Draft Terms of Reference for Preparing
National Aquaculture Sector Overviews (NASO)
and Prospective Analysis of Future Aquaculture Development (PAFAD)
- This Terms of Reference consists of two Sections; Section 1 – National Aquaculture Sector Overview (NASO), and Section 2 –Analysis of Future Aquaculture Development.
- The information on NASOs will be used directly to developing appropriate pages in the FAO Website using a standardised template. Therefore, instructions should be strictly followed for compiling information on NASOs. It is important to maintain the quality of information and all information collected should be accurately validated and the sources should be clearly indicated.
- The information compiled under Prospective Analysis of Aquaculture Development (PAFAD) will be used, along with NASOs, to prepare a document entitled Prospective Analysis of Future Challenges in Global Aquaculture, as requested by the Committee on Fisheries Sub-Committee on Aquaculture. In order to get a good understanding of the challenges and opportunities for future aquaculture development, at national levels, it is imperative that we receive most accurate national information. The information to be collected under this section will add to our understanding of the sector performance, challenges and opportunities for its sustainable development. The information is requested in the form of answers to questions. The questions have been designed to get information to improve and/or verify our understanding of certain challenges in the sector development. This information, as much as possible, should be authenticated with data and figures. There is no page limit for this information, try to elaborate as possible with supporting data. The sources of information and data should be clearly indicated.
- All information should be provided to FAO/FI using MS Word and Excel on diskette and also as a hard copy.
2.Section 1 - National Aquaculture Sector Overview (NASO)
2.1Characteristics, structure and resources of the sector
A good, condensed general narrative of the aquaculture sector, including tables and maps as appropriate is required.
- Summary
Provide a general overview of the status and development of aquaculture in the country (half page).
- History and general overview
Length of tradition in aquaculture (freshwater, brackishwater and marine); the diversity of production systems and species; evolution of main practitioners; major development landmarks; current (most recent statistics) total production volume (tons)and value (US$); average yields of main production systems. (0.5 - 1 page)
- Human resources
Indicate the numbers of people involved in the sector or benefiting from aquaculture (i.e. full-time, part-time employers, ownership, etc.). Skills, education level, gender distribution. (0.5 – 1 page)
- Farming systems distribution and characteristics (map when possible).
Location of the main geographic areas of production by administrative units (district and province) including: latitude and longitude (using a GPS if possible), approximate surface in hectares or km2 to help us mark on the map the size of each farming area; use of resources such as land, water, feeds, fertilizers, etc.; quantity of fish produced by area, production facilities used i.e., ponds, cages etc.. (0.5 - 1 page) (Please also complete the Excel table in annex)
- Cultured species (fish, molluscs, crustaceans, plants)
List the number of species contributing most of production value (>75% of total) providing for each species, information on its history and permitting, briefly comment on the relative importance of endemic, introduced and transferred species, as well as genetically improved species in the aquaculture industry. (0.5 – 1 page)
- Practices/systems of culture
Provide a description of the main farming systems used in the country briefly comment on the relative importance of each system. (0.5 – 1 page)
2.2Sector Performance (Use most recent year for which statistics is available)
This section should describe the contributions of the aquaculture sector to national food security and economic development, including impact on poverty alleviation,its use of resources and its relationship with the environment.
- Production (table: species quantity and value)
Provide data of aquaculture production official statistics for the main species (quantity-tons and value-US$) for the most current year. The author should use FAO and/or published Government and private sector sources of data and information. (0.5 – 1 page)
- Market (local market and export)
Describe the main domestic markets/consumption centres for the main aquaculture products. List the main exported aquaculture species, including seed, the type of exported product (fresh, live, iced, frozen, filleted, etc.); main importing countries. Very briefly describe the supply chain & distribution channels, and the mark up of product price through the marketing chain. List any existing labelling/certification of aquaculture products, the responsible agency (Government/private) and the related purpose and criteria (0.5 – 1 page)
- Contribution to the economy ( food security, employment, poverty alleviation)
Describe the contributions of the aquaculture sector (informal/artisanal, small-scale as well as commercial entrepreneurial) to national food security, social and economic development, including impact on poverty alleviation. Briefly comment on the present role and impact of aquaculture as a component of the livelihood of poor rural households (e.g. income generation, fish consumption & family nutrition); the main aquaculture activities practised by poor households (coastal & inland). (0.5 – 1 page)
2.3Promotion and Management of the Sector
This section should explain how the sector is managed, including the institutional and legal frameworks, policy, strategy, development objectives, and measures adopted to attain management objectives. Country efforts to develop sustainable aquaculture (economic instruments such as incentives and access to capital investments) should be noted.
- The institutional framework
Identify the agency vested with administrative control of aquaculture (i.e. the lead government agency), and its specific responsibilities. Provide an organogram showing the location of the aquaculture agency under the concerned Ministry; and a breakdown of the structure of the agency. Provide information about the role of and support to the private sector associations, and self regulation efforts. (0.5 – 1 page)
- The governing regulations
Provide a list of the main regulationsgoverning aquaculture, the enforcing institution and the specific aspect of aquaculture with which they deal [i.e. purpose of regulation; e.g. for licensing farms; protecting the environment; protecting producers (e.g. legal rights; protection against other resource users; ownership/tenure; etc); assuring safety of products; etc.]. (0.5 – 1 page)
- Applied research, education and training
How and who sets research priorities? What is the role of Government and non-Government institutions and farmers in research? Is on-farm participatory research practised? How are the results verified & transmitted? List (table) the major government aquaculture research institutions; universities degrees and/or training in aquaculture; list also technical schools offering training in aquaculture. (0.5 – 1 page)
2.4Trends, Issues and Development
This section describes the main development trends in the sector, during the past 10 years, (from policy and planning to marketing of product), and identify the underlying the extra-sectoral and sectoral driving forces/reasons for these trends. Describe the main trends in the interaction of aquaculture with the environmentand other sectors. (2 – 3 pages)
2.5References (Bibliography and Links)
The author should supply complete citations for data sources and key statements and facts presented to permit verification by the FAO and the reader. Links to Internet aquaculture information sources in the country, and additional recommended reading, should be provided for relevant sections of the report, as available. Photos of typical aquaculture systems, species and environments, markets, etc. are welcome.
3.Section 2 – Prospective Analysis of Future Aquaculture Development (PAFAD)
The information requested in this section should be supported by quantitative data and figures, as much as possible. Please provide chronological quantitative data the best extent possible. You are encouraged to find data from not only appropriate state ministries/departments but also from other relevant institutions, academia, private sector, etc. You are requested to present the information/data mostly as answers to the questions asked. Some questions may not be appropriate to your country; e.g. mariculture data from a land locked country. Please indicate such instances.
3.1General information
Under this section, provide national census information pertaining to economic, social and demographic status of the country. Please provide most accurate chronological information data on (a) Gross domestic produce (GDP), (b) Gross national produce (GNP), and (c) Population statistics, gender proportions, growth rate, etc. Any other relevant information is welcome.
3.2Aquaculture production, species, values
This section allows us to understand the trends in changes/development in the farming practices, expansion of the sector, and contribution to the national economy. This section also attempts to understand the relative contribution of the aquaculture sector to national food production and the trends. The following questions should be answered with relevant supporting data/information with sources mentioned.
- Is there a trend in farming systems intensification in your country? If so, how this is being done? What are the national trends in farming practices?
- What is the relative contribution of fish vs. other sources of protein (esp. pork, chicken) to national food production?
- Is there a trend towards increasing mariculture development in your country? If yes, what is being done?
- Do you produce non-food aquatic species (reptiles, pearl, ornamental fish, etc.) as an industry? If so, what is the relative contribution to the national economy?
- What is the total area under aquatic production - land-base, coastal and marine?
- Have you introduced new species to your country for aquaculture purposes during last 10 years? If so what are they?
3.3Environment and resources
This section attempts to grasp how the sector has been performing environmentally and what changes/developments have been taken place in terms of environmental management and mitigation of negative consequences if any. Further, the information to be generated in this section is expected to provide answers to some timely compelling questions on feed use efficiency, net energy conversions in aquaculture, mangrove disturbance, etc. Please answer to the following questions with adequate quantitative data, as much as possible.
- Do you produce commercial aqua feeds in your country? If so, give an idea of the quantity produced over the past few years.
- Do you import aqua feeds from outside? If so, give an idea of the quantity imported over the past few years.
- Do you have any comments on the quality of commercially produced feed in your country?
- Please provide information on the amounts of fishmeal produced and/or imported in your country.
- Do you use trash fish or raw fish for aquaculture operations in your country? If so please provide information on what type of fish and for what type of operations and species culture.
- Please provide information on the amounts of fishmeal used in livestock (terrestrial animal production) sector vs. aquatic (aquaculture) sector.
- Do you have any information on mangroves and aquaculture; e.g. clearance, restoration, rehabilitation, and use for aquaculture? Please provide quantitative data if available.
- Do you have any information on losses due to diseases in aquaculture? If so, what species and how much?
3.4Social impacts and employment and poverty reduction
Social impacts section of the questionnaire will allow us to understand the aquaculture sector’s contribution to livelihoods of people, income generation and especially on the support to rural communities. This section will also assist us in understanding the benefits of the sector to communities and vulnerable groups of people. Your answers should be supported by data where appropriate.
- Is there a trend in shifting from small-scale operations to larger commercial operations in aquaculture in your country? If so, what is driving or encouraging this?
- Do you have any information on the ownership of aquaculture operations; i.e., family owned vs. large industrial/commercial operations?
- Do you have any information on aqua farms owned by the farmers vs. farmed in leased land/water?
- Do you have any information on aquaculture’s contribution to employment (full and part time) in rural and coastal areas? If so, is it off-setting/alleviating fishing or other livelihoods that are in decline?
- Do you have any information on the distribution of benefits from aquaculture and equity in aquatic production sector in your country?
- Do you have any information on involvement of women and children in aquaculture; i.e., numbers vs. income?
3.5Aquaculture’s contribution to food security; access to food, nutrition and food safety
This section should provide an overview of accessibility and consumption of aquatic products, particularly by the poorer segments of the society. This information will also help us to understand the relative accessibility and consumption of aquatic products against other terrestrial meat. Please provide quantifiable information as much as possible while answering to these questions.
- Do you have quantitative information on fish consumption trends (especially in urban vs. rural societies) in your country?
- Can you provide us with a few examples of market prices of wild fish vs. cultured fish species? E.g., wild caught marine species vs. farmed same species, wild freshwater species vs. farmed same species, etc.
- Do you have any demographic data and/or trends which have relevance to aquaculture? Movement of people into or out of aquaculture areas, etc.?
- Do you have any information on comparative consumption of fish vs. terrestrial meat in rural and urban societies?
3.6Economies and trade
Aquaculture products which are regionally and/or internationally traded generally face problems with market demand and price. This section attempts to gather information on national expectations on economic gains through trading of aquatic (cultured) products and how countries prepared to respond to increasing demands by importing countries. Please try to get information from appropriate institutions involved in aquatic animal trade and commerce.
- Please provide national estimates/forecast in income generation through aquaculture and/or seafood production/export in your country. Please use national sector planning and review information as appropriate.
- Contribution of fisheries and aquaculture to GDP and as a percent of GNP.
- Contribution to aquatic product export earnings in comparison with other terrestrial animal commodities to GDP.
- Do you have any information or data on the trade (export/import) in aquaculture commodities produced in your country, within the region and/or outside the region (intra and inter regional)?
- Do you have established aquaculture certification and labelling programmes in your country? Do you have any current initiatives on these issues? Do you have efforts in establishing traceability in aquatic products?
- Do you have data/information on cost of production of aquatic species; at least the species which are internationally traded? Please provide any information on cost of production of aquatic species in your country.
- Do you see any trends in change of aquatic species produced in your country, or shifting towards different species? Please provide quantitative data if available.
3.7Institutions to support responsible development of aquaculture
Aquaculture development at national level is largely governed by the national institutional support and legal and policy frameworks. Participation of the civil society and the private sector is also important in making relevant policies, legislature, and regulatory frameworks. The questions farmed in this section will allow us to better understand the institutional support for aquaculture development, at national level.
- Do you have established farmer societies and/or organizations in your country? Please provide a short overview.
- Please provide information on national resource allocations for agricultural, livestock and fisheries (aquaculture) production in your country.
- What are the total values of agriculture, animal production, and aquaculture sectors in your country? Do you have any chronological data on these?
- What steps have been taken by the fisheries and aquaculture authorities towards ensuring quality and safety of aquatic products destined towards international markets? How do you see the success of such processors/steps?
- How does your country safeguard small-scale producers from impacts of compliance to international trading standards?