Lomax Junior High Orchestra Syllabus 2016-2017

Course Title:Beginning Orchestra (3rd period)

Junior Varsity Orchestra (2nd and 4th period)

Varsity Orchestra (5th period)

Teacher Name:Ms. Ruby Ortiz

Conference:1st period

Phone:(281) 604-6755


Course Description and Expectations

Each group will focus on a specifically outlined set of techniques such as intonation, bow strokes, vibrato, shifting, etc. The students will cooperate in an ensemble setting while rehearsing their classroom repertoire, small group settings when participating in sectionals, and also in an individual setting while rehearsing their solo repertoire in the Spring.

Classroom behavioral expectations for both the students and the instructor will be outlined by classroom discussion the first week of school. Students are required to attend all sectionals and extra rehearsals outside of school, as well as any performances their group participates in.

Learning Objectives

Students will…

  • Develop proper posture and instrument carriage
  • Demonstrate proper tone production
  • Illustrate correct intonation and aural skills
  • Utilize a range of musical terminology
  • Perform scales, arpeggios, and rhythmic warm-ups
  • Exhibit understanding of basic music theory and music history

Learning Outcomes

After this course, students will be able to…

  • Perform orchestral music at the appropriate level or higher
  • Illustrate knowledge and ability to perform a certain number of scales and arpeggios
  • Utilize a range of basic to advanced string techniques
  • Perform a solo piece at the appropriate level or higher
  • Utilize proper practice technique

Course Evaluation and Grading

Major Assignments (45%)

Weekly Playing Exams

Solo Repertoire Exam

Major Performances

Daily Assignments (50%)

Students receive one weekly grade* for a combination of conduct, preparedness, instrument attendance, and sectional/rehearsal attendance, and this grade will be up to the discretion of the instructor. Students may also receive daily grades for binder checks, nail checks, pencil checks, and form collection.

Reading/Writing Assignments (5%)

Students will be required to write critiques on their own performances, and will have several other lessons that will require a writing assignment. Students may be given weekly prompts to evaluate their knowledge on various subjects, and to test their critical writing skills. They will be graded lightly for grammar, spelling, and content.

*Weekly Grades

The following criteria contributes to each student’s weekly grade worth 50% of their overall grade:

  • Not bringing your instrument to schoolevery day(shoulder instruments only)
  • Not taking your instrument homeevery day(shoulder instruments only)
  • Not attending a sectional or rehearsal
  • Improper conduct in class
  • Lack of necessary materials in class

Each offense above will result in a 20 point loss for the student’s weekly grade. It is not possible to go below a zero for each week, but class failure is a high possibility for multiple low weekly grades.

Note: Please contact me if you have any questions about grades or fairness during the year. For missed performances, there will always be opportunities for make-up assignments. Students have the opportunity to make up tests during Enrichment until the next progress report or report card.

Major Project Guidelines and Expectations

Students are required to participate in all performances, sectionals and rehearsals, including UIL, unless an emergency or issue prevents such attendance. For every missed performance, there will be an opportunity for a make-up assignment.

Classroom Materials

All students are required to bring their instrument to school every day and will lose 20 points from their weekly grade if they do not have it. A black, 1 inch binder is required for this course, and must maintain decent condition for the entire year. Pencils are required daily.


Students will prepare two technical etudes to perform for a panel of judges. Both 7th and 8th graders may participate, but all Varsity students are required to learn the region music and will be tested on it in class. Your instructor will be able to help with region music during the designated before school region sectionals.

Practice/Instrument Attendance

Students are required to practice outside of class time!All students with shoulder instruments are required to take their instrument home every day. For each day a student neglects to bring their instrument home, 20 points will be taken off their weekly grade. If a student does not take their instrument home at all for one full week, their weekly grade will be a zero. Cellos and basses are required to fill out a practice record for each week for their instrument attendance grade. Cellos and basses are also required to bring their instrument up to the school twice a semester for tuning.

Instrument Rental and Fees

The fee for instrument rental is $30 for the entire year, to be paid as soon as possible. This is only if you are renting an instrument through Lomax! If you rent from Lisle or have your own instrument, you do not need to pay this fee. Remember, these instruments are delicate, so proper care is essential. Please do not leave instruments in extreme climates, or near A/C units or air vents. Never leave an instrument in a car, regardless of the weather outside. If an instrument returns to the program with a significant amount of damage, the student will be expected to pay for complete repairs or a new instrument if necessary. If a home cello or bass becomes out of tune or is damaged, please contact the instructor immediately to set up an appointment to drop the instrument off at the school for tuning.

Polo Shirt

All students are required to own a Lomax orchestra polo shirt for concerts and other performances. The cost for this shirt is $15, and a letter will be sent home when the money is to be collected. If you already own a Lomax orchestra polo, you do not need to purchase it again.

Remind 101

To sign up for Remind 101, please follow the guide below:

Remind Guide:

  1. Before you sign up for either of these three classes, please be sure you know which group you are in and make absolute sureyou are signing up for the correct class.
  2. When the text message prompts you for your name, enter in your own, complete name, first and last.
  3. You may “text” me by replying to the messages I send. Sometimes this does not work. It is much easier to access this feature if you download the free Remind 101 app on your phone.
  4. If you are not receiving my messages, please get in contact with me ASAP so we can troubleshoot.


Text @lxjhb to the number 81010


Text @lxjhjv to the number 81010


Text @lxjhvo to the number 81010

Calendar of Events:

Fall Semester

Wednesday, September 7th: Orchestra Parent/Teacher Fall Meeting; 6:00 pm @ LXJH Orchestra room

Thursday, September 8th: Instrument Drive; 5:00 @ James H. Baker Cafeteria

Tuesday, September 27th: 59 Minute Fundraiser; 4:00 pm-6:00 pm @ LXJH Orchestra room

*Saturday, October 15th: Region JH String Auditions; 7:30 am; ALL Varsity members must try out

Monday, October 24th: LXJH Fine Arts Fall Concert; 5:30 pm @ LXJH gym

Friday, November 11th: Veteran’s Day Concert; time TBA @ LXJH gym

Monday, December 5th: LXJH Fine Arts Winter Concert; 5:30 @ LXJH gym

Spring Semester

Thursday, January 5th: LXJH Fine Arts Fundraiser begins, due approx. January 19th

Wednesday, January 11th: Orchestra Parent/Teacher Spring Meeting; 6:00 pm @ LXJH Orchestra room

*Tuesday, January 17th: Region HS and MS Chair Auditions; time TBA @ Bondy Intermediate

*Friday, January 20th: Region HS and MS Clinic; time TBA @ DPHS; only region students

*Saturday, January 21st: Region HS Clinic/Concert; time TBA @ DPHS; only region students

Thursday, February 16th: LXJH Parent Conference Day; Early Release Day

*Thursday, February 23rd: LXJH Orchestra Pre-UIL; time and location TBA

*Tuesday, March 7th: JH Orchestra UIL, time and location TBA

*Wednesday, March 8th: JH Orchestra UIL, time and location TBA

Tuesday, May 16th: LXJH Fine Arts Spring Concert; 5:30 pm @ LXJH gym

*Transportation will be available to all students attending this event, if necessary.

If you have any questions about anything listed above or not mentioned, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you,

Ruby Ortiz

Lomax Junior High Orchestra Director

Stephen F. Austin State University Strings Camp Administrator

(281) 604-6755