le français un / Seneca High School
French Department
Prof: Madame Calabrese
Tél: 824-3400 ext. 5566
Salle: 306 / E-mail:
Site web: sites.google.com/site/madamecalabrese

Bienvenue au cours de français! Welcome to French class!

Buts du cours Course Goals

Students will build proficiency in reading, writing, listening, and speaking French while deepening their understanding of francophone (French-speaking) cultures.

Déscription du coursCourse Description

French 1 is an interactive course focused on everyday communication. In order to build proficiency in the language, students will participate in daily speaking and listening activities, act out skits, write compositions, and read short texts in French. These activities will integrate fundamental concepts in French vocabulary, grammar, and culture and will require active student participation. Most of class time will be spent speaking and using French, however, some English will be used to clarify difficult material.

Programme du Cours Course Outline

Over the course of the semester, we will explore a number of thematic units. For each unit, we will study relevant vocabulary and grammar as well as cultural topics. The units include:

  1. Bienvenue (Welcome)
  2. Mes amis et moi (Myfriends and me)
  3. Cequej’aime (What I like)
  4. A l’école (At school)
  5. Mespassetemps (Pastimes)
  6. Allons au café (Let’s go to the café)
  7. La famille (Family)
  8. Les projets du weekend (Plans for the weekend)

FournituresCourse Materials

You are expected to bring the following materials to class on a daily basis:

  1. Course notebook with course handouts
  2. A pen or pencil (You will need blue or black ink for graded assignments.)
  3. Completed assignments

Méthodesd’Evaluation Assessments

Class Participation and use of French: Speaking is fundamental to language learning. Therefore, for every unit of study, you will earn a grade for your use of French in the classroom and your participation in class discussion and activities. Your grade will reflect your use of French during partner, small-group, and whole-class activities and the effort that you make in speaking and pronunciation. Please consult the participation rubric for more information on how you will be graded. (Level III)

Homework: Language learning is a dynamic process that involves repetition and application. Because of this, daily assignments will be given to assist you in learning and understanding new material. Assignments must be completed before the beginning of the class period. (Level III)

Compositions and Projects: Throughout the semester, you will be required to apply the language skills and cultural knowledge that you acquire to a variety of writing assignments and projects that will involve both in-class and out-of-class work. Unless otherwise indicated, compositions must be submitted on loose-leaf paper and written in blue or black ink. You must skip lines. (Levels I and II)

Quizzes and Tests: You will take frequent quizzes so that I can assess your mastery of individual concepts, and at the end of each unit, you will take a unit test. At the end of the semester, you will take a final exam that involves speaking, listening, reading, and writing. (Levels I and II)

Intégrité Integrity

Your academic honesty is critical. All the work that you complete for the class, including homework, must be your own. When you are working with a group, you must be an active participant of that group, sharing responsibilities equally with other group members. Any student caught cheating will earn “0” credit on the assessment.


I encourage the use of French-English dictionaries if you need to look up an individual word or two for an assignment. However, using a translator to write out entire sentences, paragraphs, or compositions constitutes cheating. It is obvious when translators have been used because of the type of computer-generated errors that they create, and you will receive a “zero” for any work completed by a translator.

Les Notes Grades

Course grade

  • 70% - Level I assessments
  • 20% - Level II assessments
  • 10% - Level III assessments

Semester grade

  • 80% of your final semester grade will be determined by the course grade (above).
  • 20% of your grade will be determined by the final exam.

Grading scale

A = 93% - 100%

B = 85% - 92%

C = 77% - 84%

D = 70% - 76%

F = Below 70%

Late Work: You will lose one letter grade for every day that an assignment is late. Late assignments will not be accepted at all after one week from the due date. It is your responsibility to hand in work on time.

Test retakes: You will be allowed to come after school to retake a maximum of 2 unit tests during the semester. All retakes must be completed within one week from the original test date and must be done after school. You may not retake any portion of the final exam.

Absences Absences

When you are absent, it is yourresponsibility to get any notes and assignments that you missed. The day you return to school, you must talk to me about the material you missed.

Assignments due on the absence date must be turned in immediately upon return to school.

Make-up Assignments: You will have one day per day absent to complete make-up work from excused absences. Extended illnesses will be treated on an individual basis. It is your responsibility to speak with me about making up all missed assignments.

Make-up Quizzes and Tests: If you are absent on the day of a quiz or test, you must make arrangements with me to take the assessment after school and sign up on the “extra help” calendar in the back of the room. All quizzes and tests must be made up within one week of the absence. Exceptions will be made in the case of serious or prolonged illness.

Aide Supplémentaire Extra Help

If you have been absent or are struggling with course material, I strongly encourage you to take advantage of extra help. Please talk to me about the best days to stay after school.

Règles de Vie en Classe Classroom Expectations

-Respect: Respect everyone and everything in the classroom. Listen to the teacher and to each other. Show respect for the ideas presented by the teacher and by your peers.

-Preparation: Bring your supplies and completed assignments to class.

-Arrival: Arrive on time and take your assigned seat. Use the restroom and drinking fountain beforeyou come to class. If an activity is posted, begin it immediately.

-Participation: Participate in all classroom activities and assignments. Pay attention, follow all classroom procedures, and do only French work in French class.

-School policies: Follow all school policies outlined in the handbook. Adhere to the school dress code. Cell phones and unauthorized electronic devices will be confiscated.

You are expected to behave in a mature and appropriate manner at all times. However, if you choose not to meet these classroom expectations, the following consequences will take effect:

  1. Warning
  2. Parent contact and / or referral to the office

For any serious violation of school rules, the student will be sent to the office and automatic disciplinary consequences will be earned.

French I Syllabus: Parent and Student Information Sheets

Return to Madame Calabrese by ______

Student Information

Name: ______

Interests: ______

Extra-curricular activities / job: ______

Why did you choose to study French? ______


What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about “French” or “France?”

Do you have any concerns about this course? ______


Is there anything that you think that I should know about you? ______


Please sign below to indicate that you have read the French I syllabus and that you understand class policies. Your signature indicates that you agree to complete all coursework without cheating or using a translator.

______(Student signature) ______(Date)

Parent Information

Dear parent/guardian,

Would you please read the attached syllabus for French I and complete the survey below? If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you very much!


Madame Calabrese

Parent / Guardian name (s) ______

Do you typically use ProgressBook to check your child’s grades? ☐Yes ☐No

In case I need to get in touch with you, how would you prefer to be contacted?

[ ] e-mail ______

[ ] home phone ______

[ ] work phone ______

[ ] cell phone ______

Do you have any questions or concerns about French I?

Please sign below to indicate that you have read the French I syllabus and that you understand class policies, including the policy on the use of translators.

______(Parent signature) ______(Date)