1. In regards to religion, geographers are most concerned with the:

  1. size of the religion
  2. regional distribution of religions
  3. founder of the religion
  4. history of the religion
  5. practices of the religion

2. The largest universalizing religion in the world today is:

a. Buddhism

  1. Islam
  2. Hinduism
  3. Christianity
  4. Judaism


3. Make the connection. While Protestants and Catholics may live in the same countries in large numbers, they often have sharp boundaries where majorities are found, similar to those we studied in (the four readings exercise.)

a. France

b. Italy

c. Belgium

d. United Kingdom

e. both c and d


4. Although the stereotype is that most Muslims live in the Middle East, over half the world’s Muslim’s live in four countries outside the Middle East. These include all of the following except:

  1. Pakistan
  2. India
  3. Bangladesh
  4. Thailand
  5. Indonesia

5. The country with the largest population of Shiite (Shia) Muslims would be:

  1. Iraq
  2. India
  3. Iran
  4. Saudi Arabia
  5. Egypt

6. One of the most divisive tenets of the Nation of Islam in the USA would be

a. promotion of an autonomous nation within the


b. they didn’t believe in a separation of races.

c. their attempt to deny equal rights to women.

d. their leader was devoted to Sharia law.

e. their belief in violent confrontation.

7. The “religion” that can be described as a series of ethical principles for the orderly conduct of daily life is:

  1. Christianity
  2. Judaism
  3. Buddhism
  4. Shinto
  5. Confucianism

8. In the USA, Jews create ethnic enclaves in:

a. large cities

  1. the west coast.
  2. the southeastern USA
  3. in small, rural Jewish communities
  4. Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York


  1. In order of adherents, the largest religions in the world are
  1. Islam, Christianity, Hindu
  2. Christianity, Hindu, Islam
  3. Hindu, Christianity, Islam
  4. Christianity, Islam, Hindu
  5. Christianity, Islam, Buddhist


10. Universalizing religions have precise places of origins, based on:

  1. events in the life of a man.
  2. conquest of major cultures
  3. growth out of economic ideas
  4. the development of a calendar to determine when to plant crops.
  5. development of a region

11.. Ethnic religions are highly clustered because

a. larger numbers have helped to avoid conflict.

b. they are only practiced by small numbers of


c. most followers are farmers

d. the religion is closely tied to a physical location.

e. they are not practiced in major cities.

12.. The universalizing religion(s) that place the most emphasis on shrines are:

  1. Judaism
  2. Buddhism
  3. Christianity
  4. Islam
  5. both b and d


13. Religion(s) that have a pilgrimage component in their beliefs include:

a. Islam

b. Christianity

c. Protestant and Catholic

d. Hindu and Islam

e. Islam and Christianity


14. Mecca, as in the holy city of Islam, is used today in the English language to describe:

a. a religious conversion

b. any capital city

c. where a founder was born.

d. a religious ceremony

e. a center of activity


15.. (182)While the worship of one god is called ______, worshiping two or more gods is called______.

16.. (178) The core beliefs of Islam are called the:

17. (191/192) The holiest places in Islam are associated with the two cities of

18. (191) The holiest site in Islam is the religious shrine thought to be built by Abraham and Ishmael called ______.

19. (179) Name the major branches of Islam.

20.. (177) The largest percentage of Catholics related to the population are found on the continent of:

21. When you have major religions in close proximity, there is always the potential for conflict which would make the region a:

22.. (175) The major branches of Christianity, in order of population, are

23.. (175) Catholics comprise nearly ______% of theworlds Christians.

24.. (179) Baptists in the USA are clustered in this region:

25.. (181) Name the country that has the highest concentration of Jews relative to the population.

26. (189)Historically, which group of people lived in areas of a city called a “ghetto?”

27. What is meant by the statement “Hinduism is the

largest clustered religion” in the world. Explain

in geographic detail.

28.. (182) Many Africans follow an ethnic religion that is based on a traditional faith called______.
