Warren East High School


2012-2013 Handbook

Table of Contents

·  Purpose

·  Membership

·  Commitment to Cheerleading

·  Safety

·  Duties and Responsibilities

o  Leadership

o  Academics

o  Attendance and Participation

o  Financial

o  Physical

o  Transportation

o  Practices

o  Games

o  Community Service

·  Communication

·  Code of Conduct

·  Competition

This handbook is a living document. If an incident should arise that is not specifically addressed in this document, the coach and/or school and district administration will address the incident on an individual basis. Warren East High School reserves the right to revise this handbook.


Cheerleading is a vibrant part of the Warren East community. For the school and the community, cheerleading exists in order to promote:

·  Tradition

·  School Spirit

·  Ambassadorship

For participants, cheerleading exists to provide students:

·  Multiple leadership opportunities

·  A sense of team

·  Participation in an athletic activity for students with skills in that area

·  Opportunities to learn and exhibit sportsmanship and citizenship

·  Opportunities to be a role model

·  Campus and community ambassadorship

These multiple opportunities help students grow and mature, both physically and emotionally.

Program Membership

The Warren East cheer squad consists of cheerleaders chosen by non-affiliated judges during a four day tryout clinic. Cheerleaders will receive scores based on a group chant, group cheer, tumbling, dance, and two jumps. Candidates must have a KHSAA physical form in order to try out for the WEHS cheer squad.


Members of the cheer program will follow the guidelines of this handbook.

Cheer members will serve from the day of selection through the spring cheer banquet at the end of the season. During that length of time all members of the squad must keep in mind the following guidelines in regard to their commitment to the Warren East cheer team:

·  Cheerleaders represent Warren East High School at ALL times.

·  Cheerleading is a year-round commitment that requires devotion of time and effort. It is an honor that requires hard work and dedication.

·  WEHS cheer commitments should come before other obligations such as jobs, driver education, outside cheer teams, etc.

·  Outside commitments will not be considered a reason to miss cheer events. Absences related to outside commitments will receive consequences according to the discipline procedures.


Because of the increased athleticism of today’s cheerleaders and the complexity of some stunts performed, there is a risk, as in any athletic endeavor, of serious injury.

·  All participants must have a current physical form on file prior to participation.

·  All participants must be trained for proper landing and spotting techniques before they are allowed to stunt. Participants will be trained and instructed by coaches and UCA staff members at summer camp.

·  All participants must go through proper stunt progressions.

·  No tumbling or building of stunts is permitted unless a cheer coach is present.

·  No horseplay or general socializing will be permitted during any stunt/practice session.

·  Absolutely no jewelry will be worn during practices, games, or events, including body piercings.

·  Cheerleaders may not have artificial nails during practices or games, and natural nails should be kept at sports length.

Duties and Responsibilities


Cheerleaders represent their school at all times. They must act as role models and leaders at school and in the community. Members of the WEHS cheer squad will demonstrate good sportsmanship, promote school spirit, and display genuine concern for others.


·  Any cheerleader who receives a grade below 70 at the end of a grading period, or fails to meet the standards in his/her Individual Education Plan (IEP) will be placed on academic probation (minimum 2 weeks) until they receive a grade above a 70, as approved by the classroom teacher.

·  Any cheerleader who receives a failing grade at the end of a grading period will be placed on academic probation for the subsequent 9 week period. If the grade is still below a 60 after the probation period, the student will be dismissed from the team. If a student is placed on probation for receiving a failing grade, the cheer coach will have a conference with the student and their parent/guardian to discuss a plan for success.

·  Cheerleaders on academic probation will be required to attend all practices, games, and fundraising events, but will not be allowed to cheer at games or pep rallies. Cheerleaders on probation will dress out for games and pep rallies and sit with the coach.

·  If a cheerleader is on academic probation for two consecutive grading periods, he/she may be dismissed from the squad at the coach’s discretion.

Attendance and Participation

·  Attendance at all games and cheer events is mandatory. This includes but is not limited to practices, fundraising activities, competitions, and pep rallies.

·  Planned absences to a game/event/practice, etc. should be requested in writing at least 48 hours in advance. The coach will determine if the absence will be excused. Inappropriate notification will result in disciplinary action.

·  Students who are ill should notify the coach as soon as possible.

·  All cheer members are required to attend summer camp, summer practices, and any fundraisers or team activities that are set for the teams in the summer. Cheer members not attending these events are subject to disciplinary action.


Costs for the year will vary, but will not exceed $600 per cheerleader for school costs.

·  Estimated individual cheer costs:

o  Summer Camp $289

o  Camp Clothes $100

o  Shoes $50

o  Warm-up $65

o  Bag $20

o  Bloomers $10 each

o  Midriff Top $20 each

o  Bows $6 each

·  Returning members may not need to purchase all items above.

·  Other costs throughout the year may develop and a payment schedule may be set for all payments due.

·  Cheer members are required to attend and participate in all fundraising activities in order to be eligible to cheer. Cheer members may also be required to participate in group fundraising activities in which all money earned will be contributed to the general cheer activity fund. Cheerleaders who do not participate or fulfill any quotas set forth by WEHS may be considered ineligible to cheer.

·  If a member is declared ineligible, injured, being disciplined, is dismissed, or resigns from the team; the member is still responsible for all fees. Refunds will not be issued.


Cheerleading is an athletic endeavor. Students must possess the following capabilities necessary for performing the essential functions of a cheerleader:

·  Clear diction, vocal strength, rhythm, and coordination

·  Physical moves that may involve jumps, balance, agility, and upper and lower body strength

·  Stamina to endure these physical activities through the duration of games and events

·  Ability to perform routines in both indoor and outdoor settings, in hot and cold weather

·  Members of the cheer squad are expected to participate in conditioning activities both at cheer practice and on their own. These expectations will be provided by the coach.


·  Cheerleaders will provide their own transportation to home and district games. If a cheerleader needs transportation to or from a cheer activity, he/she should let the coach know as soon as possible.

·  Cheerleaders will ride as a team to away, non-district games. All cheerleaders must have a Warren County Schools Field Trip Permission Slip filled out and filed with the coach prior to the beginning of the season.


·  At the beginning of each month the coach will provide a calendar to each cheerleader and parents/guardians. The calendar provided at the beginning of the month is not final and the cheer coach retains the right to add or remove activities from the calendar.

·  Required team practice will not exceed 6 hours per week, unless the team is preparing for a competition.

·  All practices are closed to the public. Parents may come to the last 15 minutes of practice in order to provide transportation for their cheerleader. Cheerleaders must leave the school building at the conclusion of practice unless they are participating in another WEHS activity.

·  No cell phones, gum, or food will be allowed at practice. Cheerleaders may have water or sports drinks.

·  Participants must attend all practices in order to perform at an event (game, pep rally, competition, etc.). Members will be held accountable for an absence, and may be removed from any performance by the coach.

·  Cheerleaders are expected to arrive on time to practice. Any tardiness may have disciplinary consequences such as additional running, push-ups, or removal from a particular performance.

·  Cheerleaders are expected to wear appropriate attire to practice including a t-shirt, shorts, socks, and cheer shoes. No tank tops or spaghetti straps will be permitted at practice. Cheerleaders may be asked to bring athletic tennis shoes to practices which focus on conditioning.


·  Cheerleaders are expected to be at all home football and basketball games, all district football and basketball games, and specified non-district football and basketball games.

·  Cheerleaders are expected to arrive at games 45 minutes prior to the start of the game.

·  No cell phones, gum, or food will be allowed at games. Cheerleaders may have water or sports drinks. Cheerleaders may eat healthy snacks during half time of games.

·  Cheerleaders will take part in welcoming the team to the court/field at the beginning of each game and will remain in their positions until the team has left the court/field.

·  If a cheerleader comes to a game in the incorrect uniform (including bow) they will be asked to sit with the coach for the duration of the game or until they are dressed appropriately.

Community Service

Warren East Cheerleaders must uphold the duties and responsibilities of a cheer team member both at school and in the community. In order to demonstrate dedication to WEHS and the WEHS community, cheerleaders will participate in 3-4 community service events throughout the year. Community service events are mandatory and parents and cheerleaders will aid in designing the community service program.


Communication is vital for a successful cheer program.

Coaches will communicate:

·  Requirements for students and the squad

·  Locations, dates, times of practices, games, and events

·  Squad requirements including special equipment, uniform, squad rules/regulations, travel arrangements, and off-season expectations

Parents should communicate:

·  Concerns regarding a son/daughter directly to the coach at the appropriate time and place

·  Issues appropriate for discussion:

o  Student plan for success

o  Student behavior

o  Student safety

·  Issues not appropriate for discussion with a coach:

o  Squad selection of cheers, chants, stunts, or elements of a performance

o  Any situation that deals with other students/cheer members

Code of Conduct

A WEHS cheerleader takes on the role of a respectful and disciplined athlete who should model appropriate behavior for his/her peers at all time- in school, after school, and in the community. This is a very visual position. Along with this position comes a great deal of responsibility; cheerleaders display good work ethic, and a spirit of cooperation with parents, coaches, other cheerleaders, and other students. Each squad member will be held to these high standards in and out of school. Cheer coaches will determine discipline should infractions occur. This expectation begins the day they member becomes part of the WEHS cheer program.

Participants in the WEHS Cheer Program will follow a “Three Strike” system. Strikes will be given based on a cheer member’s behavioral infractions. The coaches will document each behavioral infraction and communicate the strikes with cheerleaders and parents at the time of the infraction.

The following levels outline discipline infractions and possible consequences. All discipline is designed to be corrective in nature.

Level I: (These infractions do not incur strikes)

The cheer coach will determine the reminder and consequences at the time of the infraction. Consequences for Level I behaviors may result in reminders, physical conditioning, or suspension for part of a game/event. The list below includes examples of some behaviors which would require immediate reminders:

·  Tardiness to practice or game

·  Incorrect uniform (including hair bows)

·  Wearing jewelry at practice, games, or pep rallies

·  Chewing gum, eating candy, or snacking during a game, practice, or an event without permission

·  Being disruptive, horsing around, or talking excessively at inappropriate times

·  Failing to fully participate in fundraising activities

·  Failure to bring designated materials when required

·  Failure to help paint, hang, or remove signs when assigned

·  Failure to turn in paperwork or money

Level II: (These infractions will incur strikes)

The cheer coach will determine if a strike is warranted by the cheerleader’s behavior. Strikes may result in the same consequences as a Level I infraction, along with the strike itself. Any of the following may result in a strike:

·  Disrespect/insubordination toward a coach, teacher, administrator, or other squad member

·  Unexcused absence to a game/practice/event

·  Leaving a practice/game/event without permission

·  Unsportsmanlike conduct at a game event

·  Talking or texting on cell phone during game/practice/event

·  Academic dishonesty

·  Assignment to ALC or receiving a discipline referral

·  Repeatedly receiving “reminders” for Level I

·  Repeatedly (three or more) being tardy to a practice/game/event

Level III: (These infractions result in removal from the team)

·  Suspension from school

·  Receiving three strikes

·  Failing a class for two consecutive nine week periods

·  Alcohol use

·  Drug use

·  Smoking

·  Destruction or vandalism or school property

·  Stealing

Violations of the Student Code of Conduct will also be handled by school administration in conjunction with the WEHS cheer discipline process.


The WEHS cheer squad will participate in multiple competitions throughout the year. Competitions are an integral part in the KHSAA sport of cheerleading and will require the participation of all team members. Competition will require additional practices and costs and details will be provided once 2012-2013 competition dates are released.