1. What major river that is used for trade and makes up Georgia’s eastern border with South Carolina? (Chattahoochee or Savannah)
  1. What important river forms part of the western boundary of the state? It is a major source of water for the millions living in Georgia? (Chattahoochee or Savannah)
  1. Which region is described below: (Coastal Plains, Piedmont, Blue Ridge, Ridge and Valley, or Appalachian Plateau)
  2. dominates (largest) the state – 3/5th of Georgia; agricultural – peaches, peanuts, cotton, Vidalia onions, naval stores; located on Atlantic Ocean – important to tourism, shipping, seafood;actually covered by water millions of years ago
  1. Which region is described below: (Coastal Plains, Piedmont, Blue Ridge, Ridge and Valley, or Appalachian Plateau)
  2. most mountainous; most rainfall (precipitation); location of highest point in Georgia, Brasstown Bald and the start of the Appalachian Trail; located in the northeast section of Georgia
  1. Which region is described below: (Coastal Plains, Piedmont, Blue Ridge, Ridge and Valley, or Appalachian Plateau)
  2. open valleys and narrow ridges; location of Dalton – carpet capital of the world; mining and agriculture
  1. Which region is described below: (Coastal Plains, Piedmont, Blue Ridge, Ridge and Valley, or Appalachian Plateau)
  2. coal most important product; smallest region; located in northwestern corner of the state

sometimes called TAG region (Alabama, Tennessee, and Georgia)

  1. Which region is described below: (Coastal Plains, Piedmont, Blue Ridge, Ridge and Valley, or Appalachian Plateau)
  2. most populated, includes major cities of Athens, Atlanta, Augusta, Macon; manufacturing important;

known for its red clay; name means “foot of the mountains”

  1. What is the natural geographic boundary that separates the Coastal Plans from the Piedmont region and marks the point at which hilly lands meet coastal plains (named for a decrease in elevation)?
  1. What is the name of the largest freshwater swamp in North America? (located in South Georgia)
  1. What is the name given to the chain of sandy islands off the coastline of Georgia? It was home to many Native Americans and a location for Spanish missions. (You get an extra turn if you can name which one is a national park with wild horses running free)
  1. What are the names of Georgia’s two deep water ports – important for shipping cargo?
  1. Which of Georgia’s transportation systems connect Georgia to the rest of the nation, links Georgia’s major cities, and helps move people to their jobs? (Interstate Highway System, Railroad, deep water ports, or Hartsfield Jackson International Airport)
  1. What is the name for the world’s busiest airport; located in Atlanta; named after Atlanta mayors William B. Hartsfield and Maynard Jackson?
  1. What major city was the first one established in Georgia due to the railroad?
  1. What term is used to negatively describe (characterize) the “movement” of elements of urban areas into rural and suburban communities?
  1. What is an important mode of transportation used to ship a large amount of goods nationwide; many of Georgia’s cities were developed due to this transportation mode?
  1. What is the term of office for a member of Georgia’s General Assembly?
  1. What is the term of office for the Governor and Lieutenant governor?
  1. What is the largest branch of state government – executive, legislative, or judicial?
  1. What is the name of Georgia’s legislature (law-making body)?
  1. What are the two main sources of state revenue?
  1. What is the name of the highest ranking court in Georgia?
  1. An act committed by a juvenile that would be considered a crime if committed by an adult is called a ______offense.
  1. An act committed by a juvenile that would not be considered a crime if committed by an adult is called a ______offense.
  1. What was the name of our nation’s first constitution?
  1. One of the key functions of the Articles of Confederation was to create a strong national government – True or False
  1. In what year did Georgia adopt its first state constitution?
  1. The Georgia Supreme Court is which type of court – appellate or trial?
  1. The main governmental authorities in the counties of Georgia are (mayors, sheriffs, magistrates, or commissioners?)
  1. Which type of tax is the largest source of revenue for local (city/county) governments?
  1. Reviews death sentences, ensures justice for Georgia’s citizens, an appellate court

Which court is being described above?

  1. What is the name of the Native American culture in Georgia; nomadic hunters who hunted smaller game; credited with developing grooved axes, fish hooks, and pottery (Paleo, Archaic, Woodland, Mississippian)
  1. What was the name of the political scandal where land companies bribed Georgia officials?
  1. Who invented the cotton gin – which led to an increase need for labor (slavery)?
  1. Who was the man from Georgia who became the Vice President of the Confederacy?
  1. True or False: Alexander Stephens (Vice President of the Confederacy) was not in favor of Georgia seceding from the Union?
  1. What was the name of the major Civil War battle in Georgia which has an Indian name meaning “River of Death?”
  1. Which battle is considered to be the “turning point” in the Civil War?
  1. Which Civil War battle resulted in Lincoln issuing the Emancipation Proclamation?
  1. Who was the Union General who led a path of destruction through Georgia known as the “March to the Sea?”
  1. What was the name of the government agency, established during Reconstruction, designed to help the newly free slave adjust to their new way of life – particularly providing education?
  1. Which amendment to the Constitution abolished slavery?
  1. Which amendment to the Constitution provided every citizen equal rights (protection)?
  1. Which amendment to the Constitution gave all men the right to vote?
  1. Which amendment made alcohol illegal?
  1. Which amendment gave women the right to vote?
  1. Who was the first African American to be elected to Georgia’s General Assembly during Reconstruction?
  1. Who was the first European (actually a Spanish conquistador) to step foot in Georgia? (You can earn an extra turn if you can name the Native American culture he and his men came into contact with).
  1. Who was the king of England when Georgia was founded?
  1. Who was the founder of the Georgia colony (one of the 21 trustees)?
  1. According to the Charter of 1732, the new Georgia colony would have three purposes – name all three.
  1. Who was the local Yamacraw chief that James Oglethorpe met with to discuss settlement of the new colony?
  1. Who was the female interpreter who helped Oglethorpe and Tomochichi communicate?
  1. Who were the German Protestants from Austria who settled in Georgia during the trustee period? Also you must name the town in which they settled.
  1. Who were the group of people who came to settle in the new Georgia colony in search of religious freedom. They came from Scotland and they settled in a town they called Darian. They proved to be very helpful when Georgia fought against the Spanish.
  1. What was the name of the battle fought on St. Simons Island during the colonial period that led to the Spanish eventually leaving Georgia for good.
  1. True or False: When Georgia was a trustee colony slavery was not allowed; after it changed and became a royal colony, slaves started coming into the colony in large numbers.
  1. What was the war that is considered to be one of the causes of the American Revolution because Great Britain went into large debt. Because of the war debt, the British TAXED the colonies!
  1. Who was the colonel who fought in the Battle of Kettle Creek during the American Revolution? You get an extra turn if you can name the slave who saved his life during this battle and was given land after the war.
  1. Which of the following statements is true about the Articles of Confederation:
  2. states had more power than central (national) government
  3. central (national) government had more power than states
  1. What were the names of the two delegates from GEORGIA who signed the U.S. Constitution?
  1. Who were the 3 men from Georgia who signed the Declaration of Independence?
  1. What Supreme Court case ruled that Native American land had to obey U.S. law – not state law? In other words, the Cherokee nation could exist in Georgia as a sovereign nation.
  1. What Supreme Court case ruled that states had the right to create “separate but equal” facilities for whites and blacks.
  1. What Supreme Court case ruled that segregation was unconstitutional and ended “separate but equal”
  1. What is the name of the type of system for voting that gave the RURAL counties in Georgia more power. You get an extra turn if you can name the system that replaced this.
  1. Who was nicknamed “father of the two-ocean” navy who supported the military effort in Georgia during WWII?
  1. Who was Georgia’s most famous “populist” and was responsible for bring RFD to Georgia. You can get an extra turn if you can say what RFD stands for?
  1. Who was nicknamed “voice of the New South” for his desire to have the South industrialize.
  1. Who was the civil rights leader who gave the “Atlanta Compromise” speech and founded Tuskegee Institute. He believed progress and equality was a SLOW process for African-Americans and they should be patient and wait for equality.
  1. Who was the civil rights leader who founded the Niagara Movement which later became the NAACP and felt that equality for African-Americans should come instantly and that African Americans should have a higher education (The Talented Tenth).
  1. Who was the governor of Georgia who did NOT favor FDRs New Deal programs?
  1. Who was the Atlanta mayor who was responsible for bringing major league sports teams to the state?
  1. Who was the Georgia man who while in the U.S. Senate was able to use his position to bring military bases or training camps to the state of Georgia?
  1. What was the name of the civil rights movement that attempted (but failed) to desegrate Albany, Georgia?
  1. What was the name of the organization that was aimed at determining how Georgians felt about integration of their school systems. The findings showed that most Georgians would rather close the schools than integrate them.
  1. Who was the former Georgia governor who was a segregationist and restaurant owner who chose to close his restaurant after the Civil Rights Act was passed. Later when governor, he appointed many African-Americans to positions in state government.
  1. What does “reapportionment” mean in regard to voting districts?
  1. Who was the first African-American mayor of Atlanta?
  1. Who was the mayor of Atlanta who was a civil rights activist and served with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He was mayor in the 1980s and worked to bring the Olympic Games to Atlanta in 1996?


  1. Savannah River
  2. Chattahoochee River
  3. Coastal Plain
  4. Blue Ridge
  5. Ridge and Valley Region
  6. Appalachian Plateau
  7. Piedmont
  8. Fall Line
  9. Okefenokee Swamp
  10. barrier islands (Cumberland Island)
  11. Savannah and Brunswick
  12. Interstate Highway System
  13. Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport
  14. Atlanta
  15. urban sprawl
  16. railroads
  17. 2 years (both House and senate)
  18. 4 years
  19. executive branch – many state agencies and departments
  20. General Assembly
  21. income tax and sales tax (income tax being the largest source)
  22. Georgia Supreme Court
  23. delinquent act or offense.
  24. status offense.
  25. The Articles of Confederation
  26. False – it did not give the national government power
  27. 1777
  28. appellate court (appeals court)
  29. commissioners
  30. property tax
  31. The Supreme Court
  32. Archaic Indians (8000 BCE – 1000 BCE)
  33. Yazoo Land Fraud
  34. Eli Whitney
  35. Alexander Stephens
  36. True
  37. Chickamauga
  38. Gettysburg
  39. Antietam
  40. William T. Sherman
  41. The Freedman’s Bureau
  42. 13th
  43. 14th
  44. 15th
  45. 18th
  46. 19th
  47. Henry McNeal Turner
  1. Hernando de Soto; Mississippian Indians
  2. King George II
  3. James Oglethorpe
  4. charity (a fresh start for the poor and unfortunate), defense (would be a buffer colony against Spanish threat in Florida), a source of wealth for England.
  5. Tomochichi
  6. Mary Musgrove
  7. Salzbergers; New Ebenezer
  8. The Highland Scots (or Scottish Highlanders)
  9. Battle of Bloody Marsh
  10. True
  11. French and Indian War
  12. Elijah Clarke (Austin Dabney)
  13. A - the states had more power
  14. William Few and Abraham Baldwin (and YES, you must name both!)
  15. Lyman Hall, Button Gwinnett, George Walton (and YES, you must name all three!!!)
  16. Worcester v. Georgia
  17. Plessy v. Ferguson
  18. Brown v. Board of Education
  19. county unit system (replaced by “one-person, one-vote”
  20. Carl Vinson
  21. Tom Watson (rural free delivery)
  22. Henry Grady
  23. Booker T. Washington
  24. W.E.B. DuBois
  25. Eugene Talmadge
  26. Ivan Allen, Jr.
  27. Richard Russell
  28. Albany Movement
  29. Sibley Commission
  30. Lester Maddox
  31. to redraw voting districts
  32. Maynard Jackson
  33. Andrew Young