The Rockfield Centre, Oban
Commuity Rooms and Facilities
Booking Form
Hirer Details
Organisation / GroupContact Name
Telephone No. (Event contact)
Event or Activity Details
Event or Activity DescriptionDay(s)/Dates
Start Time / ( should take into account set up time)
Finish Time / ( should include clear up time)
Please confirm you have read and understand Terms and Conditions attached by signing below ( electronic signature accepted)
/ Tick preferred option /Give indication of equipment requirements
Details will be agreed on confirmation
( tables, chairs, access to kitchen etc )Room 1 (vinyl floor)
Room 2
( carpeted space)
Main building** very limited use
Outdoor space
Storage ( limited)
Block bookings only / (Additional charge applies)
Facilities Terms and Conditions of Use.
For the purpose of these conditions, the term TRUST shall mean the Oban Communities Trust- The Rockfield Centre
For the purpose of these conditions, the term HIRER shall mean an individual hirer, or, where the hirer is an organisation, the authorised representative as listed in the Application for Use/Hire.
HIRERS are asked to respect the facilities provided by the Trust. This is a community owned venue which is avaluable resource in our community maintained by volunteers.
Application for Use/Hire
Completion of hire application request form
Hire charges are available on request -
Charges will be reviewed on an annual basis.
Application includes full detail of purpose and form of the hire, hours required and provision request. The TRUST reserves the right to refuse or limit any hire.
At the discretion of the TRUST a charges /non- refundable booking fee may be required.
Charges in relation to hiring all or any part of The Rockfield Centre must be agreed in advance and email confirmation given.
The TRUST has insured the hall for Public Liability risks falling within their responsibility.
All bookings require email confirmation prior to use.
HIRER Obligations
The HIRER will, during the period of hiring, be responsible for supervision of the
premises, the fabric and the contents, their care, safety from damage and the behaviour
of all persons using the premises, whatever their capacity.
The HIRER shall not use the premises for any purpose other than that described in the
hiring agreement
The HIRER shall be responsible for obtaining such licences as may be needed whether
for the sale or the supply of alcoholic beverages or for the performance of entertainment
and/or other such activities for which authorisation is required.
If activities involve thesupervision of children or other vulnerable persons, it is the responsibility of the HIRERto ensure that all requirements of Disclosure Scotland PVG Scheme are complied with.
The HIRER shall ensure that sub-contracted activities such as mobile discotheques etc
are fully insured against public liability for their operation.
The HIRER shall indemnify the TRUST for the cost of repair of any damage done
to any part of the property or the contents of the building which may occur during the
period of hiring, as a result of the hiring.
At the end of the hiring, the HIRER shall be responsible for leaving the premises and
surrounds in a clean and tidy condition, properly locked and secured unless directed
otherwise and any contents which have been temporarily removed from their usual
positions properly replaced, otherwise the TRUST shall be at liberty to make an
extra charge.
The HIRER shall ensure that all children on the premises are under adult supervision at
all times with particular care taken on entering and exiting via Car Park area.
The space will be provided to the HIRER in a clean and functional condition. It is the responsibility of the HIRER to return the premises to an equivalent condition at the end
of the hire, including sweeping/mopping the floors and cleaning use of kitchen facilities used.
It is the responsibility of the HIRER to ensure that any rubbish accumulated during the hire is removed from the room space and placed in the receptacles provided or taken away after the event. The TRUST does not have the capacity to collect and remove rubbish.
The HIRER must return after the event any keys provided for access to the community space within agreed timescales.
Please note - Hirer is responsible for any licences required for any activity they are providing on the site. Contact Argyll& Bute Council Licensing for further guidance
Access & Equipments
Hire of any room or part of the main building does not assume access to any other part of the buildings.
Access arrangements will be noted in booking confirmation
Equipment - The TRUST has limited equipment available, detail of resources which can be offered will be noted at confirmation of booking.
The TRUST will be agree on confirmation of booking prior to date of use.
Storage – Limited provision of unsecure storage must be agreed prior to use. This space has a set fee for use. Storage is available for block bookings only where agreement of 6 or more weeks been confirmed.
Trust takes no responsibility for any items left in building.
Additional storage charge will be applied should space be exceeded.
Block bookings
Invoices will be issued for block bookings – payment by BACS on receipt of invoice
Oban Communities Trust Bank of Scotland 80 -22-60 Account 12745364
Single use booking - one off bookings.
Payment should be made prior or on the day of use by either cheque or cash – by arrangement with key holder. Hand written receipt will be issued by key holder.
Thank you
The Rockfield Centre
53A Rockfield Road
PA34 5DQ