2017 Eastern Elite Sale Updates
All Choices sell w/ 25% down and 75% when youngest calf is 4 months of age is selected!
Semen Selling2 Units of DymentholmMr Apples Avalanche. At Trans Ova, Maryland
Lot 1Pregnant. Milking 75# 3.8F 3.5P SCC 71,000. Negative BVD-pcr
Lot 1ANegative BVD-PI
Lot 2Negative BVD-PI
Lot 4Negative BVD-Ace
Lot 5OUT
Lot 6Negative BVD
Lot 7Pregnant. Negative BVD-Ace
Lot 8Pregnant. Negative BVD
Lot 9Negative BVD-Ace & Leucosis
Lot 11Negative BVD-PI
Lot 12Negative BVD Her GPTAT +3.59
Lot 13Negative BVD-Ace
Lot 14Negative BVD. Bred 8-30-17 Too close to Check. 2nd Summer Yrlg 2017 PNJS R&W Show
Lot 15Negative BVD-PI
Lot 16Negative BVD-Ace. Now registered as Entourage-LC DB Alice-ET 840003143018443 born 6-1-17
Lot 18Negative BVD-Ace
Lot 19Negative BVD-Ace
Lot 20Negative BVD-Ace
Lot 21OUT
Lot 22Negative BVD-Ace
Lot 23Negative BVD
Lot 26Negative BVD-Ace
Lot 27Negative BVD-PI
Lot 28Negative BVD-Ace
Lot 29Negative BVD
Lot 302nd Milking Yearling PNJS Holstein Show 2017
Lot 31Pregnant. Negative BVD
Lot 32Negative BVD-Ace
Lot 33Negative BVD
Lot 34Milking 83# 3.6f 2.6p SCC 0.9 Bred 9-15 to Sexed Jacoby 550H12589 Negative BVD
Lot 35Negative BVD
Lot 36Negative BVD
Lot 37Negative BVD-Ace. Bred 8-15 Too Close to Check
Lot 38Negative BVD-Ace. Bred 8-25 Too Close to Check
Lot 39Negative BVD-Ace. Born 6-18-17
Lot 40OUT
Lot 41Negative BVD-Ace
Lot 42Milking 96# 3.6f 2.9p SCC 0.5 Bred 9-8-17 to Devour 147H7802. Negative BVD-PI
Lot 43Bred 8-28-17 to Diamondback, Too close to Check. Negative BVD
Lot 44Negative BVD
Lot 45Negative BVD-PI
Lot 46Negative BVD
Lot 47OUT
Lot 48These numbers for Diana are above PA: GTPI +2688 NM 776 +2163M +62F +66P +159FE +6.6PL +2.41T +2.18FLC +2.28UDC These are at PA or under +2.1Liv +1.9FI +1.6DPR 2.9SCS Negative BVD-Ace
Lot 49Negative BVD-PI
Lot 50Pregnant. Negative BVD-Ace
Lot 51Milking 82# SCC 1. Negative BVD-PI, Ana, L, N & J. Bred 8-26 Too Close to Check
Lot 52Milking 70# 4.0f 3.2p SCC 15,000. Close to a Heat, never serviced. Negative BVD-Ace
Lot 53Pregnant. Negative BVD-Ace
Lot 54Pregnant
Lot 55Pregnant
Lots 56 & 57Both OUT
Lot 58Pregnant. Negative BVD-Ace
Lot 59Dam is now VG-89 @ 2yr old. One of the most talked about young cows in the Breed!
Lot 61Negative BVD-Ace. Selling Air America Hollys Hayden-ET 84000314482973 born 6-9-17
Lot 62Pregnant. Negative BVD-Ace
Lot 63Now registered Sugar&Spice Fireman Vixen-ET 840003143018452 Born 6-4-17. Negative BVD-Ace
Lots 64 & 65Both are OUT
Lot 66Now registered Sugar&Spice MG Vasaline-Et 840003143018454 Born 6-6-17 Negative BVD-Ace
Lot 67Negative BVD-Pcr
Lot 68Negative BVD-PI
Lot 69Negative BVD
Lot 70Negative BVD-PI
Lot 72ADDED LOT See Fly Sheet Pregnant & Negative BVD
Lot 73ADDED LotSee Fly Sheet
Raffle Calf has Lot tag number 402Negative BVD