HL7 January 29, 2018 Templates Work Group Meeting Minutes

HL7 Templates Minutes
Location: Ascot Conference Room / Date: 2018-01-29
Time: 1:45 pm EST
Chair / Kai Heitmann / Note taker(s) / Mark Shafarman
Attendee / Name / Affiliation
Didi Davis / Sequoia Project
Kai Heitmann / HL7 Germany
John A Roberts / Tennessee DOH
Mark Shafarman / Shafarman Consulting, Inc.
Rien Wertheim / Firely
Quorum Requirements Met: Yes
The Templates Work Group Decision Making Practices (DMP) states: A quorum for committee meetings requires that a co-chair and at least two other HL7 Templates members be present, where no single organization or party represents more than a simple majority of the voting Work Group membership for that meeting.


1.  Review and finalize WGM agenda

2.  Determine representatives to other meetings

3.  Approval of minutes from last conference calls

4.  Normative Publication: Templates ITS Release 1

5.  Creation of a PSS for a gap analysis between FHIR profile requirements and Template ITS requirements

6.  Creation of a PSS for a gap analysis between the FHIR Repository requirements and the Templates Registry requirements (as discussed in the Templates Registry Business Process Analysis informative document) and/or other means of coordinating between these sets of requirements

7.  Report about the International Patient Summary Project IPS (Kai)

8.  Conference call schedule

Discussion and action items:

1.  CDA Query functionality and the Templates ITS.

2.  Rien Wertheim from Firely (formerly Furore) is working on the FHIR registry (see Registry.FHIR.org). He discussed some of the properties of the FHIR registry.

2.1.  A new discussion item emerged: can the FHIR registry be extended to include the Templates (as described in the Templates ITS)?

2.1.1. Some background information on HL7 templates:  Kai noted that of the three major vendors providing CDA templates (Art-Decor, Lantana, and MDHT), only Art-Decor can be queried to retrieve supported CDA templates.  The IPS (International Patient Summary project) and the CDA pharmacy project are currently using Art-Decor to implement CDA templates.  In terms of discovering/locating templates of a particular type, Art-Decor uses the Google search functionality applied to the display name and description of the template.  The approximate numbers of CDA templates supported by the major suppliers of CDA templates are: Art-Décor: 10,000; Lantana: 3500 (450 CCDA); and for MDHT, NIST, and IHE ( to be determined).  The original request for creation of a Templates ITS originally came from Lantana about 5-6 years ago.

2.1.2. Some background on the FHIR registry (see Registry.FHIR.org for many more details.  Registry objects are available to the Simplifier retrieval functionality (see https://simplifier.net/) and also https://simplifier.net/search for further details.

2.2.  A detailed comparison needs to be made of the Templates ITS requirements and the current FHIR registry requirements and the requirements for the FHIR documents (and profiles).

2.3.  A detailed comparison of the current FHIR Registry specification with the requirements for a Templates registry (as described in the informative document “Business requirements for a Templates Registry), as well as the various registry-type functionality of the various CDA Templates implementers needs to be done to determine the feasibility of this approach.

2.4.  The results of the comparisons described in 2.2 and 2.3 above needs to be made with two goals: can the HL7 templates described in the Templates ITS be mapped into the equivalent FHIR profiles (and are changes needed in the FHIR specifications to support HL7 templates)?

2.4.1. This needs to be explored further with the FHIR Registry project.

3.  Approval of the Templates ITS for publication.

3.1.  Mark moved that the current Templates ITS document (which includes the resolution of all the ballot issues (as distributed on 12/19/2017 email and also documented in the 2018.01.02 Templates minutes)) be approved for publication? Didi seconded the motion, which passed 3-0-0.

3.2.  The next step is to prepare the official publication request document.

4.  Items 5 and 6 on the agenda need to be redefined and will be covered in terms of the FHIR registry discussions discussed above.

5.  Templates conference call schedule. This is unchanged: biweekly on Tuesdays at 2pm Eastern, with the first call being scheduled for Tuesday February 13, 2018.

6.  Representatives to other meetings: Kai will attend the Rx meeting; Mark will attend the Conformance meeting. Mark will attend the Thursday meetings if there are Templates issues being discussed.

7.  New item: how can we raise awareness that HL7 members should be using our own standards?

7.1.  In particular, the Sequoia Project is coping with CCDA templates from several vendors/organizations: MDHT, NIST, and Trifolia. Now that the Templates ITS is normative, can HL7 (as a standards organization) do anything to encourage these (and related vendors/organizations) to use the Templates ITS when sharing their data. In particular the Sequoia project (especially in the work supporting the “Meaningful Use” requirements ) now has to manually translate (and sometimes remodel) CCDA templates data since the representations used by various organizations are not standard. This problem also arises when errata are issued, since each published error correction has to be manually applied to the differing CCDA template instances used by the different vendors/organizations.

7.2.  We need to encourage the use of the Templates ITS to represent:

7.2.1. The “source of truth” (semantically interoperable export and import)

7.2.2. Errata processing (aligned across all tools)

7.2.3. A federated templates registry with standards-based API’s.

7.3.  John points out that the benefits of this approach apply across all HL7 implementations.

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