Subject: ELAR / Unit Title:
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
At the end of today’s lesson the student will be able to … / Draw conclusions about a story; read HFW words give, surprise, would, enjoy, worry, about, they, no, soon, who ; identify contractions with not spell words with ai, and ay / Draw conclusions about a story; read HFW words give, surprise, would, enjoy, worry, about, they, no, soon, who ; identify contractions with not spell words with ai, and ay / Draw conclusions about a story; read HFW words give, surprise, would, enjoy, worry, about, they, no, soon, who ; identify contractions with not spell words with ai, and ay / Draw conclusions about a story; read HFW words give, surprise, would, enjoy, worry, about, they, no, soon, who ; identify contractions with not spell words with ai, and ay / Draw conclusions about a story; read HFW words give, surprise, would, enjoy, worry, about, they, no, soon, who ; identify contractions with not spell words with ai, and ay
TEKS: / 1.2.E.3 – Isolate final sounds in one-syllable spoken words
1.3.A.1.v.9 – Decode words in context by applying common letter-sound correspondences
1.9 – Draw conclusions about the structure and elements of fiction and provide evidence from text
RC-1.C.1 – Monitor comprehension
1.5.A.1 – Read aloud grade-level appropriate text with fluency
Question of the Week: / How can a surprise be a treasure?
Key Vocabulary: / Amazing Words:
celebrate, cherish, grateful, delicate, rarest, genuine, loot / High Frequency Words: give, surprise, would, enjoy, worry, about, they, no, soon, who / Academic Vocabulary:
Draw conclusions, realistic fiction, adjectives
Materials Used: / Unit 3 Student Reading Street Book, Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook, Sing with Me Chart, Decodable Readers, Leveled Readers
Lesson Procedures: / Concept Talk – TE pg. 12j - 13, SE p. 12-13
Spelling – TE p. 16d
Academic Vocabulary – TE pg. 13b
High Frequency Words – TE pg. 17, SE pg. 17, WS 410
Listening Comprehension – Draw Conclusions - TE pg. 17a-17b, WS 411
Conventions – Adjectives TE p. 17c DVD 19 / Concept Talk – TE pg. 18a
Spelling – TE p. 19e
High Frequency Words – TE/SE p. 19, TR DVD 173
Main Selection –Mama’s Birthday Present?– TE pg. 20c
Read Main Selection – TE/SE p. 20-43, Asking Day 2 Questions
Literary Text – Sensory Details – TE p. 43a
Conventions –Adjectives – TE p. 43b, WS 415 / Concept Talk – TE pg. 44a
Spelling – TE p.44f
High Frequency & Story Words – TE p. 44g
Main Selection – Second Read – TE p. 44h
Read Main Selection –TE/SE p. 20-43, Asking Day 3 questions
Think Critically – TE p. 45a, SE p. 44-45
Conventions –Adjectives– TE p. 46a, WS 422 / Concept Talk – TE pg. 48a
Phonics Review– Endings er,est, Consonant Pattern -dge – TE pg. 48d, DVD 171-172
Fluent Word Reading – TE p. 48g
HFW Test
Spelling Test / Summative Assessments:
Unit 4, Story 1 – “Mama’s Birthday Present”
Conventions – Adjectives
Differentiation/scaffolding: / Build and write words with vowel diagraphs ai,ay
Pearson Leveled Reader Guides / Write sentences about a present you have received and use adjectives.
Pearson Leveled Reader Guides / Draw conclusions about a story using clues from the text and pictures.
Pearson Leveled Reader Guides / Retelling – have children use retelling cards to discuss story.
Pearson Leveled Reader Guides
Technology Integration: / White Board Vocabulary Games
Lexia / iStation
Lexia / iStation
Assessment: How will I know my students learned it?
Formative: (daily)
Summative: (how will objectives be assessed, either now or in the future?) / Formative Assessment: Students can write words with ai and ay, draw conclusions about stories, recognize realistic fiction, use HFW words in a sentence, recognize adjectives in a sentence
Summative Assessment: Unit 4, Story 1 Test, Spelling Test, HFW Test, Adjectives Test / Formative Assessment: Students can write words with ai and ay, draw conclusions about stories, recognize realistic fiction, use HFW words in a sentence, recognize adjectives in a sentence
Summative Assessment: Unit 4, Story 1 Test, Spelling Test, HFW Test, Adjectives Test / Formative Assessment: Students can write words with ai and ay, draw conclusions about stories, recognize realistic fiction, use HFW words in a sentence, recognize adjectives in a sentence
Summative Assessment: Unit 4, Story 1 Test, Spelling Test, HFW Test, Adjectives Test / Formative Assessment: Students can write words with ai and ay, draw conclusions about stories, recognize realistic fiction, use HFW words in a sentence, recognize adjectives in a sentence
Summative Assessment: Unit 4, Story 1 Test, Spelling Test, HFW Test, Adjectives Test / Formative Assessment: Students can write words with ai and ay, draw conclusions about stories, recognize realistic fiction, use HFW words in a sentence, recognize adjectives in a sentence
Summative Assessment: Unit 4, Story 1 Test, Spelling Test, HFW Test, Adjectives Test
Itasca Elementary School Week of: _ February 6-10_ Grade: ____1st Grade____
Subject: Math / Unit Title: Number PatternsMonday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
At the end of today’s lesson the student will be able to … / Skip Count by 10’s / Count by 10’sto120 / 10 more or 10 less / I will be able to skip count and do 10 more and 10 less / Test
TEKS: / 1.5.A - Recite numbers forward and backward from any given number between 1-120
1.1.D - Communicate mathematical ideas
1.1.F - Analyze mathematical relationships
1.1.G – Display, Explain and Justify ideas and arguments
Question of the Week: / How can knowing a counting pattern can help you count
Key Vocabulary: / Skip count / Skip count by 10’s 10 more or 10 less / Count by 10’s to 120
Materials Used: / Manipulative : counters, teddy bears, Text book digital activity
Lesson Procedures: / Lesson pg 387-390Home work paper 391-392 / Lesson pg 393-396
Home work page 397-398 / Lesson pg 399-402
Homework 403-404 / Review for Test over skip counting / Test Module assessment 10
Differentiation/scaffolding: / RTI lesson 56
Enrich 52 / RTI Lesson 57
Enrich 53 / RTI lesson 58
Enrich 54
Technology Integration: / Math on the spot and Interactive student edition opener / Math on the spot and Interactive student edition opener / Math on the spot and Interactive student edition opener / Math on the spot and Interactive student edition opener / Math on the spot and Interactive student edition opener
Assessment: How will I know my students learned it?
Formative: (daily)
Summative: (how will objectives be assessed, either now or in the future?) / Formative- checked exercise worksheet,
Discussion, and observation
Summative-Module test, unit test / Formative- checked exercise worksheet,
Discussion, and observation
Summative-Module test, unit test / Formative- checked exercise worksheet,
Discussion, and observation
Summative-Module test, unit test / Formative- checked exercise worksheet,
Discussion, and observation
Summative-Module test, unit test / Formative- checked exercise worksheet,
Discussion, and observation
Summative-Module test, unit test
Subject: Social Studies / Unit Title: Looking at Our World
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
At the end of today’s lesson the student will be able to … / Recognize that maps can be used to locate and identify places.
Identify and describe the relative location of places in the school and community. Locate and identify places on a map using the four cardinal directions / Recognize that maps can be used to locate and identify places.
Identify and describe the relative location of places in the school and community. Locate and identify places on a map using the four cardinal directions / Recognize that maps can be used to locate and identify places.
Identify and describe the relative location of places in the school and community. Locate and identify places on a map using the four cardinal directions / Recognize that maps can be used to locate and identify places.
Identify and describe the relative location of places in the school and community. Locate and identify places on a map using the four cardinal directions / Recognize that maps can be used to locate and identify places.
Identify and describe the relative location of places in the school and community. Locate and identify places on a map using the four cardinal directions
TEKS: / 4.A Locate places using the four cardinal directions. 4.B Describe the location of self and objects relative to other locations in the classroom and school. 5.A Create and use simple maps such as maps of the home, classroom, school, and community. 17.B Obtain information about a topic using a variety of valid visual sources such as pictures, symbols, electronic media, maps, literature, and artifacts. 18B Create and interpret visual and written material.
Key Vocabulary: / Direction, map, globe, mountain, desert, ocean, lake, continent, reduce, reuse, recycle, legend, river, weather, transportation, communicate.
Manipulatives Used: / Envision It! Google Map / Envision It! Google Map / Envision It! Google Map / Envision It! Google Map
Lesson Procedures: / Looking at Our World pg. 92. The Big question pg. 92-93. Vocabulary Preview pg. 94-95. (Where Things Are Located pg. 96-99) Introduce the Key Idea, Introduce the Vocabulary, Complete the Activity / Looking at Our World pg. 92. The Big question pg. 92-93. Vocabulary Preview pg. 94-95. (Where Things Are Located pg. 96-99) Introduce the Key Idea, Introduce the Vocabulary, Complete the Activity / Looking at Our World pg. 92. The Big question pg. 92-93. Vocabulary Preview pg. 94-95. (Where Things Are Located pg. 96-99) Introduce the Key Idea, Introduce the Vocabulary, Complete the Activity / Looking at Our World pg. 92. The Big question pg. 92-93. Vocabulary Preview pg. 94-95. (Where Things Are Located pg. 96-99) Introduce the Key Idea, Introduce the Vocabulary, Complete the Activity / Looking at Our World pg. 92. The Big question pg. 92-93. Vocabulary Preview pg. 94-95. (Where Things Are Located pg. 96-99) Introduce the Key Idea, Introduce the Vocabulary, Complete the Activity
Differentiation/scaffolding: / Play Simon Says with children using direction words. (Advanced) Have children take turns being Simon, the leader, as they play the game. / Play Simon Says with children using direction words. (Advanced) Have children take turns being Simon, the leader, as they play the game. / Play Simon Says with children using direction words. (Advanced) Have children take turns being Simon, the leader, as they play the game. / Play Simon Says with children using direction words. (Advanced) Have children take turns being Simon, the leader, as they play the game. / Play Simon Says with children using direction words. (Advanced) Have children take turns being Simon, the leader, as they play the game.
Technology Integration: / Google Maps, Ipad / Google Maps, Ipad / Google Maps, Ipad / Google Maps, Ipad / Google Maps, Ipad
Assessment: How will I know my students learned it?
Formative: (daily)
Summative: (how will objectives be assessed, either now or in the future?) / Formative:
Daily Workbook (Got It Questions). Observation
Summative: Weekly Test / Formative:
Daily Workbook (Got It Questions). Observation
Summative: Weekly Test / Formative:
Daily Workbook (Got It Questions). Observation
Summative: Weekly Test / Formative:
Daily Workbook (Got It Questions). Observation
Summative: Weekly Test / Formative:
Daily Workbook (Got It Questions). Observation
Summative: Weekly Test