C/O Box 220, Honey Harbour, ONP0E 1E0
For the regular meeting onThursday, December 13, 2012 at the MacTier Public Library at 7:00 p.m.
Present:Francine Albrough
Mike Kennedy
Teri Restemayer
Susan Stokes
Ann Woods
Barbara Swyers (CEO)
Absent:Tracey Fitchett, George Jones(Leave of Absence)
The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m.
- To appoint a Vice-Chair
Motion 12:70
To appoint Ann Woods as Vice Chair for the December 13, 2012 Board Meeting.
Moved by Susan StokesSeconded by Mike KennedyCarried
- Approve agenda
Motion 12:71
To accept the agenda for the regular meeting of December 13, 2012 Board Meeting.
Moved by Mike KennedySeconded by Francine AlbroughCarried
- Approve the minutes from the regular meeting on November 15, 2012.
i)Business arising from the minutes- None.
Motion 12.72
To accept the minutes from the previous meeting of November 15, 2012.
Moved by Francine AlbroughSeconded by Mike KennedyCarried
- Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest: None
- Delegations: None
- Finance, Administration & Legal
a)CEO Report
Honey Harbour- Circulation for November was 833. Six classes visited the library with 59 students. The public school has cancelled all classes in December due to the union negotiations.
Honey Harbour received a donation cheque for $1,000.00 from a seasonal customer. Playaway audiobooks have been purchased with this money.
Deb Barkley had her one year review and she has moved up to the next level in Clerk I.
MacTier- Circulation for November was 801. Twelve classes with 258 children visited the library.
Port Severn- The circulation for November was 190 with 94 people visiting the library.
Overview- Jody and Barbara completed Compass 201, an online 4 week database course offered by SOLS. Barbara took the webinar, Library and Economic Development.
Information was sent to the Township to be included in the E-news online.
The Information & Privacy Statement Statistics report for 2012 was e-filed.
The Overdrive statistics for downloads was 190.
A letter was received from the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport approving the provincial grant for a total of $28,499 ($23,650 for the operating budget and $4849 for pay equity).
b)Monthly Budget Expenses- The Board reviewed the cheque register.
c)Committee Reports
- Public Relations Committee- nothing to report
- Friends Committee- The general meeting has not been confirmed yet.
d)Ontario Public Library Guidelines- Nothing to report.
e)Strategic Plan-
i. Human Resources-CEO evaluation report-to be discussed in Closed Session-deferred to the January meeting.
f)Strategic Plan 2013-2016- The Board stayed after this meeting adjourned to work on the Strategic Plan.
g)2013 Budget- Barbara presented the 2013 budget to Council on Thursday, November 29th at
1 p.m. Council asked some questions. Council passed a resolution to accept the Library’s 2013 budget as presented. The Municipal Grant will increase by $10, 452.00. Most of that increase is for staff wages. The 2013 approved budget was handed out.
- New or Other Business:
i)Council Rep- The Board discussed with Mike Kennedy his role of Council Rep on the Library Board. It was decided that the heading ‘Council Rep’ would be on each month’s agenda in order for Mike to have the opportunity to inform the Board of any public council news that would impact the library. It was also agreed that in order to have a higher profile with the Township that Barbara would provide Mike with a couple of brief library highlights to report to Council.
ii)Council meetings- Trustees agreed that with Mike reporting to the Board they would be better informed. Council agendas and minutes are available on the Township website.
iii)Overdrive- There is a special on now until December 31, 2012 to register for the Advantage program waiving the $500.00 registration fee. The minimum start up to purchase e-materials for our own library system is $1,000.00. The Board discussed this issue. Barbara will do a quick price check before securing this contract.
Motion 12:73
To participate in Overdrive for a sum of $1000.00, to allow for an Advantage Collection for the use of Georgian Bay Public Library cardholders; the money to come from the Literacy Reserve.
Moved by Mike KennedySeconded by Francine AlbroughCarried
iv)Photocopiers- Barbara met with the Canon sales manager and local sales representative to discuss the current leases with are expiring in 2013. The sales rep did a use study to determine whether leasing a colour machine for photocopying, printing, scanning and faxing would be cost effective. Currently MacTier has a Canon black and white copier, a HP2320 colour printer for staff and public printing and a Brother Fax machine. The library has to purchase toners for the colour printer and the fax machine. In Honey Harbour, there is the Canon black and white copier which has now been connected for staff and public printing and the HP2320 colour printer for staff and public colour printing and for faxing and scanning. The toners for the colour printer cost $125.00 each. Currently the leases on the Canon copiers total $160.00 per month. If we trade up both machines and replace them with c2020's for printing, faxing, scanning and copying the new lease cost will be a total of $235.00. The service rate is 1.76 cents for black and 30 cents for colour per output on the existing machines. The new rates will be 1.5 cents for black and 10 cents for colour. So, the lease rate increases, but the service costs decrease.
In 2011 the library spent $900 for toners and in 2012, $600 was spent. The Board discussed this issue.
Motion 12:74
To trade the Canon Black & White copier in Honey Harbour up to a Canon C2020 digtital colour copier for a 5 year lease term at a cost of $160.00 per month.
Moved by Susan StokesSeconded by Mike KennedyCarried
8. Closed Session: To enter into Closed Session to discuss personal matters of an identifiable individual,
including staff and board personnel.
9. Adjournment
Next meeting is on Thursday, January 17, 2013 at the Honey Harbour PL.
Motion 12:75
To adjourn the regular meeting of 13 December 2012 at 8:40 p.m. and to remind Board Members of the next regular meeting to be held in Honey Harbour on 17 January 2013.
Moved by Francine AlbroughSeconded by Susan StokesCarried
______As Approved:______
______As Amended:______
______Motion # _13:_ ___