Attachment 17: The African National Congress in Government
In an article called ‘DO WE HAVE THE MOST CORRUPT GOVERNMENT IN THE WORLD???” which was shared on Facebook, a South African made the following statement, which sums up the results of governance by the African National Congress in South Africa, as follows:
. 19 years of ANC rule unemployment has gone up by 60% !!
. we now have the highest unemployment rate in the world
. South Africa is now the rape capital of the world
. After 19 years of ANC rule we have achieved the dubious distinction of being 140th on a world list of 144 countries for our education department.
. We are officially the country where the most hijacks take place
. We are also on the top ten lists for the most murders
. In 19 years the rand/dollar has gone from R3.41 to R10.00
. During ANC rule the petrol price has gone from R1.73 to R12.83 per liter
. In 19 years our defense force has gone from being the iron fist of Africa to a laughing stock that can't defend Disneyland from an invasion of fluffy toys
. In 19 years we have ten times more people in squatter camps and 1000% more illegal immigrants
. In 19 years our roads, railways, military, police, municipal services, old age homes, hospitals and orphanages have literally fallen apart and are worth nothing anymore
. No other country on the planet has more convicted criminals in their parliament than us!!
. 25% of all South African school girls are HIV+
. Our school girls had 100 000 abortions last year
Besides the fact that no governance handed over by succession since the illegal formation of the Union of South Africa can be seen as legal because its power has been handed over to it by a preceding illegal government, we need to ask:
Is the African National Congress capable of running South Africa?
Does the history of the African National Congress warrant its position as governor of South Africa?
To address these pertinent questions, we need to discover if the African National Congress has proven itself to have the best interests of the country as a nation as its primary concern; and
How the African National Congress has utilized power and funds entrusted to its care historically.
In this attachment, we discuss:
Part 1: The attitude of the African National Congress towards South Africans as a nation before it became the government;
Part 2: The attitude of the African National Congress towards South Africans in its leadership position as being the government;
Part 3: How the African National Congress managed the power and funds entrusted to its care during the liberation struggle before it came into power as government of South Africa.
The Union of South Africa, which was completed in 1910 through which the British Crown annexed all of South African land and placed South Africans under British governance, was illegal as the majority of South Africans did not agree to the formulation of this Union. The control of South Africa by British governance was handed down in succession to British loyal officials up to and including the present leadership within the African National Congress, as discussed in Attachment 10 - South Africa is bound as a possession by the British Crown.
Before the African National Congress took control of South Africa as government officials, national and international outrage against the previous system of governance since 1910 was widely publicized. This is discussed in Attachment 9 - Objections to the formation of the Union of South Africa.
There has not been a legal government in South Africa since 1902. The African National Congress inherited an illegal system, which was corrupt, and has proven that they are not able to rectify the system to the benefit of the nation.
The African National Congress became a terrorist organization when they decided to take on an ‘armed struggle’ against the people of South Africa pre 1994, and made use of criminal entities to further their goals. They have been stuck with these criminal entities and predominantly aggressive terrorist mind-set ever since, which is not in accordance to the agreements they made at the time they took over control of the country with the nation as a whole, neither have they adhered to the stipulations of the Constitution of South Africa as it was given to them in 1994 to apply from thence forward. In his 2010 biography of Nelson Mandela, Peter Hain quoted the former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher as stating in 1987: "The ANC is a typical terrorist organization... Anyone who thinks it is going to run the government in South Africa is living in cloud cuckoo land."
We will prove that the African National Congress leadership is corrupt; and that the African National Congress has repeatedly committed high treason against the South African nation as a whole.
Part 1. The African National Congress before it became the South African government
1) The attitude of the African National Congress towards South Africans as a nation
In 1973, the leaders of the anti-apartheid organizations met to discuss future strategy. Three major factors were discussed:
· How to convince the government to change their policies to include equal rights for the non-white communities;
· How to raise international awareness to the situation in South Africa to gain international pressure on the government; and
· How to uplift the poorest of the poor.
Three options were placed on the table:
· An armed struggle against the civilians of South Africa;
· Sanctions against the economy of South Africa;
· The creation of “civics” groups to establish the distribution of funding for the infrastructure of poor communities.
a) The African National Congress changed its character and resorted to violence to make demands
(i) ANC leaders who did not approve of violence against the nation and sanctions against the economy of South Africa
At the 1973 meeting between all the opposition to the anti-Apartheid government parties was held, Mangosuthu Buthelezi made it clear that he did not approve of an armed struggle, but suggested peaceful negotiations. He also did not approve of sanctions as he believed such actions would worsen the unemployment figures. He did, however, agree that community service centers should be established to provide housing for the poor, and provide some form of protection to ensure their survival.
(ii) Political leaders who did approve of violence against the nation and sanctions against the economy of South Africa, changed the basis of the ANC from peaceful resistance to violent resistance
Leaders of the ANC, SACP and PAC approved an armed struggle, sanctions, and ‘civics’. They formed a coalition and decided to have the ANC as the leading public figure.
The coalition formed an army, ‘uMkontwe Isiswe’, to perform guerrilla warfare on the state and terrorize civilians into submission to their cause. The uMkontwe Isiswe generated soldiers collectively known as the MK soldiers. The actions of uMkontwe Isiswe in their guerrilla warfare against South Africans is further discussed in Attachment 14 - MK soldiers
(iii) Buthelezi kept the principle of peaceful resistance upon which the ANC had been based originally and incorporated it into the IFP
Although Mr. Buthelezi agreed to support the ‘civics’ movement, he chose to create an alternative to the radical movement, and formed the Inkatha Freedom Party. It was, in fact, the peaceful negotiations by Mr. Buthelezi which concluded the transformation of South Africa from an Apartheid government to a non-racist government. It could be said that the guerrilla warfare by the African National Congress delayed rather than progressed government negotiations, the guerrilla warfare which, in fact, continued even after peaceful negotiations had been entered into in 1992.
It is significant that once it had been agreed upon by the National Government to hand over governance of South Africa to the African National Congress during secret negotiations as discussed in Attachment 101, the African National Congress continued its violent attacks upon the nation of South Africa, and in particular, on the lives of known Inkatha Freedom Party supporters.
(iv) The African National Congress have maintained their aggressive stance
At present, South Africa is reeling from the ‘shoot to kill’ armed presence the African National Congress government has taken towards the citizens of the country. On the 16th of August 2012, the shooting of mine workers at Marikana was shown during the evening news time slot on public television.
Various reports of police violence have been reported on social networks and have been compared to the violence experienced in the 1980’s. It has become evident that the African National Congress has maintained their aggressive stance since the fateful day an armed struggle was decided upon at the meeting in 1973.
Part 2. The African National Congress in government.
Section A. The safety of the nation.
Threats to the safety of a nation can come from within the country itself, or from across its borders. The government of a country has the mandate to ensure the safety of each person living within the country it serves. Where such a government is negligent in its duties to protect a nation, it is failing in its duties. Where such a government remains silent on the attacks on the lives of the people within the country it serves, it is, by its silence, condoning such attacks. Where a government is found to be directly involved with attacks carried out on the lives of the people inside the country it serves, this action is tantamount to treason against the nation.
Attacks on people living inside a country which puts their lives at risk can happen in more than one way:
I. Physical attacks on the lives of people;
2. Unsafe drinking water;
3. Insufficient food which could lead to famine;
4. Being denied entrance into the work force;
5. Extreme taxation which renders the value of their money worthless;
6. Endorsing the sale of questionable seeds and food to the nation, which could affect their health detrimentally e.g. Genetically engineered seeds and food
The safety of any country is of extreme importance for the survival of its people. Not only are people being murdered in South African public places and on the streets, but also inside their homes.
Besides the violent attacks on their lives, the nation is suffering from an oversupply of drugs on the streets brought into the country by mafias which were tied to the African National Congress before they were unbanned in 1992, and are now allowed to continue their malpractices. Child slavery for sexual enterprise has also become a bustling industry in South Africa and the lives of babies are ripped from them as a cure for AIDS and traditional medicine.
The food supply to the nation has decreased significantly in volume and in quality while the population is expected to double within the next twenty years, there is a continual unabated inflow of foreign nationals into the country who arrive here with no funding or gainful employment to sustain them. Most of these foreigners do not leave the country but turn to crime for survival.
The call for attacks on the lives of white farmers as well as land grabs has seen the decrease of white commercial farmers from about 85000 in 1992, to less than 11000 presently. For the first time in the history of South Africa, the nation has imported basic foodstuffs since 2007.
Regulations have been put in place forcing the farmers to buy seeds which have been genetically engineered. These seeds are sterile which forces farmers to purchase more seeds every planting season. Foodstuffs made from these seeds are the direct cause of deformities in unborn babies and are a threat on the lives of all who consume them. This is discussed further in Attachment 27 - Humanitarian atrocities committed by the Crown against southern Africans, Section 2. Agriculture is interfered with in South Africa by the Crown which is hazardous to the health of South Africans.
The water supply of South Africans is also under attack of becoming unusable. At present, the South African fresh water is rated as the third best water in the world. Most of this water is collected from underground channels. The African National Congress has given permission for fracking in nine different places in South Africa within the very near future which will poison the underground water and leave the nation without sufficient water to drink.
Policing and security of the country has been used for a self enrichment vehicle of the African National Congress government. Whistle blowers on the criminal activities of the African National Congress government are victimized. Criminals are regularly set free from prison in hoards by Presidential pardon. The police force is used to protect the personal enterprises of government officials, and is often involved in attacks against the nation.
Armaments to protect the country have been used in private business deals to enrich government officials and are inefficient and insufficient to protect the country in case of an attack on the nation. The military budget is astronomical considering that the military staff is minimal and ill supplied. Furthermore, the African National Congress is forming its own personal army with the funds of the nation. As a political party who are landlord of the state treasury, this is not only an abuse of the system, but an abuse which could lead to an armed attack against the very nation who has entrusted it with their state machinery in tote.