSE TITLE Advanced Nursing Care of the Older Adult
PLACEMENT Required Course in Adult Nurse Practitioner and Medical-Surgical Clinical Nurse Specialist Tracks
Elective Course for all other Tracks
PREREQUISITES NGR 6241: Adult Nursing: Common Health Problems
NGR 6241L: Adult Nurse Practitioner: Common Health Problems Laboratory
NGR 6245L: Adult Clinical Nurse Specialist: Common Health
Problems Laboratory
NGR 6172: Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice
Permission of the Instructor
PRE/CO-REQUISITES NGR 6244: Adult Nursing: Chronic Health Problems
NGR 6244L: Adult Nurse Practitioner: Chronic Health Problems
NGR 6246L: Adult Clinical Nurse Specialist: Chronic Health
Problems Laboratory
Laura Sutton, PhD, ACNS-BC HPNP 352-273-6358 (office) Tues –10:00 – 12:00 pm
Clinical Assistant Professor 3228 By appointment
Joyce Stechmiller PhD HPNP 352-273-6370 (office) By Appointment
Associate Professor
Andrea Gregg, DSN, RN Jacksonville (904) 244-5172 By appointment
COURSE DESCRIPTION This course provides the student with knowledge to care for the health care problems that result from normal and pathologic aging. The emphasis will be on gaining the knowledge necessary to prevent, diagnose and manage both acute and chronic age-related health problems. The focus is on management of older adults from diverse backgrounds with health problems that are caused or exacerbated by the processes of normal and pathologic aging in the primary care setting.
COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Integrate knowledge from health, psychological, and social sciences in the clinical reasoning process and advanced nursing management of older adults with health problems related to normal or pathologic aging.
2. Develop diagnostic plans based on holistic health assessment data for older adults with health problems related to normal or pathologic aging.
3. Utilize critical thinking and current research to develop management plans for disease prevention and treatment of older adults with health problems related to normal or pathologic aging.
4. Formulate strategies to evaluate the effectiveness of health promotion, disease prevention, and management plans in older adults with health problems related to normal or pathologic aging.
COURSE SCHEDULE – Web-Based Course
E-Learning (Sakai) is the course management system that you will use for this course. E-Learning (Sakai) is accessed by using your Gatorlink account name and password at http://lss.at.ufl.edu. There are several tutorials and student help links on the E-Learning login site. If you have technical questions call the UF Computer Help Desk at 352-392-HELP or send email to .
It is important that you regularly and frequently check your Gatorlink account email for College and University wide information and the course E-Learning site for announcements and notifications.
Course websites are generally made available on the Friday before the first day of classes.
Web based Lecture, Discussions and Assignments:
This course uses web-based, asynchronous lectures and discussions. The Weekly class sessions begin on Wednesday at 8am and end on the following Tuesday at 8pm (With the exception of the first week which begins Monday, May 14 at 8:00 am).
Students are expected to participate in the activities and discussions as listed in the course syllabus and on the course web-site. Timeframes for the posting and receiving of materials are listed in the course materials on the course web-site.
Each semester, students are responsible for requesting a memorandum from the Office for Students with Disabilities to notify faculty of their requested individual accommodations. This should be done at the start of the semester.
Students are to refer to the College of Nursing Student Handbook for information about College of Nursing policies, honor code, and professional behavior.
1. Theories of aging (physiologic, psychological, social)
2. Aspects of assessment, diagnostic testing and pharmacology unique to the older adult.
3. Prevention, diagnosis and management of the most common health problems caused or exacerbated by the processes of normal and pathologic aging focusing on an adaptive rather than curative approach:
a. Cognitive impairment
b. Genito-urinary alterations
c. Musculoskeletal problems
d. Mental health alterations
e. Symptom management
i. Pain
ii. Fatigue
iii. Altered sleep
iv. Inadequate nutrition
f. Sensori-neuro problems
g. End-of-life issues
Class online lectures, interactive online discussion, case studies, audiovisuals, application of evidence to practice.
Case study presentations, reflection paper, participation in discussion and web assignments.
(See e-Learning Sakai website for course for specific guidelines)
Participation 45%
Online discussions
Case study presentations 40%
Reflection paper 15%
Grading Scale
Letter Grade / Percentage / Quality PointsA / 95-100 / 4.0
A- / 93-94 / 3.67
B+ / 91-92 / 3.33
B / 84-90 / 3.0
B- / 82-83 / 2.67
C+ / 80-81 / 2.33
C / 74-79* / 2.0
C- / 72-73 / 1.67
D+ / 70-71 / 1.33
D / 64-69 / 1.0
D- / 62-63 / 0.67
E / 61 or below / 0.0
*74 is the minimal passing grade
Ham, R., Sloane, P., Warshaw, W., Bernard, M., & Flaherty, E. (2007) Primary care geriatrics: A case-based approach (5th ed). Philadelphia, PA: Mosby-Elsevier.
Hirth, V., Wieland, D., * Dever-Bumba, M. (2010). Case-based geriatrics: A global approach. New York: McGraw Hill Medical. Available in print and electronic.
Touhy, T. & Jett, K. (2012). Ebersole & Hess’ Toward healthy aging: Human needs & nursing response (8th ). St. Louis, MO.: Elsevier-Mosby.
Reuben, D., Herr, K., Pacala, J. Pollock, B., Potter, J., & Semla, T.. (2012). Geriatrics at your fingertips (14th ed) [Online version]. Retrieved from http://www.geriatricsatyourfingertips.org/
2012 version (14th ed) available online and download versions in April, 2012.
All texts required for:
§ NGR 6002C: Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning
§ NGR 6140: Physiology and Pathophysiology for Advanced Nursing Practice
§ NGR 6172: Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice Nursing
§ NGR 6052C: Adult Nursing: Diagnostics & Procedures
May 16 / Course overview:
Theories and issues of aging
Health promotion: Geriatric syndromes / Dr. Sutton
May 23 / Role of Adult-Gerontology Nurse Practitioner in Primary Care
Health assessment of the older adult: physical assessment, psychosocial, spiritual assessment, health promotion needs, diagnostics / Dr. Sutton
May 30 / Functional decline and frailty: Nutrition and Immobility / Case Study #1 / Dr. Sutton
June 6 / Caregivers
Elder Abuse and Neglect / Reflection paper / Dr. Sutton
Dr. Jett
June 13 / Medication Management / Case Study #2 / Dr. Neff
June 20 / Cognitive impairment – Delirium, Dementia
Mental Health Alterations / Case Study #3 / Dr. Rowe
Dr. Sutton
June 27 / Summer Break (June 25-29)
July 4 / July 4th Holiday – / Assignments due on July 5.
July 5 / Symptom Management: Sleep Disorders - Fatigue / Case Study #4 / Dr. Sutton
July 11 / Symptom management: Immobility and Pain / Case Study #5 / Dr. Sutton
July 18 / Symptom management: Hearing and Vision Problems / Case Study #6 / Dr. Coburn
Dr. Sutton
July 25 / Complementary Medicine
Older Adult Drivers / Case Study #7 / Dr. Yoon
Aug 1 / Incontinence/Sexual Dysfunction / Case Study #8 / Dr. Sutton
Aug 8 / Ethics/End-of-Life Issues
Last class / Dr. Jett
NOTE: There may be additional readings from selected journal articles and Websites.
Approved: Academic Affairs Committee: 4/02
Faculty: 9/02
UF Curriculum: 1/03