Practising Public Health Organisation Action Plan
Alcohol and Substance Misuse(NOTE final actions will need to coincide with the finalised Cardiff and Vale Alcohol Action Plan)
Item / Objective / Action / Outcome Indicators / Completion
Date / Area / Lead
1. / To raise awareness among UHB staff of the potential impact of alcohol on health. / Develop and manage a campaign for UHB staff to raise awareness of alcohol units, daily limits, and the potential harms caused by alcohol. Information to be disseminated through a range of communication channels.
· Launch campaign in Alcohol Awareness Week focusing information on alcohol units and daily limits. / Numbers of hits on internet / intranet
Numbers of staff reporting awareness of key messages
% of staff respondents reporting considering changing behaviour / 30th November, 2013 / Public Health / Principal Health Promotion Specialist
2. / To provide information and support to staff in relation to their choices around alcohol use. / · Implement the national Alcohol Brief Intervention programme amongst UHB staff.
· Utilise the Making Every Contact Count and Champions for Health work streams as delivery mechanisms. / Number of UHB staff trained in Alcohol Brief Intervention (ABI).
Number of UHB staff reporting using knowledge obtained from training in an ABI context. / 31 March 2013 / Managers within directorates / Sub group of the Public Health Steering Group.
3. / To ensure Alcohol, Drug and Substance Misuse is addressed through UHB policy / Ongoing implementation of the Alcohol, Drug and Substance Misuse Policy. / Adherence to policy / Ongoing / All areas / Occupational Health
4. / To support managers to identify and address Alcohol, Drug and Substance Misuse amongst employees. / Ongoing implementation of Alcohol, Drug and Substance Misuse Training for Managers (delivered jointly by Occupational Health and Employee Well-being Service) / Number of managers completing the training / Ongoing / All areas / Ruth Nash,
Nicola Bevan
Item / Objective / Action / Outcome Indicator / Completion
Date / Area / Lead
1.a / To provide healthy eating opportunities for UHB staff / To ensure the implementation of the UHB Staff Nutrition and Catering Policy in line with the Corporate Health Standard. / Maintenance of Gold level Corporate Health Standard Award / Ongoing / Dietetics
Patient Environment / Judyth Jenkins/
Simon Williams
b. / To obtain Healthy Options Gold award status at Heathfields and Llandough.
To obtain Healthy Options Bronze award status at Whitchurch. / Achievement of Healthy Options Gold award status.
Achievement of Healthy Options Gold award status. / August 2013. / Patient Environment / Simon Williams
2. / To support UHB staff to adopt a healthy lifestyle. / To develop a proposal and secure funding for a staff weight management service. / Staff weight management service model agreed and funding secured to pilot the service. / March
2014 / Public Health
Dietetics / Suzanne Wood / Helen Nicholls
3. / To ensure that UHB premises are healthy environments / To ensure that Welsh Government Guidance relating to Health promoting hospital vending is implemented. / All vending machines to meet the criteria highlighted in Welsh Government Guidance. / Ongoing / Patient Environment / Simon Williams
4. / To raise awareness of the importance of healthy eating as part of a healthy lifestyles. / To carry out awareness raising activities linked to national campaigns (including Healthy Living Week, Change4Life).
Ensure that there is a permanent Healthy Lifestyle display regularly updated in all staff canteens. / Number of awareness campaigns.
Number of UHB staff members reporting awareness of campaign messages. / Ongoing / Dietetics / Judyth Jenkins
5. / To increase capacity within the UHB to reinforce key Public Health messages of healthy eating. / To develop and deliver accredited nutrition education training to targeted UHB staff groups to enable the delivery of Public health advice.
Utilise the Making Every Contact Count and Champions for Health work streams as delivery mechanisms. / Number of UHB staff receiving accredited training
Number of UHB staff delivering public health nutrition advice as part of their day to day work. / Ongoing / Dietetics / Judyth Jenkins
6. a / To improve levels of sustainable procurement with the UHB. / To pilot a fruit and vegetable co-op or market stall at a UHW site. / Completion of the pilot of a fruit and vegetable co-op or market stall at a UHB site.
Completion of an evaluation of the pilot project / Pilot completed at Llandough / Patient Environment
Public Health / Simon Williams/
Eryl Powell
b. / To explore opportunities for the UHB and the Local Authority to work together to procure more locally produced foods in line with the Corporate Health Standard Platinum requirements. / UHB menus include more locally produced foods.
Numbers of local small and medium enterprises supplying food to the UHB. / Ongoing / Patient Environment
Public Health
Development / Simon WilliamsJudyth Jenkins/Eryl Powell/
Sarah Morley
Physical Activity
Item / Objective / Action / Outcome Indicator / Completion
Date / Area / Lead
1.a / To implement policies that support UHB staff to incorporate physical activity into their daily lives / Implement relevant actions within the Corporate Health Standard (CHS) Action Plan
/ Sustained achievement of CHS Gold Award. / Ongoing
September 2013 / Organisation
Development / Sarah Morley
b / Conduct an audit of green space to help support an increase of accessibility ro open spaces for UHB staff / Completion of audit / March 2014 / Public Health / Sue Toner
2. / To influence UHB policy development to incorporate healthy urban planning (HUP) principles. / Strengthen adoption of healthy urban planning (HUP) principles in the UHB Estates Strategy and in specific re-development programmes (for example CRI) / Inclusion of HUP principles in relevant plans and the incorporation of policies that support
· Population need
· Walking and cycling
· Active travel / Ongoing as new policy / Public Health / Sue Toner
3a. / To support UHB staff to incorporate physical activity into their daily lives / Ongoing implementation of the UHB Sustainable Travel Plans / Number of UHB staff reporting walking, cycling or a combination of public transport and active travel / Ongoing / Transport and Sustainability / Colin McMillan
b. / Implement the Cycle to Work Scheme / Number of UHB staff purchasing bikes through the Assisted Cycle Purchase Scheme.
Number of UHB staff reporting cycling to work / May 2013
Completed / Transport and Sustainability / Colin McMillan
c. / Continually promote the opportunities for UHB staff to access the Cardiff Corporate Leisure Card (discounted gym membership). / Number of UHB staff with active Cardiff Corporate Leisure Card membership / Ongoing / Communications / Estelle Hitchon
4a / To increase staff knowledge of physical activity and support the development of relevant skills / Implement a physical activity element to the Making Every Contact Count (MECC) training to UHB staff / Number of UHB staff trained. / March 2014 / Public Health / Sian Griffiths
b. / Ongoing cycle training and cycle maintenance training for staff / Numbers of staff trained in cycle maintenance
Numbers of staff cycling to work / Ongoing / Transport and Sustainability / Colin McMillan
c. / Support and promote national campaigns, including Bike Week / Numbers of UHB staff reporting awareness of campaign messages. / March 2014 / Public Health / Susan Toner
Item / Objective / Action / Outcome Indicator / Completion
Date / Area / Lead
1. / To prevent musculoskeletal disorders amongst UHB staff / Ensure compliance and ongoing implementation of the UHB Manual Handling Policy. / All staff are up to date with mandatory manual handling training whenever / Ongoing / Organisation
Development / Sarah Morley
2.a / To support staff with musculoskeletal disorders to return to full health. / Through communication streams, ensure that staff are aware that they can self-refer to the Occupational Health Physiotherapy Service when suffering with musculoskeletal problems / Numbers of staff reporting awareness of self referral via staff survey of awareness of Occupational Health Service / Ongoing / Physiotherapy / Gillian Pratt
b. / Ensure that managers refer staff to Occupational Health Physiotherapy Service as early as possible into a period of sickness absence, utilising existing health Evaluation Forms. / Average sickness time prior to Occupational Health referral. / Ongoing / Physiotherapy / Gillian Pratt
Occupational Health
Item / Objective / Action / Outcome Indicator / Completion
Date / Area / Lead
1. / To ensure that UHB policy supports the promotion and protection of health of UHB staff / Ongoing implementation of the Occupational Health Policy which includes the promotion and protection of health of staff. / Occupational Health participation in health promotion events throughout the year / Ongoing / Occupational
Health / Nicola Bevan
2. / To promote uptake of the Seasonal influenza vaccination for staff / Seasonal influenza vaccination campaign for staff / Numbers of UHB staff receiving Seasonal Influenza vaccinations / March, 2014. / Public Health / Tom Porter, Nuala Brennan
3. / To ensure staff are supported to manage sickness and illness / Ensure that managers refer staff to the Occupational Health Service and the Occupational Health Physiotherapy Service as early as possible into a period of sickness absence, utilising existing health Evaluation Forms. / Average sickness time prior to Occupational Health referral. / Ongoing / Physio
Health / Gillian Pratt / Nicola Bevan
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Item / Objective / Action / Outcome Indicator / Completion
Date / Area / Lead
1.a / To ensure that the UHB is committed through policy to organisation wide promotion and protection of staff mental health and wellbeing / Ongoing implementation of the principles highlighted in the Mindful Employer Charter / Adherence to the principles highlighted in the Mindful Employer Charter / Ongoing / Mental Health / Helen Bennett
b / Ongoing implementation of the Dignity at Work Policy / Adherence to the Dignity at Work Policy / Ongoing / All areas / Jonathan
c / Ongoing implementation of the Violence and Aggression Policy / Adherence to the Violence and Aggression Policy / Ongoing / All areas / Charles Dalton
d / Ongoing implementation of Work Life Balance Policy / Adherence to the Work Life Balance Policy / Ongoing / All areas / Jonathan
e / Ongoing implementation of The Management of Stress and Mental Health Well-being in the Workplace Policy / Adherence to The Management of Stress and Mental Health Well-being in the Workplace Policy / Ongoing / All areas / Dr Clare Wright
2. / To ensure that the UHB proactively works towards preventing the onset of mental health problems amongst staff. / Continued implementation of Level 2 of the Employee Wellbeing Service (Psychological Coping Skills Training) for staff and managers. / Numbers of staff completing:
- Stress Resilience courses (general and bespoke to departments on request)
- Assertiveness Course
- Relating under Pressure Course
- Managing emotions course
- Proposed Sleeping well course (in development)
- Alcohol Awareness training for managers
- Mental Health First Aid Training for Managers
- Action learning sets for managers on managing / preventing stress and MH issues for staff / Ongoing / Employee Wellbeing / Clare Wright
3. / To ensure that UHB supports employees suffering with mental health problems / Continued implementation of Level 1 of the Employee Wellbeing Service (Employee Assistance) for staff and managers. / Number of UHB staff accessing:
- Face to face counselling for mild to moderate mental health problems
- The flexible support service for staff undergoing formal HR processes
- Bibliotherapy and computerised CBT
- Fast track service for staff experiencing trauma following a violent, traumatic or critical incident. / Ongoing / Employee Wellbeing / Clare Wright
Item / Objective / Action / Outcome Indicator / Completion
Date / Lead
1.a / To ensure compliance with the UHB No Smoking and Smoke Free Environment Policy. / Review policy with a view to progressing to a full ban / Full smoking ban on all UHB sites / TBC / Public Health / Trina Nealon
b. / Ensure ongoing monitoring and enforcement / Staff opinion poll of effectiveness of monitoring and enforcement / Completed / Public Health / Becky Lewis
2. a / To ensure that the UHB supports employees who wish to stop smoking to achieve their goal. / Ongoing support to help staff quit smoking from advisors on the UHW and Llandough sites (also available from Occupational Health) / Number of smoking cessation sessions held by Stop Smoking Wales
Number of staff members accessing in house Stop Smoking Services / Ongoing / Public Health / Trina Nealon
b. / To promote E-referral training for employees wishing to quit smoking / Number of staff utilising E-referral training / Ongoing / Public Health / Becky Lewis
3.a / To create training opportunities for staff to make every contact around the importance of quitting smoking / To offer Brief Intervention Training (delivered by Stop Smoking Wales) to UHB staff utilising the Champions for Health as delivery mechanisms / Number of staff accessing brief intervention training / Ongoing / Public Health / Trina Nealon
b / Encourage UHB staff to become tobacco champions / Number of staff signed up to be tobacco champions / Ongoing / Public Health / Suzanne Becquer-Moreno
4. / To raise awareness of the dangers of smoking and the benefits of quitting smoking / Develop and manage a campaign targeted at UHB staff to raise awareness of ‘No Smoking Day’ Information to be disseminated through a range of communication channels. / Only All Wales data available / March
2014 / Public Health / Trina Nealon