Welcome! This short survey will help us kick-start our strategic planning process for 2018-2020. We are grateful for your input!
Survey begins
**Your name: Click here to enter text.
**Your job title: Click here to enter text.
**Your Organisation: Click here to enter text.
**What Geographical focus does your role have? IAPB works at global and regional level. Understanding your particular focus will help us put your answers in the right context.
☐Eastern Mediterranean
☐Latin America
☐North America
☐South East Asia
☐Western Pacific
**Based on your personal experience, which of the following words do you most closely associate with IAPB?
We feel it's important to check that your perception of IAPB is aligned with what we are set out to do, so hopefully one or more of the words below will immediately tick with you. If not, you can suggest alternatives by using the Other option.
☐Convening Power
☐Strategic partner
☐United Voice
☐VISION 2020
☐Good practices
☐Universal Eye Health
☐Stronger Together
☐Coordinating Body
☐Other (please specify)Click here to enter text.
**How do you personally engage with IAPB? Tick any that applies
☐By visiting IAPB's online resources (e.g. IAPB websites, Vision Atlas, Standard List, social media channels, etc.)
☐Through IAPB's newsletters (e.g. VISION 2020, Focus, IAPB Africa news, etc.)
☐By contributing to collective advocacy and priority setting (e.g. via IAPB working groups, task forces or other informal collegiate efforts)
☐By taking part to global meetings and events such as the General Assembly and Council of Members
☐As a participant in or contributor to IAPB VISION 2020 Workshops or other local/national events
☐By organising World Sight Day events or activities
☐By managing or being involved in a Seeing is Believing funded project
☐Through my role in the governance of the organisation (e.g. as a member of the IAPB Board, Committees or at the Annual General Meeting)
☐Other (please specify)Click here to enter text.
**Please rate how valuable has IAPB been to your personal work in each of the following 5 objectives identified in the IAPB's strategic plan 2013-2017.
If the objective is not relevant to your line of work, please tick the box for zero (0).If it is relevant, please use the boxes from 1 to 5 to score IAPB's value to you, with 1 being no value and 5 great value.
Objective 1: To influence global/regional inter-governmental and bilateral organisations' policies, practices and resourcing decisions to ensure inclusion of eye health.
Objective 2: To provide advocacy tools, messages and opportunities to influence national governments' eye health policies and resourcing decisions.
Objective 3: To convene meetings and provide spaces enabling eye care professionals to connect, collaborate and learn from each other.
Objective 4: To provide a knowledge hub and "go to" place for all matters relevant to prevention of blindness and vision impairment.
Objective 5: To facilitate coordination between eye care organisations working in a specific theme or region.
**Can you identify one opportunity or trend in your specific line of work which IAPB could help you take advantage of?
Please define the opportunity concisely and tell us how IAPB can help you make the most of it (for example: expected expansion of health insurance programmes in region X provides opportunity to advocate for coverage of eye care services).
Click here to enter text.
**Can you outline a key challenge or threat in your specific line of work which IAPB could help you with?
Please define the challenge concisely and tell us how IAPB can help you face it (for example: challenge of sourcing quality and affordable ophthalmic equipment could be helped by access to trusted assessments of eye care equipment).
Click here to enter text.
**Thank you for completing the survey!