Outcomes for all identified groups of children will be raised so they are at least in line with national expectations.
Outcomes for children with no identified need will be above national expectations.
Progress in each year group will be good with at least 85% of children meeting the Attainment Floor Standards inKS1 and 65% in KS2.
75%children will be working within expected good level of development at the end of Foundation Stage.
Termly Milestones / Autumn:
Overview planning will show progression across the year groups, skills progressions will be used in planning stages.
Skills progressions by curriculum leaders will ensure no gaps.
Environment will be evaluated and updated to support independent learning in all year groups (appropriate to age and stage).
All areas of learning will have clear, measurable learning intention (planning) that is shared with and understood by children, success criteria will ensure all groups can achieve the outcomes.
The outdoor environment will be in use across the school (including the Forest Schools curriculum).
Planning reviews completed with this in mind by subject leaders.
All lesson observations will indicate at least good but a higher percentage of outstanding in the areas of planning and learning in relation to focused learning intentions for all children at all levels.
Child interviews will indicate children are enjoying their learning and are able to discuss their learning and next steps, children will have clear examples of a learning outcome to help them on their learning journey.
Training and support given for the new assessment without levels procedures.
The teachers will be fully involved in the coaching programme, supporting and leading each other. The Deputy will oversee this programme and ensure time for colleagues to liaise with each other.
All lesson observations will show good and outstanding progress being made (over the session and over time) with children being able to discuss their learning and assess their own learning.
Lesson observations will identify opportunities for children working independently on challenging tasks developing confidence and resilience in the new curriculum.
All planning scrutinies will clearly indicate challenge for all, and will identify the different vulnerable groups, linked to the curriculum and our own ethos.
All book scrutinies will identify clear progression and differentiation for all groups of children (using a range of evidence, which will include observations across the key stages and extended writing opportunities).
Pupil progress sessions will identify groups for interventions according to progress made.
Ensure high English expectations and extended writing opportunities are across all areas of learning and that the learning is creative.
All children will be making expected / good progress relative to their starting points.
Staff will be confident in planning, using the new format with challenging and engaging learning, cross curricular with a range of learning outcomes.
Staff will be confident to track and evaluate their own cohorts using the windshields and Venn diagrams, identifying accelerated progress and a need for interventions, including all groups of vulnerable children.
The coaching programme will be embedded and the staff will be secure in supporting each other, using peer observations and evaluations.
All end of year levels will be in line with predictions or better (dependent on cohort changes).
Early years Literacy, PSED and SEN children results will be in line with the cohort results.
Task: / Lead Responsibilities
LEA Support / Timescale / Evaluated by Who/When/How / Method
Who/When/How / Resources and cost
1a Subject leaders to monitor planning and ensure the skills progress sheets are being used to ensure there are no gaps. / HT / Termly / HT / Leadership times, staff meetings / Leadership cover
1b Environment checklists given out to ensure parity across the school and those expectations for each year group are set. / SLT / Autumn term / HT / Inset day / n/a
1cChild interviews will be carried out throughout the year / Subject leaders / SLT / Termly / HT / During leadership times and PPA the staff will interview children to develop their own subject / leadership time
1d On-going observations / SLT and staff / Termly / HT / DHT / Termly observations, paired observations and peer observations / Cover for peer observations
1e New assessment training set up / HT / Autumn term / HT / Teaching staff / Autumn term after school training with Deputy Head / n/a
1fTeachers to be fully involved in the coaching programme, observing and supporting each other / DHT / Termly / HT / All teaching staff paired together, time given by deputy to meet, support and observe each other / Cover time, possible visits to other schools
1g Whole school book scrutinies / HT / Half termly / All staff / Staff meetings / n/a
1h On-going pupil progress meetings and interventions set up to ensure progress / HT/ DHT / Termly / All staff / Staff meeting slots / n/a
1i Planning is creative and writing and GPS opportunities are in all areas of the curriculum / HT/DHT / Halft termly / All staff / Planning scrutinies and book looks / n/a
Next Steps:
Key Issue 2. Ensure that we are in line with national expectations regarding British Values and bullying issues as we move in to a Primary School / Success Criteria:
All observations will indicate 100% good or better, with all staff having clear direction of British values and SMSC.
The teaching and learning of values across the school will significantly impact achievement and emotional progress of children over time.
The PSED element of The Early Years curriculum will be75% expected or above.
The children will talk openly about staying safe in school and at home when online.
Assemblies will have a clear focus on British values.
The school will work closely with the parents and local community to ensure a safe and open environment.
Termly Milestones / Autumn:
All planning will address SMSC.
All TAs will be observed and be given feedback on how to develop their practice (linked to PM).
Playtimes will be monitored; zoning on the playground will reduce any bullying or unkind behaviour.
All SLT observations will be moderated following paired observations.
Staff assemblies will be observed to ensure they are addressing key issues.
Assemblies will be differentiated for the different age ranges.
Teachers will have opportunities to observe and coach each other with a focus on SMSCS / British Values.
Climate of coaching will continue with clear guidelines for support.
The Prefects will lead positive playtimes, focusing on staying safe and being kind.
Begin to build links within the local community for example the Police, Imam, local priest etc.
Children to help in the community, singing in care homes through choir etc.
Sue Phillips to visit and continue with the RE / PSHCE curriculum CPD for all staff
All teachers will have some areas of outstanding teaching in their practice linked to SMSC.
Planning will be exciting and challenging with children being implicitly involved in the assessment and next steps process, this will include links to British values where possible
Year 4 children to work with the Young Enterprise Team to think about British values and skills within the community.
Task: / Lead Responsibilities
LEA Support / Timescale / Evaluated by Who/When/How / Method
Who/When/How / Resources and cost
2a Develop a British values policy linked to the PSHCE plan / Zella Parkin / Autumn Term / HT / PSHCE Coordinator during PPA and leadership time / N/A
2b Assembly timetables to incorporate British values and bullying issues / Arris Shanahan / Autumn term / HT / Incorporating bullying into the KS2 assemblies / n/a
2c liaise with the local community for assemblies and class sessions eg, Father Ben, Police etc / HT / Year leaders / Termly / HT / Community links inviting people to special events and to lead key discussions / Booking time
2d Planning formats incorporate opportunities for British values and SMSC. / Zella Parkin / Autumn term / All staff / Staff meetings and planning scrutinies / n/a
2e Playtimes to have the zoning embedded and prefects / chosen children to monitor values and friendly playtimes. / DHT / Termly / All staff / Monitoring playtimes, training for prefects and TA meetings to ensure confidence. / Meeting times
2f Play monitors from Durrington High to come over and introduce positive play / HT / Spring term / Summer term / Lisa / head from durrington / Lisa to liaise with the Head Teacher at DurringtonHigh School, to arrange a time when the children can come over, either in assembly / N/A
2g Coaching programme to incorporate British values and positive relationships / DHT / Autumn term onwards / All staff / Arris to continue to work with the staff on training needs, working with experts / n/a
Next Steps:
Key Issue 3. To ensure The feedback policy and assessment is impacting on the progress and attainment of all learners, especially in writing across the curriculum. / Success Criteria: Standards for writing in all subjects will be in line and above national expectations at the end of each year.
85% of children in each year group will make at least expected progress based on their end of EYFS scores and will achieve at least expected attainment at the end of each year.
Children from identified groups will make progress and expected attainment in line with national expectations.
Writing results will be in line with reading.
The gaps between reading and writing will decrease.
The gaps between SEN and non SEN children and Pupil Premium children and Non Pupil Premium children will close.
The children will be using the marking system independently and there will be on-going dialogue between teacher and child.
Termly Milestones / Autumn: All children will be benchmarked and expectations for the end of year identified.
Target setting to ensure that predicted end of year attainment is higher than the previous year.
Timetables to ensure time is given to allow for extended writing in all subjects and time to respond to marking.
Independent areas are set up to encourage children to write, with the same expectations to draft, review and improve.
Planning in all subjects will identify opportunities for marking for learning and time to respond to marking and improve.
SLT will monitor the use of the feedback in all books and the impact on progress.
Pupil progress meetings to track progress and interventions put in place to accelerate learning.
Staff meetings to introduce the new KS1 and 2 end of year tests.
The parents will have a voice in early years and across the school, they will contribute to assessment in early years.
New teachers and TA’S will have training in questioning and making observations that are relevant and will impact on the assessment.
Children not on track to be identified for interventions based on book looks and impact from the feedback.
Staff will be planning for GPS in all subjects and this will be addressed in all areas through the feedback to children.
Planning scrutinies of non-core subjects will identify writing / Maths and GPS opportunities.
Lesson observations of non-core subjects will identify how the marking for learning is impacting the child in lessons,
Pupil progress meetings to track progress and interventions put in place to accelerate learning.
Ensure all expectations are on track and begin to look at GPS interventions.
Questioning and observations will be a focus for observations and book looks this term to ensure that we are moving children on and they are responding appropriately to aid impact.
Summer: 85%/65% of pupils to have made expected progress / attainment for their year group.
All groups of children including vulnerable groups are accessing the feedback policy.
Planning for writing will be embedded across the curriculum and misconceptions will be addressed through the feedback policy.
Target tracker will be well established for all subjects ready for the transition for next year.
Parents will feel they have had a voice this year and feel secure in their child’s development.
Task: / Lead Responsibilities
LEA Support / Timescale / Evaluated by Who/When/How / Method
Who/When/How / Resources and cost
3aEarly years classroom to ensure there are reading, writing and maths opportunities in each area. / DHT / Autumn / Rachel / Zella, in class / learning walks and lesson obs
3bThe children will be confident using the tickled pink and green for growth system for peer and self-assessing. / SLT / Spring and on going / - SLT / Book looks and lesson observations, peer coaching
3cThe staff will be confident when using the tickled pink and green for growth system / SLT / Spring and on going / - SLT / Book looks and lesson observations, peer coaching
3dOpportunities for writing in all subjects through creative, cross curricular planning / HT / Autumn / Planning scrutinies, staff meetings and lesson obs and book looks
3e GPS will be taught as a separate subject and the children will self-assess using a learning ladder / SLT / End of Autumn / Class teachers / Arris to initially set up and train staff in staff meetings / Resources / Time
3fMember of staff will be additionally trained to accelerate reading and comprehension of books through the reading recovery programme / HT / Autumn / Beth Stamper / Beth to attend training sessions and begin running interventions with chosen children. / £325
3g All subjects including non-core will be monitored on Target Tracker and the assessment in formation used in planning / DHT/HT / Summer / All staff / Updated regularly and this will be monitored by SLT and used for weekly planning with the phase leaders monitoring / N/A
3h Increased meetings and drop ins for parents to feel involved in their children’s learning / DHT / Spring / SLT / All staff / Staff meetings, discuss the best ways to bring parents in. / n/a
3i Early Years will include parent voice in their observations of the children / DHT / Spring / Summer / DHT / Early years staff / DHT to discuss ways to get parents voice with the parents during the 6 weeks in meeting and then progress from here. / N/A
Next Steps:
Key Issue 4. To close the gap between SEND and non-SEND children / Success Criteria;
The children on the SEND register will be in line with the children who do not have special educational needs.
Staff will have greater control and accountability for the children with SEND in their own class.
Everychild with SEND will have a relevant ILP
Provision maps will be available for children with SEND to ensure they are getting the right level of support.
Support and interventions will be class based as well as out of class groups, with an expectation of outstanding Quality First Teaching in class.
Termly Milestones / Autumn:
Staff meeting to ensure all staff are aware of the new changes to the SEND code of practice.
Inclusion manager to attend the Special Educational Needs programme at Chichester.
Local offer will be in place to ensure the parents are familiar with what we can offer.
SEND coordinator to offer termly cover so that teachers have time to plan, meet parents and reflect on their children’s progress
Mrs Beck to meet regularly with parents of the children on the SEND register to keep them updated with progress, and go through any difficulties or celebrations.
Parent groups set up and parents invited to meet with each other regularly for coffee mornings
Designated teaching assistants for Speech and Language and children with English as an additional language, trained and supported by specialists in the field.
Progress meetings to emphasise the progress and attainment of the children on the SEND register and compare to those who are not.
Look at the impact of those interventions and ILPs in terms of data and progress.
Feedback from the parents to improve meetings / coffee mornings and feedback sessions
Evaluate the impact of the Learning Mentor and play therapy sessions on the progress of those vulnerable children.
Evaluate the provisions maps that have been in place and look at the interventions that have had the most impact.
Progress meetings to monitor and evaluate interventions.
Share positive feedback with the parents
70% of the SEND children meet the end of year expectations or make expected progress from their starting points.
Task: / Lead Responsibilities
LEA Support / Timescale / Evaluated by Who/When/How / Method
Who/When/How / Resources and cost
4a Staff meeting to set expectations with all staff / DHT / SENDCO / Autumn / HT / Arris to run staff meetings providing staff with instructions, ethos and support / N/A
4b TA training to set expectations of SEND practice. / DHT / SENDCO / Autumn / HT / Arris to run TA training sessions / N/A
4c Meetings set with parents and children with SEND to start up ILPs and create a profile of the child / DHT / SENDCO / Spring / HT / Arris to cover teachers so they can meet with parents and children together. / Teacher cover
4d Provisions maps available of all children working on the SEND register / DHT / SENDCO / Autumn and on going / HT / Teachers to take control over the interventions and to be involved in monitoring the impact / N/A
4e Parent meetings set up with a PDP / DHT / SENDCO / Autumn / HT / Sam Beck to meet parents of Children with SEND / Coffee / tea etc
4f Informal parent group set up to allow parents to socialise and discuss any issues with each other, developing support networks / DHT / SENDCO / Spring / HT / Arris Shanahan to send out invites and posters to invite parents in and set up the meetings / Coffee / tea etc
4g On-going monitoring of attainment to ensure the groups are in line with national / other groups / DHT / SENDCO / Autumn – On going / HT / SLT meetings to monitor progress and share back to planning meetings and year groups / n/a
4h Evaluation of interventions both in class or out of class to measure impact / DHT / SENDCO / Autumn - On going / HT / Staff to share impact in staff meetings and to share good practice with each other. / n/a
Next Steps:
The Laurels Primary School