Northside Elementary

Site Base Council Meeting

February 8th, 2017

3:45 p.m.

The Northside Site Base Council held a meeting in the Northside Library with the following members present:

(1) Julie Dailey (2) Linda Philpot (3) Cathy Slucher (4) Lauren Denniston (5) Stevi Grose (6) Ramon Morales. Mrs. Kinney was absent.

1. Call to Order: Mrs. Hill called the meeting to order at 3:45p.m.

2. Approval of Agenda: Mrs. Hill presented the council with the agenda. Under Miscellaneous the following was added: PTO Fundraiser. Consideration to grant approval to change the agenda passed with a motion by Dailey and a second by Slucher. Roll call was taken Dailey-yes; Philpot-yes; Slucher-yes; Denniston-yes; Grose-yes; Morales-yes. Motion passed with consensus.

3. Approval of Minutes: Mrs. Hill presented the council with the minutes of the December meeting. (We did not have a meeting in January). Consideration to grant approval of the minutes passed with a motion by Slucher and a second by Grose. Roll call was taken Dailey-yes; Philpot-yes; Slucher-yes; Denniston-yes; Grose-yes; Morales-yes. Motion passed with consensus.

4. Approval of 4th Grade Art Fieldtrip: Mrs. Barnes presented the council with a 4th grade Art Fieldtrip to Georgetown College on March 3rd. Consideration to grant approval for the 4th grade to take a fieldtrip to Georgetown College passed with a motion by Dailey and a second by Denniston. Roll call was taken Dailey-yes; Philpot-yes; Slucher-yes; Denniston-yes; Grose-yes; Morales-yes. Motion passed with consensus.

5. Approval of NEED Overnight Fieldtrip: Mrs. Olin presented the council with taking five fifth grade students to Harlan County for an overnight NEED Fieldtrip on March 23rd and 24th. Consideration to grant approval for 5 students to attend the NEED overnight trip passed with a motion by Dailey and a second by Slucher. Roll call was taken Dailey-yes; Philpot-yes; Slucher-yes; Denniston-yes; Grose-yes; Morales-yes. Motion passed with consensus.

6. Approval 4th Grade overnight 4-H Fieldtrip: Mrs. Dailey presented the council with an overnight 4H Environmental Science Camp in Nicholas County on April 12th and 13th. Consideration to grant approval for 4th grade to attend the Environmental Camp passed with a motion by Dennistion and a second by Philpot. Roll call was taken Dailey-yes; Philpot-yes; Slucher-yes; Denniston-yes; Grose-yes; Morales-yes. Motion passed with consensus.

7. Informational – Financial Report: Mrs. Hill presented the council with the December and January Financial report.

8. Informational – Important Dates: Mrs. Hill presented the council with a list of important dates. (See attachment)

9. Informational- Library Grant: Mrs. Hill reported to the council that Mrs. Grob received $1,000 to purchase library books from the NEA grant.

10. Miscellaneous-PTO Dairy Queen Fundraiser: Mrs. Hill presented to the council a Fundraiser Form from PTO to have a Dairy Queen night. Ten percent of Dairy Queen sales from 5-8 will be given to PTO. Consideration to grant permission for PTO to participate in the Dairy Queen Fundraiser passed with a motion by Slucher and a second by Dailey. Roll call was taken Dailey-yes; Philpot-yes; Slucher-yes; Denniston-yes; Grose-yes; Morales-yes. Motion passed with consensus.

11. Adjournment: With no further business to discuss consideration to adjourn passed with a motion by Dailey and a second by Denniston. Roll call was taken Dailey-yes; Philpot-yes; Slucher-yes; Denniston-yes; Grose-yes; Morales-yes. Motion passed with consensus.

The next monthly meeting will be on March 8, 2017 at 3:45p.m. in the Library.