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International Association of Economic and Social Councils
and Similar Institutions
Algiers, 10 to 12 September 2013
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Algiers, 10 to 12 September 2013
In total, nearly 150 people, representing 41 councils, assembled in Algiers for the various meetings. The participants are listed in the appendix.
The ceremony to award the third AICESIS Millennium Prizes 2013, which took place on Tuesday, 10 September, was presided over by the Algerian minister of foreign affairs, Mr Mourad Medelci. Four prizes were awarded to civil society organisations that had focused their efforts on working towards Millennium Development Goals 1 and 8 regarding full employment, and decent and productive work to reduce poverty.
The recipients were:
the NIOSI Foundation (Republic of the Congo);
the National Association for Women and Rural Development (ANFEDR, Algeria);
the China Association for Employment Promotion(CAEP, Chine); and
the Palmas Institute for Development and Socioeconomic Solidarity (Palmas Institute, Brazil).
The Algerian prime minister, Mr Abdelmalek Sellal, who was accompanied by the minister of justice Mr Tayeb Louh, and the minister of finance Mr Karim Djoudi, brought to a close the general assembly's first day of work.
Per the programme, ILO deputy director-general Mr Gilbert Houngbo took part in the international round table on the main theme of the 2011-2013 presidency, "New challenges and the role of civil society organisations in promoting employment and the social and professional integration of young people", which took place on Wednesday, 11 September.
The report, which addressed this main theme, was adopted at the end of the debate. It would be widely disseminated, including among the relevant international organisations.
1/ 1st BOARD MEETING / Tuesday, 10 September
Chair: Mr Mohamed Seghir Babes (Algeria)
1/ The agenda was adopted without any changes.
2/ The board adopted the general assembly's (GA) draft agenda and gave authorisation for the activity report and the financial report to be forwarded to the GA, along with various memoranda prepared by the secretariat-general (Millennium Prize, working groups, new board, new applications, etc.).
3/ Since the Azerbaijani state council on aid for NGOs had not sent a representative to the GA in Algiers, the decision was taken, in line with previous AICESIS practice, not to present its application to the GA for consideration.
2/ GENERAL ASSEMBLY / Wednesday, 11 and Thursday, 12 September
Chair: Mr Mohamed Seghir Babes (Algeria)
1/ Agenda:The agenda was adopted without any changes.
2/ Activity report
The 2012 activity report was adopted.
3/ Financial report
The financial report for 2012 was adopted. The GA granted the SG final discharge for his management of the 2012 accounts, and approved the allocation of the surplus to net assets. It was also decided that the Dutch SER would be responsible for financial supervision for a period of four years, with the possibility of renewal.
Regarding the financial proposal for the Association tabled by the Brazilian CDES, the aim of which was to put AICESIS's future annual budget on a stable footing, the following decisions were taken:
the principle of equality within the AICESIS irrespective of how much each ESC contributes, was and would continue to be reaffirmed ("One ESC, one vote");
all members were required to pay their basic dues, currently set at EUR 2500;
it was established that the ESC-SI serving as chair would, in line with past practice, pay a contribution of at least EUR 20000 in each year of its two-year term;
the principle of categorisation was approved, subject to consultation with the members within the categories "large contributor" and "medium contributor" in view of the fact that contributions to AICESIS depend on the political will of each member;
the board was charged with finalising the proposal and setting the terms of reference.
At the same time, the secretariat-general would present to the next board an estimate of ESC contributions in kind, and of the estimated real cost of a secretary-general, so as to have a clearer idea of AICESIS's future operating costs.
4/ 2015 AICESIS Millennium Prize
The GA decided to hold the final AICESIS Millennium Prize ceremony in 2015. The prize would be awarded to ESCs who had made an outstanding contribution to achieving the MDGs beyond 2015. The secretariat-general would send the files to all ESCs for dissemination in early 2014.
5/ Working groups
A report was given of the various working groups and of AICESIS speeches delivered at the ILO's International Labour Conference (Geneva, 17 June 2013) and at the High-level Segment of ECOSOC (Geneva, 3 July 2013). In addition, the Russian Civic Chamber reported on the follow-up to the AICESIS report on the crisis, which had been disseminated at the G20 summit (Saint Petersburg, 5 and 6 September).
In line with previous practice, the GA decided to establish a working group to prepare AICESIS's contribution to the ILO's International Labour Conference in 2014, to be chaired by the Mauritian ESC. The work theme would be determined shortly.
Similarly, an ECOSOC working group charged with preparing AICESIS's contribution to the July 2014 General Assembly of the United Nations ECOSOC was set up with the Moroccan ESC as chair. The 2014 ECOSOC topic is “Addressing ongoing and emerging challenges for meeting the Millennium Development Goals in 2015 and for sustaining development gains in the future.”
6/ AICESIS Summer School 2014
Following the success of the first two AICESIS international summer schools for young people, the GA decided to organise a third. The Russian Civic Chamber was put in charge of organising the third summer school in close cooperation with the secretariat-general. It would be held in Russia (Kabardino-Balkaria) in September 2014. The secretariat-general would forward the files to all ESC-SIs in early November 2013.
7/ New board and new deputy secretaries-general
In accordance with its rules, the GA decided on the make-up of the new board for 2013-2015:
Africa: Algeria, Benin, Cameroon, Gabon, Guinea, Kenya, Senegal (as part of the UCESA).
Latin America: Brazil, Curaçao, Saint Martin
Asia: China, Korea, Russia
Europe: Spain, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Romania.
The GA also appointed AICESIS's deputy secretaries-general for 2013-2015:
Africa: Mr Amadou Lamine Sy (Senegalese EESC)
Latin America/Caribbean: Ms Iraima Capriles (ESC of the Dominican Republic)
Asia/Eurasia/Near East: Mr Li Xueming (Chinese ESC)
Europe: Mr Michele Dau (Italian CNEL).
8/ New member
The GA unanimously approved Buenos Aires's (Argentina) application for observer status, making it the 72nd member of AICESIS.
9/ Chair in 2013-2015
Russia's application to organise the 14th international meeting was approved. The chair of the Russian CC, Mr Evgeny Velikhov, was unanimously elected chair of AICESIS for the period 2013-2015. The 14th meeting would thus be held in Russia in 2015.
Russia's two-year term would focus on "National human capital and new sources of national competitiveness".
Mr Mohamed Seghir Babes was made honorary chair of AICESIS by acclamation.
10/ Working in partnership with international organisations
The GA was informed about the successful implementation of the partnership agreement signed with the ILO in May 2012. In addition, with a view to the next conference organised by AICESIS, the ILO and the Spanish ESC in Madrid (Spain) for 3 and 4 December 2013 on "The role and impact of ESC-SIs in responding to the global financial, economic and jobs crisis", ESC-SIs were called on to respond to the questionnaire that was distributed and to take part in the event.
Following the report on the international symposium in Brazzaville (Republic of Congo) on food security (May 2013), the GA decided to seek a partnership agreement with the FAO to carry out specific projects. It asked the chair and the secretary-general to explore the possibility of such an agreement.
11/ Next AICESIS meetings
Draft timetable:
3 and 4 December 2013 (Madrid, Spain): International conference organised with the ILO on "The role and impact of ESC-SIs in responding to the global financial, economic and jobs crisis";
February 2014 (Europe): AICESIS management board
June-July 2014 (Romania): AICESIS general assembly
September 2014 (Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia): international summer school
12/ Sharing experience
Following the request from the Rio GA (June 2012), two topics had been proposed for debate in the GA:
"The role of ESC-SIs in combating economic crime and corruption." This topic, which was proposed by the Italian CNEL, drew on detailed contributions by the Russian, Beninese, Gabonese and Mauritian ESCs.
"The role of ESC-SIs in combating poverty." Following opening remarks by the Chinese ESC, the Brazilian, Vietnamese, Gabonese, Spanish, Beninese and Guinean ESCs all made detailed contributions.
The secretariat-general would forward a summary of remarks made on each topic.
It would also carry out appropriate consultations with the ESCs in question to follow up on this first round of discussions and present a proposal to the next board.
The chairThe secretary-general
Mohamed Seghir Babes Patrick Venturini
3/ 2nd BOARD MEETING / Thursday, 12 September
Chair: Mr Evgeny Velikhov (RUSSIA)
1/ The agenda was adopted without any changes.
2/ Objectives of the chair
The Board approved the objectives of the work programme presented by the new chair, Mr Evgeny Velikhov.
3/ Sharing experience
A number of topics were suggested with a view to sharing experience at subsequent statutory and ad hoc AICESIS sessions:
"New human development indicators" (proposed by the Italian CNEL; on this point, attention was drawn to AICESIS's past work on measuring progress, well-being and development in 2010-2011, carried out at the initiative of the Luxembourg ESC and through the OECD;
"Social dialogue" and all related issues directly involving the social partners (proposed by the Greek ESC);
"The features (composition, appointment procedures) and operation of an ESC (operation, working methods, relations with government and parliament, relations with the social partners and other civil society organisations, impact, communications, etc.)"; the Gabonese and Moroccan ESCs expressed a strong interest in this topic;
finally, the Spanish ESC suggested that the main topic proposed by the chair, "Human capital and new sources of national competitiveness", could also serve as a topic for sharing experiences.
The secretariat-general would carry out appropriate consultations with the relevant members to determine how this exchange would be organised (statutory or ad hoc sessions, time, format, etc.) and to present a proposal at the next board meeting.
4/ Next board meeting
The next board meeting would take place in a European country in the first quarter of 2014.
The chairThe secretary-general
Evgeny VelikhovPatrick Venturini
International Association of Economic and Social Councils
and Similar Institutions
ALGIERS, 11 and 12 September 2013
South Africa
/ Mr Alistair Smith / Executive directorAlgeria
/ Mr Mohamed Seghir Babes / ChairMr El-Hachemi Benmouhoub / Deputy chair
Mr Mustapha Mekideche / Deputy chair
Mr Mohamed Bouhali / Committee chair
Mr Athman Sahnoun / Member
Mr Abdelkader Bendameche / Member
Mr Derrar Lehtihet / Secretary-general
Ms Nadira Chentouf / Head of private office
/ Mandate given to CuraçaoArmenia
/ Mr Vazgen Manukyan / ChairMr Hovik Musayelyan
Mr Ruben Safrastyan
Mr Hakob Barkhudaryan
Belgium (CNT)
/ Mandate given to LuxembourgBenin
/ Mr Nicolas Adagbe / ChairMs Mamatou Meba Bio Djossou / Adviser
Mr Victorin Azehoun Pazou / Director of private office
Ms Maroufath Adjibi Zoumarou / Attaché
/ Mr Marceli Neri / Minister responsible for strategic affairsMr Ary Norton De Murat Quintella / International adviser to the minister
Mr Paulo Simão / Adviser
Ms Maria Luiza Falcão / Director of international relations
Ms Betina Ferraz / Director of development
Mr Alberto Ercilio Broch / Adviser
/ Mr Veselin Mitov / Group II memberBurkina Faso / Mr Paramanga Ernest Yonli / Chair
Mr Ousseni Domba / Adviser
Mr O. Bernabé Kambou / Administrative member
Burundi / Ms Stella Bizongwako / Chair
Ms Perpetue Bampanze / Member
Cameroon / Mr Luc Ayang / Chair
Mr René Essome / Secretary-general
China / Mr Wang Shenghong / Deputy chair
Mr Li Xueming / Executive secretary-general
Deputy SG of AICESIS
Mr Feng Huangchou / Assistant
Congo / Mr Jean Marie Tassoua / Chair
Mr Pascal Ekaba
Mr Guy Mawayi
Curação / Ms Josephine J. Provence / Secretary-general
Spain / Mr Francisco José González De Lena / Director of private office
Ms Margarita Bravo / Director of international relations
France / Mr Christian Le Roux / Director of private office
Gabon / Mr Paul Biyoghe Mba / Chair
Ms Célestine Ndong Nguema / First secretary
Ms Clément Meyo Me Mba / aide-de-camp
Greece / Mr Christos Polyzogopoulos / Chair
Mr Apostolos Xyraphis / Secretary-general
Guinea / Mr Michel Kamano / Chair
Mr Lamine Bangoura / Quaestor
Mr Gérard Coker / Member
Mr Alain Bertrand Traore / Deputy secretary-general
Italy / Mr Antonio Marzano / Chair
Mr Marcello Tocco / CNEL adviser
Mr Michele Dau / Deputy SG
Deputy SG of AICESIS
Jordan / Mandate given to Spain
Lebanon / Mandate given to Algeria
Luxembourg / Ms Marianne Nati-Stoffel / Secretary-general
Mali / Mr Jeamille Bittar / Chair
Mr Moussa Fane / Technical adviser
Morocco / Ms Zahra Zaoui / Civil society representative
Mr Lahcen Hansali / Union representative on the bureau
Chair of the standing committee on environmental affairs and regional development
Mr Abdellilah Hifdi / Member representing professional associations
Mauritius / MrRadhakrisna Sadien / Chair
Dr Dev Rajan Daliah / Secretary-general
Mauritania / Mr Mohamed Ould Haimer / Chair
Mr Mohamed Korera / Secretary-general
Monaco / Mr Michel Solliet / Adviser
Ms Fabienne Guien / Secretary-general
Niger / Mr Soumaila Bagna / Second deputy chair
MrYousoufou Ahmadou Tidjani / Secretary-general
MrYahaya Mahamadou
MrHamani Harouna Garba
The Netherlands / Mandate given to Spain
Dominican Republic / Mandate given to Curaçao
Czech Republic / Mr Ondrej Jukl / Secretary-general
Mr David Kadecka / Director of international relations
Romania / Mr Florian Costache / Chair
Mr Dragoş Mihalache / Deputy chair
Mr Cătălin Albu / Member
Mr Radu Minea / Member
Russia / Mr Evgeny Velikhov / Chair
Mr Mikhail Ostrovskiy / Deputy chair
Mr Iosif Diskin / Committee chair
Mr Alexander Sokolov / Member
Mr Yakov Kolodin / Head of international relations
Ms Yulia Borzenkova / Deputy head of international relations
Mr Pavel Sorokin
Ms Yulia Belova / Interpreter
Mr Pavel Tyurev / Interpreter
Saint Martin / Mr Rene Richardson / Chair
Mr Joseph H. Lake / Board member
Mr Bastiaan Peters / Staff member
Senegal / Ms Aminata Tall / Chair
Mr Mody Guiro / Second deputy chair
Mr Amadou Lamine Sy / Director of cooperation
El Hadji Moussa Dia / Director of protocol
Mr Adrien Diégane / Assistant to the chair
Thailand / Mr Okas Teparagul / Chair
Ms Poranee Leenutaphong / Deputy chair
Ms Jomkwan J. Surenjargal / Secretariat member
Ukraine / Mr Grygorii Osovyi / Chair
Mr Oleksandr Shubin / Secretary-general
Vietnam / Mr Nguyen Van Pha / Deputy chair
Mr Le Thien Thang / AICESIS representative in the FPV bureau
Argentina (Buenos Aires) / Mr Sergio Abrevaya / Chair
AICESIS / Mr Patrick Venturini / Secretary-general
Ms Hanifa Mezoui / Permanent representative to the UN
Ms Samira Azarba / Administrator
ILO / Mr Gilbert Houngbo / Deputy director-general for external programmes and partnership
Mr Youcef Ghellab / Expert on social dialogue
Ms Valérie Van Goethem / Associate expert on social dialogue
Algerian National Association for Women and Rural Development / Ms Baya Zitoune / Chair
Chinese association for employment / Represented by the Chinese ESC
NIOSI foundation - Congo / Mr Alain Francis Mbemba / Head of projects
Libyan ESC / MrAbdul NasserAlnajah / Chair of the ESC
Ms Sahawaity Tatanaky / NGO group
State of Palestine / Dr. Ahmed MAJDALANI / Minister of Labour