Ozone2Climate Technology Road Show and Industry Roundtable 2013
8-10 April 2013
Shanghai New International Exhibition Center, China
Revised Concept Note
The Asia Pacific region is the largest producer and consumer of HCFCs and accounts for 85% and 74% of these chemicals’ global production and consumption respectively in 2010. In addition, the region manufactures most of the Refrigeration, Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC&R) equipment and is the fastest growing market in the world. “To minimize environmental impacts, in particular impacts on climate” while phasing out HCFC as per the accelerated phase-out schedule approved by the Meeting of the Parties (Decision XIX/6) will be a challenge for industries and policy makers of the region. Even though there are many available alternatives to HCFCs in the market, most are only short- to medium-term solutions given a growing international pressure to move away from refrigerants with high-GWP. As Article 5 Parties embark on HCFC phase-out and aim to achieve their first freeze target by 2013 and 10% reduction in 2015, there are excellent opportunities for the refrigeration and air conditioning (R/AC) industry to introduce zero-ODP, energy-efficient, zero- or lower-GWP greener technologies to achieve more socio-economic and environmental benefits and fulfill the sprit of the MOP Decision XIX/6.
As per the RTOC (UNEP Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heat Pumps Technical Options Committee), more than 100 refrigerants, including blends, are marketed at present, though approximately 20 consitute the overwhelming majority on a global basis and even that quantity is expected to fall as users converge on preferred options over time. Refrigerant manufacturers are in process of developing new candidates while equipment manufacturers are testing, selecting, and qualifying new refrigerants as well as associated lubricants and other materials. The technological options for air conditioning and refrigeration are expected to evolve over the next several years as designers continue to replace HCFC-22 with non-ODS alternatives and focus on developing lower GWP alternatives for R-410A and R-407C. There are several low and medium GWP alternatives being considered as replacements for HCFC-22. These include lower GWP HFC refrigerants (HFC-32, HFC-152a, HFC-161, HFC-1234yf and other unsaturated fluorochemicals, as well as blends of them), HC-290 and R-744. HC-290 and some of the HFC refrigerants are flammable and will need to be applied in accordance with an appropriate safety standard such as IEC-60335-2-40, which establishes maximum charge levels and ventilation requirements[1].
To help outreach such technologies, UNEP OzonAction has successfully organized its first physical Ozone2Climate Technology Roadshow and Industry Roundtable in Maldives from 8 to 12 May 2011, back-to-back with the Joint Network Meeting of Ozone Officers from South Asia and West Asia. At the same time, UNEP also launched its virtual exhibition to complement the physical exhibition in Maldives and at the Regional Technology Roundtable on Ozone-and Climate-friendly Technologies for RAC experts and Ozone Officers from European & Central Asian countries in Serbia during 10-13 May 2011. During 11-13 April 2012, UNEP with Chinese partners organized Ozone2Climate Roadshow and Roundtable in Beijing; During 21-22 July 2012, UNEP with US Government and other partners organized Advancing Ozone & Climate Protection Technologies: Next Steps in Bangkok.
China: A situation analysis
China’s R/AC industry currently consumes more than 40% of national HCFC consumption, and is expected to continue growing rapidly along with economic development and improving standards of living. 2012 will be the first year for China to implement the HCFC Phase-out Management Plan (HPMP) approved by the Multilateral Fund. The R/AC sector is a significant component of the HPMP therefore technology choice and selection would set the direction for China’s R/AC industry to move forward over the next decade and more.
China Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Industry Association (CRAA), founded in 1989, is a national non-profit industrial organization mainly representing refrigeration and air-conditioning manufacturers, and research, design institutes and academies as well, with the principal of voluntarily participation. CRAA is a major voice for the whole industry and works for members’ mutual interests and benefits in China.
CRAA is manufacturers’ liaison with the government and has been devoting itself to provide members and whole industry with multifaceted and valuable services.
CRAA is one of the co-organizers of the 24th International Exhibition for Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Heating and Ventilation, Frozen Food Processing, Packaging and Storage (CRH 2013 in Shanghai from 8 to 10 April 2013. CRH is one of the three most influential annual exhibitions in the world, and the largest of its kind in the Asia and the Pacific region. More than 1,100 exhibitors from more than 30 countries and 45,000 professional visitors and trade buyers from more than 100 countries/regions are expected to join the exhibition.
As a follow up to the well-received Beijing Roadshow and Roundtable, and to further bring latest greener technology information to the industry participating in the CRH event, UNEP and CRAA have agreed to still jointly organize the 2013 Ozone2Climate Roadshow as part of CRH 2013. Within this period, UNEP and CRAA will also organize one industry roundtable to discuss practical issues surrounding R/AC technology selection that will benefit both the ozone layer and climate.
UNEP and CRAA welcome influential and relevant international organizations, regional and national organizations to be partners of these two events as joint organizers and/or supporting organizers.
The aim of the proposed Ozone2Climate Roadshow is:
· To outreach the available ozone and climate-friendly technologies to R/AC industry and professionals participating in CRH 2013, to showcase the leading role of industry pioneers that have developed or adopted climate – and ozone-friendly R/AC technology, and
· To engage industry decision makers in a discussion on the availability, affordability and need for zero-ODP, zero- or lower-GWP and more energy efficient alternatives while considering the whole life cycle assessment of the climate impact of the final product.
The Ozone2Climate Roundtable will complement the Roadshow by providing a forum for an open discussion on how to evaluate the climate performance of R/AC equipment, refrigerant technology development trends, industry standards and regulatory requirements that constrain the application of alternatives, balance of the compliance requirement under the Montreal Protocol with longer term solutions required for climate protection. The objective of the Roadshow is therefore to help industry to take an informed decision in selecting ozone- and climate-friendly alternatives for the phase-out of HCFCs. However, the Roadshow will not endorse any specific alternative technology.
Ozone2Climate Roadshow
The Roadshow will be organized in an exhibition hall measuring up to 1,000 m2. The products/technology to be exhibited in the Roadshow will include those relating to zero-ODP, lower-GWP alternatives, but with improved energy efficiency of final products as compared to HCFC-based technology. All manufacturers, research institutions, universities, NGOs from countries that manufacture and/or own these technologies will be invited to display their products/technology either through sample products, or display boards.
Both UNEP and CRAA believe that the future generation of the alternative refrigerant should be more environmental friendly, i.e. zero ODP, lower GWP and better Life Cycle Climate Performance (LCCP). Therefore, for those alternatives to HCFCs with high GWP such as R134a, R410A, R404A etc will not be included in this Roadshow.
CRAA/UNEP will send the invitation letter on behalf of UNEP/CRAA to the potential exhibitors to participate in the Roadshow. Finally, UNEP and CRAA will jointly select at least 40 exhibitors to participate in the Roadshow.
Only the invited exhibitors will set up a booth in the Roadshow.
UNEP/CRAA will further separately invite the other Multilateral Fund implementing agencies (UNDP, UNIDO and World Bank), as well as government departments from bilateral agencies like GiZ, Japan, US who are interested in setting up their own booths to display their efforts, projects, and policies in promoting zero-ODP, lower-GWP and energy efficient alternatives.
UNEP and CRAA will also invite the industry association from India, Brazil, US, the EU and Japan, Republic of Korea, Australia and Canada for their participation of the Roadshow as well as the roundtable.
CRAA and UNEP, cooperating with Organizing Committee of China Refrigeration Expo, will provide standard exhibition space to each invited exhibitors for the Roadshow free of cost, and the invited exhibitors will be responsible for setting up their own booth including transporting, and displaying the sample products/display board, or brochures. Each exhibitor should have at least one staff in their exhibition at the Roadshow to address the visitors’ queries.
UNEP will display its virtual exhibition and encourage more industry to join the platform for virtual exhibition of the green products. The Virtual Exhibition has been developed by UNEP to promote Ozone2Climite Technologies, and the interested entities could set virtual booths on this virtual platform, displaying their latest products and case studies.
To outreach this event, UNEP will through its OzonAction Newsletter/website to disseminate the Roadshow/Roundtable information, and encourage the National Ozone Unit and their industry to join this event as well. UNEP would also consider organizing one seminar with the key stakeholders for the linkage of the ozone and climate issues especially in the R/AC sector.
Ozone2Climate Industry Round Table on Alternatives to Phaseout of HCFC
Taking the opportunity of the presence of leading industry and other stakeholders, the Industry Roundtable will focus on promoting investment, research and development in zero-ODP, lower-GWP and energy efficient technologies for the R/AC sector with the following sub-themes:
· Update on the progress in the development of non-ODS-based energy-efficient R/AC systems and technology, and their future prospects;
· The challenge to meet compliance with the HCFC phase-out in light of the need for a long term solutions to benefit climate protection;
· Availability and affordability of HCFC alternatives, as well as financial, social and technical impacts on manufacturer, end-users and servicing industry;
· Approaches to evaluate the climate performance of R/AC products;
· Standard, policy, regulatory and institutional arrangements for the adoption of flammable alternatives at the national, regional and global level concerning safety production, transportation, storage and servicing.
The roundtable will be a one day programme with 10-15 presentations, of which 2-3 will be from China to talk about China industry perspectives as well as their understanding of the potential alternatives to HCFC with consideration of the dual benefit of ozone and climate. The remaining presentations will be by speakers from outside of China. Presentations on the relevant standards, such as refrigerant clarification concerning safety issue, alternative products, and the layout of the production lines with flammable refrigerant would be organized. The agenda will be developed following more consultations to be conducted by UNEP and CRAA with all stakeholders.
UNEP and CRAA will invite experts to make presentations on the identified topics.
Target Audience
· Technical and business managers from chemical and equipment manufacturing industries producing and/or consuming HCFCs;
· Decision makers from the same industries and companies;
· Technical experts engaged in technology research and development as well as assessment; and
· Representatives from key importing and exporting companies and industries in the region.
The Roundtable will be organized in a meeting hall near the venue of the Roadshow (to be specified later).
Expected Outcomes of Roadshow and Round Table
· Outreach available ozone- and climate-friendly technologies for HCFC phase out;
· Well disseminated UNEP and industry’s position on the HCFC alternative selection;
· Update on progress of alternatives and their applicability for HCFC Phase-out;
· Consensus on the direction for the development and investments in zero ODP, lower- and zero-GWP, energy efficient alternatives to HCFCs;
· Share knowledge on HCFC alternative technologies and discuss potential business opportunities through the HCFC-phase-out process;
· Identify the present, near-term and long-term need for policies, technologies and services implementing the Montreal Protocol to enable accelerated adoption of lower GWP no-ODS refrigerant based technologies and preventing a large scale lock-in of HFCs;
· Identify and discuss the emerging best practices case studies and make the green economy case for accelerated transitioning to environmentally sound financially affordable HCFC alternatives.
Dates and Venue
Roadshow date: 8-10 April 2013
Roundtable date: 9 April 2013
Venue: Shanghai New International Exhibition Center, China
[1] UNEP RTOC 2011. 2010 Assessment Report of the Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heat Pumps Technical Options Committee (Nairobi, 2011), p 2.