Understanding Forestry Study Guide: Chapter 12
Use pp328-346 in your textbook
· Maximum sustainable yield
· Ecosystem based Management
· Adaptive Management
· Fire Ecology/Fire Suppression
· Plantation Forestry
· Clear Cutting
· Seed Tree/Shelter wood forestry
· Selection Forestry
· Ecosystem based management
· Gifford Pinchot
· U.S. Forest Service
· National Park Service
· National Forest Management Act (1976)
· Deforestation
· Old Growth/Primary Growth forests
· Salvage Logging
· Secondary Growth forests
· Uneven Age Forests
· Conservation vs. Preservation
· Multi-Use Approach
· Tropical Rain Forest
· Taiga Forest
· Conifer Forest
· Deciduous Forest
· Temperate Rain Forest
· FSC-Sustainable Forestry Certification
· FAO (UN Food and Agriculture Organization)
Why is the sustainability of Forests so important? (Anthropocentric)
1. Which of the following ecosystem services (see below) are provided for by forests?
2. For three ecosystem services you identified, describe how forests provide for them.
3. Give evidence that forests are not being used sustainably.
4. Why isn’t harvesting at the “Maximum Sustainable Yield” always best for the ecosystem?
5. List two problems caused by forestry monoculture (or plantation forestry).
6. If monoculture is bad for the ecosystem, why is it the most widely used method of forest harvesting?
7. What is one method timber companies are using to protect the forest from the harms of monoculture?
8. What is an “Old Growth Forest” and why is it more valuable ecologically than a cut and replanted forest?
9. Why are uneven aged and mixed species forests more sustainable?
Timber Harvesting
10. List the three methods of timber harvesting from the most damaging to the most sustainable.
11. Explain why select cutting is the most sustainable harvesting practice.
12. What is the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and how does it ensure that forests are being harvested sustainably?
13. List three criteria of FSC certified wood.
Fire Suppression
14. How has fire suppression on the forest hurt the productivity of the forests?
15. Why is it an ecological problem for timber companies to remove dead snags (dead trees) from a forest in order to reduce the fire hazard?
Forest Protection
16. What are three government acts, agencies or programs that protect forests and the organism that live there?
Ecosystem services = essential services support the biotic factors (the organisms, the live processes, and ecological relationships) that makes economic activities possible
§ Soil formation
§ Pollination
§ Water purification and storage
§ Nutrient cycling
§ Climate regulation
§ Waste treatment
§ Population control
§ Supplying raw materials (minerals and energy)
§ Provide food for humans (directly as wild food or indirectly by nourishing crops or feeding livestock that humans eat.)
§ Providing beauty, inspiration, recreation and solitude.