1. Part of the Korean peninsula located north of the 38th parallel that is communist controlled and was the country that caused the Korean War by invading South Korea.
2. The part of the Korean peninsula located south of the 38th Parallel that was supported by the United Nations during the Korean War.
3. The line of latitude that separated North Korea from South Korea. This where Korea was split before the war and eventually became the permanent boundary after the war.
4. He was the communist leader of North Korea that launched a major offensive against South Korea in 1950 in an attempt to unify the country.
5. He was the dictator from South Korea that the US supported in order to contain communism from spreading.
6. This is the international peacekeeping organization that voted to help protect South Korea during the Korean War. The UN Security Council did not veto this action because the Soviet Union was not present at the time.
7. He was the General of the UN forces in Korea. He launched a dangerous but successful invasion of Inchon. Later he publicly disagreed with President Harry Truman over the war and was fired for insubordination.
8. This was the defensive perimeter that the UN was forced to retreat to and marked the furthest advance of North Korean forces into South Korea.
9. This was the dangerous area known for its varying tidal range that was the point of the UN invasion. This invasion allowed UN forces to retake Seoul and either Kill or capture ½ of the North Korean Army in just 2 weeks.
10. The name of the offensive in November of 1950 that MacArthur was confident would end the war by the end of December.
11. The river that separates North Korea from China and was the location in which Chinese forces entered North Korea causing UN forces to retreat below the 38th parallel.
12. This was the nickname of the battle fought at the Chosin Reservoir in North Korea where retreating Marine forces, vastly outnumbered, were forced to fight their way out of being surrounded by North Korean and Chinese forces.
13. This is the type of war that only has specific objectives and does not call for a country’s complete resources and does not require the defeat of the opposing side.
14. Term which refers to a refusal to obey rules or a superior. MacArthur’s refusal to listen to Truman, his Commander-in-Chief, was the reason he was fired from his post as commander of the UN forces.
15. He was the popular WWII General that ran for President in 1952 on the Republican ticket that claimed that “He would go to Korea” and end the drawn out war.
16. He was the ex-Congressman and Senator from California famous for his anti-communist crusade in the Alger Hiss case that was nominated as the Vice-Presidential Candidate on the Republican ticket in 1952.
17. The unsuccessful Democratic candidate for President during the 1952 and 1956 Presidential races. He received much criticism for his intellectualism.
18. Term which means Prisoner of War. The issue of Prisoner exchange complicated the end of the Korean war because many of the North Korean prisoners did not wish to return to the North.
19. What type of government existed in North Korea?
20. What type of government existed In South Korea?
21. Why did the Americans fear a communist victory in Korea?
22. Why was the Soviet delegate not present at the UN when they voted to help South Korea?
23. How much of the UN force did the US make up?
24. Why was MacArthur’s plan at Inchon a crazy gamble?
25. What odds did MacArthur give for the Inchon invasion to succeed?
26. How did the American’s goal change during the Korean War?
27. What wrecked the American plan for victory in Korea?
28. What is the capital of North Korea?
29. What is the capital of South Korea?
30. Why did the US claim the right to occupy Japan and shape its future?
31. How long did General Douglas MacArthur rule Japan for during the US occupation?
32. During what years did Japan control Korea?
33. On what date did the North Korean forces attack the South?
34. Why did Kim Il-Sung think the US would not get involved in the Korean Conflict?
35. What did Truman call the US’s response in Korea?
36. What is the tidal range at Inchon?
37. What was the outcome of the Inchon invasion?
38. What two things did MacArthur tell Truman in order to convince him that the US did not have to worry about China?
39. What did WWII Hero General Omar Bradley state about escalating the war against China?
40. How many nations contributed troops and supplies to the UN forces during the Korean War?
41. How many Chinese forces crossed into North Korea causing US forces to be pushed back below the 38th parallel?
42. What did MacArthur suggest that the US should do with the Chinese once China entered the war?
43. What was MacArthur’s criticism of a “limited war?”
44. How long were the Democrats in office by the 1952 election?
45. What did Eisenhower vow in regard to the Korean War?
46. What was the problem regarding POW’s during the negotiations to end the war?
47. What did Eisenhower threaten would happen if an agreement was not reached?
48. When was the armistice signed putting an end to the war?
49. How many US soldiers died during the Korean War?
50. What did the Korean War prove to the US?