BHADOHI – 221 401 (UP) INDIA
(Under Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India)
Courses approved by -
AICTE-UGC- DEC Joint Committee, New Delhi.
The Director
Indian Institute of Carpet Technology,
Bhadohi -221401(UP)
Sub: Application for New Admission cum Student - Support Centre for
Distance Courses.
Application Form
(Particulars required for Coordinator)
1.Location of the Centre :Place –
District –
State –
- Particulars of the Coordinator
(i)Name :
(ii)Sex :
(iii)Date of Birth :
(iv)Educational Qualifications :
(v)Experience in Handling Study / :
Student-Support Centre
(vi)Name of the Universities which :
recognized you as Coordinator
(Enclose copies of evidences)
(vii)Address & Telephone No. :
for communication
- Particulars of the Study / Student-
Support Centre
(i)Name :
(ii)Status :
(Proprietorship / Partnership /
Trust / Society)
(Enclose copies of evidences)
- Programmes that could be supported by your :
- Details of Infrastructure for offering the:
above mentioned courses
(Theory / Practical / workshop /
Computer lab etc)
- Details of authorization/ processing fee: D.D. No………………………..Date of issue………….
(Rs.50, 000/- non refundable)
Issuing Bank………………………………………………….
- Any other particulars that could :
highlight the strength of your Centre
Date:Name & Signature
Encl:1)Educational certificates for the Qualification of the coordinator
2)Trust/Society Deed
3)Land & Building documents (Ownership/leased documents)
4)Detail of infrastructure available
Indian Institute of Carpet Technology (IICT) has been set up by Ministry of Textile, Govt. of India.IICT is the only institute of its kind in Asia and offers four year full time B.Tech. programme in Carpet & Textiles Technology with Specializations:
- Advances in Carpet Technology
- Home Textile Technology
- Textile Design Technology
In addition to above regular course IICT has been offering unique course in Distance Modesince 2006 in collaboration with AgResearch, NewZealand. The courses are approved by AICTE – HRD – DEC Joint Committee, Govt. of India.
The basic idea behind offering the courses in distance mode is to trained people working in the sector in particular and other interested candidates in general.
The methodology of Distance Education included self-instructional study materials in print form, face-to-face counseling, practical classes, and virtual class in phased manner, continuous internal assessment, and end assessment. The student-support system will be available at various places in India administered by the institute.
Eligibility Criterion for Study Centre:
Any institute/college/NGO/Trust/Society having adequate infrastructure to facilitate the courses offered by our institute may apply for becoming authorized study centre. Interested candidate may apply in the prescribed format along with relevant documents and a D.D. of Rs.50, 000/- in favour “Indian Institute of Carpet Technology” payable at Bhadohi (non refundable) as processing fee (one time).
IDLP Programme: The course is aimed at those who aspire for a career in wool, carpet and textile industry. The curriculum will comprise a totally comprehensive package covering all aspects of wool, textiles and carpets. The institute envisages introducing advances in carpet technology, home textile technology, textile design technology and such relevant programs in the fold of DLP in near future. The current IDLP program consists of:
(a)Diploma Course: Each diploma comprises of six topics having three/four compulsory topics & three/two optional.
Duration of the course: 3 Years
(b)Certificate Course: Certificate course is on any one topic from the given list.
Duration of the course: 6 months
Eligibility Criterion: These courses are open to candidates who have passed 10th standard from any recognized Board with Mathematics as a compulsory subject but it is essential that the candidate must be conversant in English Language & Computer Friendly to cope up with the course material. Exposure of the relevant field is preferable.
Admission Procedure: Candidates willing to get registered for IDLP diploma/certificate course will be required to apply on the prescribed form, which can be obtained from Study Center or Institute by paying Rs.250/- in cash/D.D. The application form can also be down loaded from the institute website and may be deposited along with a D.D. of Rs.250/-.
Study Centers: IICT may authorize any center to enroll students & conduct the contact classes on the basis of availability of/ accessibility to adequate infrastructure through a Memorandum of Understanding.
Contact Programmes: IICT & its approved study centers will register candidates for IDLP & run contact program for various topics as per requirement on payment of applicable fee. However, attendance in personal contact program is not mandatory. Recorded video for each certificate topic demonstrating teaching-learning is also being launched through suitable channels or any appropriate manner.
Assignments: Candidates will be required to submit written assignments given at the end of each module.
Examination: Exams may be scheduled at IICT & its approved centers twice in a year, in June and October. Apart from the examination every student aspiring for a Diploma is required to undergo an internship and has to submit a project report on the assigned topic.
Course Code /Name
/ Course Code /Name
CC 1. /Introduction to Wool and Wool Industry
/ CC 2. / Manufactured Textile FibresCC 3. / Wool and Wool Scouring Process / CC 4. / Wool Characteristics and Measurement
CC 5. / Textile Fibre Blending / CC 6. / Worsted and Semi-worsted Yarn Manufacturing
CC 7. / Scouring & Setting of Wool Carpet Yarns / CC 8. / Textile Dyeing and Finishing
CC 9. / Textile and Dyestuff Chemistry / CC 10. / Textile Dyeing Machinery
CC 11. / Textile Printing / CC 12. / Carpet Manufacture
CC 13. / Carpet Finishing / CC 14. / Woven Fabrics
CC 15. / Natural Dyeing (IICT exclusive package) / CC 16. / Natural Textile Fibres
CC 17. / Spun Yarns / CC 18. / Wool Scouring Technology
CC 19. / Wool Market Systems / CC 20. / Woolen Yarn Manufacturing
CC 21. /
Yarn Specification and Measurement
/ CC 22. / Dyeing of Wool Carpet yarnsCC 23. / Textile Dye Selection and Use / CC 24. / Textile Colour
CC 25. / Dye house Operation / CC 26. / Introduction to Wool Carpets
CC 27. / Carpet Maintenance / CC 28. / Advanced Carpet Manufacture
CC 29. / Carpet Performance / CC 30. / Carpet and Textile Designing (IICT exclusive package)
Sl. No. /
Course Code
/Name of the Diploma
1. / (DAYM) / Diploma in Apparel Yarn Manufacture2. / (DBTT) / Diploma in Basic Textile Technology
3. / (DCTD) / Diploma in Carpet & Textile Designing
4. / (DCT) / Diploma in Carpet Technology
5. / (DCYM) / Diploma in Carpet Yarn Manufacture
6. / (DTDF) / Diploma in Textile Dyeing & Finishing
7. / (DWST) / Diploma in Wool Scouring Technology
Award of Result
The final result for a Diploma/Certificate topic is the average of the marks recorded for the certificate courses/ module assignments respectively through written examination and vice voice.
For the award of an IICT – AgResearch Certificate of Achievement for the topic, the final result must be at least 60%. This pass level is to ensure the mastery of the topic. Assignments may be resubmitted in order to achieve the pass level.
An IICT – AgResearch Diploma comprises a set of Certificate Topics. Diplomas are awarded at three levels of attainment, depending on the average marks obtained for the certificate topics contributing to the Diploma:
- Pass 50% to less than 60%
- Merit 60% to less than 75%
- Honors 75% to less than 85%
- Distinction85% & more
Assignment ExaminationViva Voce Total
All topic(s) 30 70 50 150
Internship 75 - 25 100
Mark-sheet/ certificate will be issued through an appropriate format using logo of IICT Ag Research & DEC.