Clearview Designs Agreement of Service
Lois L. Hallock
7611 201st ST SE
Snohomish, WA 98296
Cell: (425) 931-9636
Email: 4/1/2012
Guild Information
Guild nameContact Name
Contact title
Contact phone Number
Contact Address
Contact Email Address
Guild Meeting Place
Event Information
Date/time of LectureLecture Title
Lecture Fee / $375 for 1 hour lecture
Arrival time
Provisions needed from Guild / A microphone, screen, portable cart/table for laptop digital projector, extension cord, power strip, one display table, and one vendor table.
Sale of Products / Books, patterns, rulers, project boxes, and custom furniture.
Assistants / Help in setting up and selling products may be requested.
Travel costs to be reimbursed / Roundtrip mileage from Seattle @ $0.55/mile
Expenses to be reimbursed / Meals, Lodging, airport parking, and mileage to/from airport
Cancellation Policy / Guild pays travel expenses that cannot be refunded. Lecturer pays no cancellation fee.
Event Information
Date/time of ClassClass Title / Quilt Studio Planning and Design
Class Fee / $475 for 6 hour class for up to 15 students
Arrival time
Provisions needed from Guild / A screen, portable cart/table for laptop and digital projector, tablet/easel or whiteboard, tables and chairs for students.
Students Required to purchase from teacher / Studio planner and half pica scale ruler at $15 per student
Required Supplies (all students bring to class) / Calculator, paper scissors, drawing of quilt studio layout with dimensions of walls and furniture shown
Teacher provided supplies / Dry erase markers and double stick removable tape
Pre-work by students / Measure room dimensions, measure fabric stash volume, photos of quilt studio to share with class (optional – preferably digital on memory stick or cd)
This contract is the sole agreement between the named parties and no other agreement, implied or otherwise, is recognized. In the event of default by either party, advanced funds are refunded within (10) days of the scheduled service date. All parties to this contract have the right to seek such remedies as may be available to enforce the contract provisions.
This contract is accepted by:
Lecturer ______Date ______
Guild Representative ______Date ______