engage International Summer School 2009

13-16 July: Butler Gallery, Kilkenny Castle, Kilkenny, Republic of Ireland

Initial Deadline for applications – 5 May 2009. Applications will be considered as early as possible upon receipt

Shifting Perspectives: positioning learning at the centre of the gallery

engage is pleased to announce the return of its International Summer School for experienced gallery educators, artists, curators and academics This peer-led event represents a significant opportunity for colleagues at a similar stage in their careers to work together in order to:

  • Reflect on aspects of current practice in gallery education
  • Review current research and political agendas
  • Consider the positioning of gallery education within the cultural sector
  • Learn about international contexts for gallery education
  • Network with UK and international colleagues

This year engage Summer School will be held at historic Kilkenny Castle, Ireland, two hours from Dublin. We will be hosted by Jean Tormey of the Butler Gallery, based in the castle in the centre of the Medieval city, which has a collection of nineteenth and twentieth century Irish art and a programme of changing contemporary exhibitions. It is surrounded by ornamental gardens which will be used for breakout sessions. The gallery of the Crafts Council of Ireland is situated nearby

See and and


A day of visits to galleries in Dublin is scheduled as well as two days of peer-led discussion and activity. An invited key speaker will open the event and the following sessions will be devised and facilitated by members of the group.

The theme, Shifting Perspectives: positioning learning at the centre of the gallery, is an invitation to participants to consider how their own work is situated within contemporary gallery practice and to debate how far learning and engaged practice influence what is shown in galleries and contribute to a growing public understanding of contemporary art and its place in society.

We look forward to workshops, arts activities, updates on academic research and discussions facilitated by you, the participants.

Application Process

There will be a maximum of 30 delegates at Summer School.

Participation is sought from those who describe themselves as mid-career or senior (or equivalent), who are passionate about gallery education. You may be working in gallery education in one of several ways: leading or part of an education team based in a gallery, as a freelance artist educator, as an academic, or as a curator or director with a strong commitment to education. In order to ensure a balance of participants we ask you to complete a brief application form and submit a CV.

To support the Summer School’s peer-led philosophy, we invite colleagues to briefly describe what their perspective on gallery education is and to outline what their contribution to a session would be: an activity, workshop or discussion of an academic paper in progress.

  • Apply by completing and returning the attached form, along with your CV by 5 May
  • We will advise you whether you have been accepted as early as possible and no later than 10 May
  • Please do not make travel arrangements until you have heard that you have been accepted onto Summer School


The registration fees for summer school are

  • Delegates receiving Grundtvig or other funding (see below) - €400 / £400
  • engage Organisational Members (not receiving Grundtvig funding) - £250
  • engage Personal Members (not receiving Grundtvig or other funding) - £200
  • Please note that this event is open to engage members only. For further information about membership and to join, please visit Non-members may apply and then join if their application is successful.

Funding Sources

  • Summer School is listed as an event on the European Learning Grundtvig database. UK and other European residents can apply for Gruntdvig funding to attend. Summer School appears in the Conference and Seminar strand of the Visits and Exchanges programme, entitled Conference onShifting Perspectives: positioning learning at the centre of the gallery, Reference number UK-2009-941-002. To apply go to -visits and exchanges. The UK Visits and Exchanges Programme has a rolling deadline of 6 weeks before the event, but we strongly recommend that you apply early for a Summer School place enabling you to apply for European funding as soon as possible.

European members will be eligible for Grundtvig funding according to the criteria set by their national agencies. These may have less flexible deadlines but Grundtvig has said each case will be considered on its merits.

  • In past years several freelance UK delegates received CPD funding through their regional Arts Councils.

What is included in the registration fee?

  • Lunch on 13 – 16 July
  • Dinner on the first evening at the Castle
  • Travel for study visit to Dublin
  • Any materials required for the summer school
  • Papers to be produced after the event

What isn’t included?

  • Airfare and transfers to/from Kilkenny
  • Any additional travel costs
  • Travel insurance
  • Accommodation
  • Two of the three dinners
  • Breakfast

Accommodation Information

  • Accommodation has been reserved in nearby guest houses within walking distance of Kilkenny Castle
  • The cost of this varies depending on type of accommodation and whether or not you would like to share with another delegate. The price range is €35 - €70 per room per night.
  • When we confirm your place we will provide you with more information about accommodation.
  • You will be responsible for reserving your room and paying the guest house direct. They may require a credit card or pre-payment to hold the room.

Travel Information

  • Flights can range from £25 - £200 with airlines flying to Dublin and Cork. Transfer time from the airport by bus or train to Kilkenny is about 21/2 hours.

Further questions

Please contact CPD Programmer Penny Jones r

Please complete the attached application form and return to engage by 5 May 2009. We will endeavour to respond as early as possible upon receipt of your completed form.

*If you are applying after 5 May, please contact engage on 020 7729 5858 to see whether there are any available spaces first.
engage International Summer School 2009.

13-16 July 2009: Butler Gallery, Kilkenny Castle, Kilkenny, Republic of Ireland

Application Form

Please complete all the questions and return to ; fax +44 (0)207 7739 3688

Please complete electronically, or print in block capitals if handwritten


Job title:

If more than one person from an organisation wishes to apply, please copy this form and complete a separate application.

Organisation (if applicable):





Ienclose a CV and have answered the questions overleaf.

If successful in this application I would like to book a -

Grundtvig funded place Organisational member place Personal member place

If applying for funding please indicate whether you will still be able to attend even if you do not receive funding Yes No

I have dietary requirements and attach details Yes No

I have access requirements and attach details Yes No

I agree to my contact details being shared with other delegates Yes No


1. What are your personal professional reasons for wishing to attend Summer School? What do you hope to gain from the experience?

2. What does your institution (if applicable) hope you will gain?

3. In order for the peer led approach to work, we need colleagues to think about and let engage know which sessions they might be interested in leading / facilitating / contributing to. Please use this space to let us know your thoughts on this. (If you would like to run a session with another participant, please let us know with whom.) The Summer School Co-ordinator will then develop a themed programme exploring appropriate issues, taking into account as many of our participants’ suggestions as possible. You might wish to contribute by:

  • Initiating and facilitating a discussion
  • Running a practical workshop
  • Presenting ongoing research
  • Supporting a session through note-taking, writing up afterwards, etc.
  • Doing something else – please give details.

4. What types of sessions would you be interested in leading / facilitating / contributing to? Please be as specific as you can.

5. What themes / topics would you like to see discussed / developed at Summer School? Please indicate which areas you are interested in from the list below, or suggest others.

  • International perspectives, collaborations, opportunities – how to develop these / benefits
  • Educator / curator / artist roles and relationships
  • Methodology & ideology – a shared understanding?
  • Gallery education’s role in exhibition development
  • Gallery education’s role in audience development

  • Other theme / topic – please give as much information as possible.

Please return your completed application form to engage Rich Mix, 35- 47 Bethnal Green Road, London, E1 6LA . email , fax +44 (0)20 7739 3688