Lenten Bible Study- The Journey of Lent – Water Marks.
Bible Study, 6 PM;
Lenten worship, 7 PM at church hosting mid-week service.
Wed., March 2 at Zion; Wed., March 9 at St. Paul’s;
Wed., March 16 at Zion.
Z&SP: Maundy Thursday, March 24, At Zion;
Soup supper served from 5:30 – 6:30 PM
Worship/Communion, at Zion, 7:00 PM
Fri., March 25: Z&SP: Good Friday Joint Worship
at St. Paul’s,7:30 PM NOTE TIME
March 27-
St. Paul’s- Sunrise service & Communion 6:30 AM;
Sunday School children will sing
Breakfast served by Luther League
will follow worship, all welcome –
St. Paul’s: PLEASE NOTE - NO 10:30 AM worship at St. Paul’s
Zion: Fellowship time – 8:00 – 8:30 AM
Worship and Holy Communion, 8:30 AM
Fellowship time – 9:30 – 10 AM
Sunday – March 6th - Luther League will serve Soup Lunch after
worship at St. Paul’s. All are welcome to come and join in fellowship;
freewill offering – thank you to Luther League families for hosting the soup lunch.
March 6th – We will begin a Bible Study on the book of Ruth in the fireside room after
or during the soup lunch.
Sunday – March 6th - Pancake and French Toast Breakfast at Zion –
9:30 AM – 1 PM, cost $6; children under 5 free. Menu: Pancakes, French Toast,
eggs, sausage, coffee, juice and milk. Thrivent Action Team at Work.
Pastor’s Ponderings
So many things to look forward to …..
As our days begin to lengthen and we see more sunshine and temperatures above freezing than
below, we have so much to give thanks for.
We enter this month of March living into a journey of repentance and self-evaluation. We search to know God better and in our journey this year, we learn more about our own identity in Christ through our study about the waters of Baptism.
What does it mean to be washed clean and forgiven?
How do we resolve that the same waters that are used for judgment are used to release and free us?
These are a couple of the questions we have been exploring in our bible study this Lenten season…..and questions that I pray that we will continue to explore as we walk together as a community.
Blessings this month as we journey from the dark days of winter to the cross and into the light of Jesus Christ which shines through his own death and resurrection.
God be with you in this time of discernment of your relationship with God.
Pastor Patti Meyer
Funeral –
Donald Wilker – born Aug. 14, 1937; died Feb. 5, 2016; Funeral Feb. 9, 2016
Marriage –
Hannah Lewison & Alan Dicke – February 20, 2016 at St. Paul’s
Scholarship applicationsare availablein the narthex of both churches. Any St. Paul’s or Zion high
school student, college student or adult attending higher education can apply for the Harr, Rietfort, Wicklow
Scholarship; The Drache Fund is for students from either Zion or St. Paul’s who plans to attend a Lutheran
College recognized by theELCA. Schroeder Scholarship is for St. Paul’s members only.
All scholarships require that the student attend on a full time basis. Applications due by Sunday, June 5th
to Diane or St. Paul’s Church Council member.
Bible Quiz
While Jesus was dying on the cross, who mocked him, saying,
“He saved others; he cannot save himself”?
- Priests
- Scribes
- Elders
- All of the above
Answer to Bible Quiz: D (See Matthew 27:41-42
The following missions and amounts were voted to support for the coming year. Offering will be taken
on Sunday, March 6th Food Shelves - Minnesota Foodshare will give a match donation check at the end of March to help fund the Food Shelf for dollars received in March. – We also have a table up for your donations of non-parishable items that will be given to Food Shelf.
January: Red Cross - Offering $ 904; February: Medical Missionary Team,– Offering $1,526
March: Food Shelves; April: SE MN Synod; May: Campus Ministry;
June: Habitat for Humanity; July: Lutheran Social Services
August: Lutheran Volunteer Corp.; September: Transitional Housing
October: Crisis Resource Center; November: Missionary;
December: Hospitality House, Owatonna & Mosquito nets for an African village
February Council Meeting, Sunday, Feb. 7
* Officers elected for Council: President – Paul Hokanson.; Vice President – Kay Cassen;
Council Secretary – Dee Ann Pettyjohn; Asst. Council Secretary – Michelle Noble;
Council Treasurer – Keith Dinse; Asst. Council Treasurer – Brandt Boerner
* Will need to have meeting of the 150th St. Paul’s church Anniversary (July 27, 1867) to set a date soon.
* Summer worship - June 19th – August 28th – Worship held at both Zion and St. Paul’s for the summer –
Times of worship will be determined at Joint Council meeting in April
Exceptions: July 3rd joint worship at St. Paul’s – TBD; Sept. 4th joint worship at Zion – TBD
SE MN Synod Assembly – we are looking for 2 people who would like to attend the Assembly on May 6th & 7th
in Rochester. Please let Pastor Patti know if you are interested.
Church attendance – General Offering Mission Offering Mid-week Lenten worship
January 31 - 90 $ 1,702
February 7 - 94 $ 3,126 $1,536.25 Wed., Feb. 10 - 67
February 14- 67 $ 1,076 at Zion
February 21 - 61 $ 762 Wed., Feb. 24 - 78
Total 312 $ 6,666 at St. Paul’s
Thank you’s
- I want to thank every one of you for your prayers, who visited me, sent cards and gifts during
my stay in the hospital and at Koda. God Bless you all! Hilda Schmidt
Dear Church Members,
Words cannot describe how Thankful all the families were for all of the wonderful Christmas gifts that they received
from your congregation. You all made so many smiles happen and made such a difference in their Christmases! Many
blessings to you all!! Exchange Club Center for Family Unity.
Dear St. Paul’s Lutheran Church;
On behalf of Transitional Housing of Steele County, our staff, our Board of Directors and the many clients we serve,
we thank you for your gift of 3 quilts and blessing bags. We cannot emphasize enough what these gifts do tor these families.
Thank you for this extraordinary gift, comfort to our homeless families – many of whom are living in their cars or
uninhabitable places. If homelessness must exist, then we are honored to tackle it alongside each of you, our friends.
Bless you and bless the work that you do! Transitional Housing of Steele County
Upcoming Events in our area:
- Dad’s Belgian Waffles – Sat., March 5th, 9 AM – noon at Pontoppidan Lutheran Church. Serving waffles,
sausages, flavored syrups and drink. Members are pre-selling tickets or they will be available at the door for
$7.50, children 5 and under eat free - All you care to eat – Carry-out available!! Matching Funds from Thrivent.
- Pancake and French Toast Breakfast at Zion – Sunday, March 6th, 9:30 AM – 1 PM, cost $6; children
under 5 free. Menu: Pancakes, French Toast, eggs, sausage, coffee, juice and milk. Thrivent Action
Team at Work.
- Hometown Sampler- Fri. March 4, 7 PM; Sat., March 5, 3 PM & 7 PM; Sun., March 6, 1:30 PM – at
Little Theatre of Owatonna. Join us for great local music and to support our community by helping restock
the Steele county Food Shelf with admission of food or monetary donations. Bands playing: Bad Tangerines,
The Gogs; Hot ‘n” Bothered; Mile 5 Band.
- Beds for Kids fundraiser will be held on Friday, March 18th at Waseca Evangelical Free Church, 4:30 – 8:00 pm.
The evening will include a Dad’s Belgian Waffle supper, a silent auction, and a magic show with Greg the Great!
- Connor’s Fight Benefit – March 20th, 1 – 5 PM at Geneva Community Center. Connor Weckwerth,
son of Milo Weckwerth and April O’Connor, (Diane Lewer’s great-nephew) is 7 years old and was diagnosed with
Brain Cancer in June 2015. He has gone through removal surgery, radiation treatments, and is currently going thru
44 weeks of Chemotherapy. Free will donation meal and Silent and liveauction.
Important Upcoming dates:
March 2 - Lenten Bible Study at Zion 6 PM; Lenten worship at Zion, 7 PM
March 5 – First Communion class meeting, 9 – 11:30 AM (5th graders & parents)
March 6 – Zion annual Pancake Breakfast, 9 – 1
March 8 – Women of Mission meeting, Kitchen inventory – 5:30 PM;
Soup – 6 PM; Bible Study – 6:30 PM
March 9 - Lenten Bible Study at St. Paul’s - 6 PM; Lenten worship at St. Paul’s - 7 PM
March 13 - Daylight Savings Time Begins
March 16 - Lenten Bible Study at Zion- 6 PM; Lenten worship at Zion - 7 PM
March 19 – First Communion class meeting, 9 – 11:30 AM (5th graders & parents)
March 20 – Palm Sunday - First Communion for 5th grade students
March 24 - Soup served at Zion – 5:30 – 6:30 PM
March 24 – Maundy Thursday worship/Holy Communion at Zion, 7 PM
March 25 – Good Friday Worship at St. Paul’s, 7:30 PM NOTE TIME
March 27 - Easter Sunday - 6:30 AM Sunrise service/Communion at St. Paul’s
Breakfast after worship
Zion: Worship/Communion, 8:30 AM - Fellowship times will be from 8 – 8:30 AM
and 9:30 – 10 AM
March 28 - Zion WELCA meeting, 7 PM
March 30 – Confirmation class, 6:15 pm at St. Paul’s
March Worship Services
Wed., March 2 – 7:00 PM - Midweek Worshipat Zion
March 6 – 10:30 am Worship Service/Communion
Ushers – Roger & Sarah Krause
Communion server – Kay Cassen
Acoyte: Kaden Nelson
Wed., March 9 – 7:00 Midweek Worship at St. Paul’s
Ushers – Kay Cassen & Carol Raetz
March 13 – 10:30 am Worship Service
Ushers – Jon Wilker and Linda Kath
Acolyte: Mikayla Dinse
Wed., March 16 – 7:00 Midweek Worship at Zion
March 20 - Palm Sunday - 10:30 am Worship Service/Communion
First Communion students
Ushers – Joel & Betty Weber
Communion server: Dee Ann Pettyjohn
Acolyte: Kylie Cumberland
March 24 - Maundy Thursday Worship/Communion at Zion – 7 PM
Soup served from 5:30 – 6:30 PM at Zion
Dear Jesus, help us serve others as humbly as you served the disciples when you washed their feet. Amen
March 25: 7:30 PM - Good Friday Worship
Ushers: Kent & Kristen Wilker
“Sometimes it causes me to tremble.” My Lord, in the words of the spiritual, I tremble to think of what you went through for my sake and for the sake of the world.
March 27 - 6:30 AM Easter Sunrise Service/Communion - Breakfast after worship
Ushers – Jerry & Linda Kath
Communion Servers: Keith Dinse and Brandt Boerner
Acolyte: Mariah Schroht
Risen Lord, “thank you” seems insufficient for all you’ve showered on me.
But today I offer my songs of grateful praise and a heart brimming with love.
Hope Women of Mission– Bible Study was led by Sandy Dinse.
* Motion to purchase an Easter Lily was passed.
* Special Offering for Transitional Housing was $193.50 and purchased supplies for the 26 Blessing Bags
That were put together after worship on Sunday, Jan. 31st. Thanks to all who helped put them together!
* Looked at schedule for coming year.
March Meeting – Tues., March 8, we will do kitchen inventory at 5:30 for those who can come; at 6 we will have soup, Bible Study (Carol Raetz) and meeting at 6:30PM. Reminder that all women of the church are invited and welcome to come to the events!
MN River Conference WELCA Spring Event– will be held on April 30th at Grace Lutheran Church, Waseca.
Registration at 8 AM; Gathering at 9 AM; conclude approximately 12:30 PM. Pre-registration by
April 16th, to RaleenTolzmann: e-mail: r call 507-317-3240 with number attending.
Speakers will be vendors giving a short informational presentation. Theme is “Diversity”. Registration is $10
(which includes rolls and coffee and lunch) - $2 Mystery Bag sale; Love offering will be “Back Pack Items”
that will be used in Back Pack program, suggested items: individual breakfast items (oatmeal packets, individual
cereals), snack items granola bars/snack bars), packaged fruit and macaroni and cheese.
Luther League – Sat., March 26 – 9:30 AM- we will crack eggs, decorate & set up for Easter Breakfast
DONATIONS: Each family: 3 Dozen Eggs, 1 bag of Easter candy. Contact Mike & Marsha if
you would be willing to donate 1 gallon of white or chocolate milk.
Sunday, March 27– Easter Breakfast – Leaguers please be at church at 5:45 AM –
Be prepared to help serve and clean up after Sunrise Service.
Sunday, March 13th- Luther League Social, 9:15 – 10:15 am
All 7th – 12th graders welcome for lightbreakfast and fellowship.
Sunday School- Students will carry palms into worship on Palm Sunday, March 20 – and will sing at
Sunrise Service on March 27, 6:30 AM. No Sunday School on Easter Sunday.
ATTENTION: 5th grade students and parents – First Communion classes will be held on Sat., March 5th
and Sat., March 19th, 9 – 11:30 AM; on March 5th we will review the Sacraments; on March 19th
we will do a project and review communion process. One or both parent’s should attend both sessions.
Quilting Dates for March:
Mon., Feb. 29th & Wed., March 2nd - Quilting at St. Paul’s – 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Mon., March 14th & Wed., March 16th - Quilting at St. Paul’s – 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Mon., March 28th & Wed., March 30th - Quilting at St. Paul’s – 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Anyone is welcome to come even if you can’t stay for the entire session of quilting.
Extra hands are needed so please join us anytime at your convenience.
St. Paul’sPrayer Chain- There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex for anyone who would like to be
a member of the Prayer Chain. If someone wishes prayer for themselves or others the request will be
e-mailed, to those on the Prayer Chain. Contact person Jon Wilkerwill contact members of the Prayer
Chainwhen request for prayer is received. Prayer requests can be made without names or details.
* If youwish to have prayer for yourself or someoneelse please contact Jon Wilker, 451-3737 or e-mail
to: . You also can contact Pastor Patti for prayer and/or to request a visit.
Bits and Pieces
Remember, visitors are guests sent by the Lord. Please make them feel welcome by introducing yourself and greeting them warmly. Invite them to come back again and to please sign our guest book.
For a reservation of the church and/or fellowship Hall at St. Paul’s either for personal use or your
organization outside of regular meetings, please contact Diane Kath-Schoenfeld, call 444-9978;
or so it can be written on calendar to avoid schedule conflicts.
Cost is $50 to rent the fellowship hall for personal use.
St. Paul’s Members - For newsletter and Sunday bulletin items, please contact Diane Kath-Schoenfeld at
444-9978 or by email, April Newsletter – newsletter items due March 20.
Please check the Bulletin Board for events in surrounding churches and communities.
March Birthdays:
3/9: Jon Wilker
3/27: Elmer Kath
Thrivent Members - Thrivent Choice, the member advised charitable grant program from Thrivent Financial
continues to be a welcome funding source for churches and non-profit organizations. If you are an eligible
member, you likely are aware of this easy, convenient way to help make a difference for organizations you care
about. The Thrivent Choice Program offers a way for members to recommend where Thrivent Financial
distributes some of its charitable grant funds each year.
We would appreciate your support and designate Zion Lutheran Church as your charitable organization.
If you choose Zion as your designated nonprofit organization CHOICE DOLLARS: will be given to the Zion
Cemetery in an effort for the Cemetery to become self sufficient. If you are eligible to participate in Choice
Dollars or are uncertain about your eligibility, visit Thrivent.com/thriventchoice, or call Thrivent Financial
at 1-800-847-4836. As in the past Choice Dollars need to be transferred prior to March 31st every year
or the dollars you have earned will be designated by Thrivent to other organizations.
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
2781 SW 92nd Ave
2016 March Newsletter
Set Clocks
AHEAD 1 hour
Sun., March 13
Look inside for
Lent worship Schedule;
Holy Week Schedule;
Luther League information
and more!!
ATTENTION: 5th grade students and parents – First Communion classes will be held on Sat., March 5th
and Sat., March 19th, 9 – 11:30 AM; more information inside newsletter.
Easter Lilies: There are envelopes on the table in the narthex to order lilies in honor of /memory of.
Cost is $8 (checks made payable to St. Paul’s Lutheran Church). Deadline to order is March 20th.
* On Sat., May 21st we will hold a Clean-up Day for church cleaning and cemetery clean up
– all are encouraged to come and help - lunch will be furnished.
Quotable Quotes:
* “God proved his love on the cross. When Christ hung, and bled, and died, it was God saying to the
world, “I love you.” -- Billy Graham
* “But from this earth, this grave, this dust, my God shall raise me up, I trust.” - Sir Walter Raleigh
* “I lied on my Weight Watchers list. I put down that I had three eggs… but they were Cadbury chocolate eggs.”
- Caroline Rhea