SLA Job Description for Trainee Development Coordinator
Job Title:Trainee Development Coordinator
Salary:Starting Point: £23000
Accountable to:Executive Director
Base: SLA Office, 140 The Pleasance, Edinburgh
Overall Purpose of the Post:
This is a new post which has been created to develop and strengthen the organisational structure of this Edinburgh based charity. The successful applicant will be part of a team which includes the Executive Director,the Fundraising and Communication Manager, and a team of enthusiastic volunteers both in the office and beyond. We are a changing and expanding charity which is about to embark on at least three new projects in India, including a major Social Enterprise Project (SEP), in addition to continuing our longstanding support for the work of our partner NGO at the Light of Love Home in Andhra Pradesh. The increased capacity which this post will generate will allow SLA to develop and pursue these exciting new ventures. The charity has a very active Board,and the postholder may often work with a range of Trustees in the course of undertaking a number of tasks.
The post holder, under the direction and control of the Executive Director, and with his support, will undertake tasks in three areas:
- Coordination of the Programme of New Projects
SLA is about to embark on support for two projects in and around Hyderabad, in Telengana, each for an initial period of three years. A team of Trustees has worked on identifying possible NGO partners, selecting the successful applicants, and are in the final stages of the completing the due diligence process and then signing the Project agreements by the end of autumn. In addition, SLA has been developing a major Social Enterprise Project, which will provide funds in the future to support our work. In these contexts the post holder will undertake a range of activities associated with these projects, which will include some of the following:
- Develop the programme, in consultation with the relevant Board sub committees
- Liaise with the Indian partners
- Monitor the implementation of the Project Agreements
- Manage all, or some where appropriate, aspects of each project
- Provide six monthly reports to donors and to the Board
- Manage all associated financial arrangements and administrative tasks
- Monitor and evaluate outcomes and report these
- Support the SEP and the SLA subsidiary in delivering governance arrangements both in the UK and in India
- Liaise with Boards, both here and in India
- Develop and manage associated Volunteer Projects (see 2)
2. Coordination of the Volunteer Programmes in India
SLA's Fundraising Strategy places great emphasis on the generous support given by individuals, and in particular on that given by volunteers who take part in the regular group visits to India. We anticipate expanding the programme from two to four annual visits, and increasing significantly the income which is generated directly or indirectly as a result. The post holder will review the current programme, develop it further and be responsible for its future coordination.
In this context the post holder will
- Develop a wider programme of visits, in conjunction with our Indian partners, to include a three year plan with annual targets for each expedition. These visits will include our current partners, and those associated with each of our new projects.
- Be responsible for all associated practical, administrative and financial arrangements and maintain relevant accounts
- Promote the programme and work to recruit participants; this will involve developing relationships with a variety of organisations and providing appropriate material for the Fundraising and Communication Manager.
- Participate in and lead/co-lead expeditions, when appropriate; take responsibility for training group leaders
- Build on the current induction programme for Indian volunteers
- Nurture the Indian volunteers on their return, and actively seek to develop with them further opportunities to raise funds and continue to engage with the work of SLA.
- Act as the first point of contact and advice and support to all SLA Indian volunteers who wish to undertake such activities and work with the Fundraising and Communication Manager to take these forward.
- Develop "SLA cells", in conjunction with the Fundraising Manager, building on the engagement of these volunteers.
3. Administrative/ Development Activities
The post holder will support the Executive Director by undertaking a range of administrative and other development activity as required, including a range of special events (e.g. Fireworks). He/she will also act as:
- SLA's Health and Safety Officer
- SLA's Child Protection Officer
He/she will review the current database and will be responsible for its operation and further development.
Person Specification
Successful candidates should meet most of the following criteria or display the following characteristics:
- Degree or equivalent
- Excellent communication skills, verbal and written, and experience of public speaking
- Good IT skills
- Experience of working with children/ young people
- Good organisational skills
- Excellent interpersonal skills
- A high level of initiative and a capacity to work independently
- A capacity for innovative thinking
- A willingness to work flexibly and at weekends
- UK driving license
- A willingness to travel within the UK and in India
Conditions of Service
The starting salary for this post will be £23000 and the pension rights that already apply to other staff will be applicable, i.e. 5% contribution by the employer irrespective of employee contribution.
The post will be a permanent one, subject to an initial probationary period of 9 months. If the appointment is confirmed, performance will be reviewed annually by the Executive Director in the context of SLA's annual review scheme; this will contribute to decisions made by the Board of Directors regarding any increase in salary.
Whilst normal hours of work will be 37.5 hours weekly, the nature of the post calls for a degree of flexibility and evening and weekend work. The hours of work may vary from day to day and throughout the year and will be agreed with the Executive Director as appropriate.
The post attracts 31 days annual leave in addition to four public holidays.
This post is subject to the legislation on the Safeguarding of Children and Vulnerable Adults; the successful applicant will require to be a member of the PVG (Protecting Vulnerable Groups) scheme with regard to regulated work associated with SLA.
Closing date for Applications
Letters of application explaining your suitability for the post, a CV and the names and contact details of two
referees should be submitted no later than Friday 7th October 2016 to
Mr Colin McRae
Executive Director, Scottish Love in Action
Further information about the post may be obtained from the Executive Director, Tel 0131 629 9112, and information about the work of the charity is available on the website