IDPD Notes Wednesday November 29th, 2017
10-11 am 1-800-263-3463
From the main menu: press 8 Teleconference Line: 617 Password: 5678
Present:Brittney Gavin, Annelies VanderLaan, Tara Zyla, Brandon Maclean, Kim Smith, Katie Hall, Morgan, , Colleen Huston
Regrets: Lauri Brunner, Ana Gollega, Katie Fipke, Kyle Morgan, Dalanee Boux, Annelies VanderLaan, Amanda Wilson, Ashley Monro
1. Finance
Grant from Premier’s Council application was a success and we will be receiving the grant of the amount of $ 1500 and will cover the costs. Money from the vendors will roll that over until next year assuming we will have the budget for next year. Equipment for close captioning came to about $ 500. Table rental was, printing costs? , Venue was $ 50. Unaware of any additional costs, please forward to Brandon if there are any.
Action: All
2. Awards
There are also three Premiers council awards for Calgary- The education award, community partnership and Garry McPhearson leadership award. Aware winners will be posted on the Premier’s council website
2. Speakers
We have Minister Hehr attending and doing the welcome. He will be doing greetings to the Treaty 7. Along with Minister Hehr we also have 3 confirmed MLA's attending. Link to proclamation
3. Media
a. Media release going out November 29th, 2017 Lauri is ok to speak on behalf as an organizer. New release will go to 150 media contacts through CPA marketing person. It might be a good story to have an MP and MLA's and Premiers council award recipients all together in one spot.
b. Spokesperson: Along with the media. Committee should be the media spokesperson. (please see attached video as to my media comfort) Should the media require a quote/sound bite etc. it would be good for one person on the committee to take that responsibility. - volunteers?
4. Vendors
We have 50 Vendors planned for the day. Link to vendor map. We have 3 vendors who require Demo times. This is going to work good 1 can demo before 12 and 2 can demo from 1-2. We will send a list prior to our next call so we can defuse any issues (Competitors beside each other etc). Eventbrite has 11 tickets.
6. Draft schedule has been sent to the Premier’s Council.
a. Set up of event
People to arrive at 8 am if at all possible as tables are being delivered to set up tables through main entrance. Floor plan was sent out November 28th to vendors.
b. Table set up
Floor plan sent out and signage for tables/with number will be at each table, attached to those will do not find their receipt attached (tell them to talk with Kim) Power cords, extension cords who may have forgotten some of those things. About 10-12 tables and are structured on the map to be near power and were told to bring an extension cord. If people have not paid yet there are about 10 paying at the door to bring exact cash/registration table at the front. Vendor management go to person will be Kim. Vendors will take down at 2 pm and we will load up the 32 tables onto Trolley. Truck to arrive between 2:30 & 3:30 pm and load tables onto the trolley. 3:30 Celebratory beer somewhere. Kim will send out an email reminder there is no funds for parking and bus routes and places to grab lunch (Bow Valley Food court 5 minute walk north on +15 & 1 minute walk south side of atrium Good Earth Café)
Action: Kim
c. Stage Set up:
Circle of Rhythm will also need help loading in drums at 11 am *4 volunteers (Tara, Kim, Brittney, Katie and maybe an IRSA volunteer) will arrive in a minivan (4 sets of drums). Take down is at 12:25.
Action: Tara, Kim, Brittney, Katie and maybe an URSA volunteer
b. Show cases
Easter Seals, CNIB and Calgary Alternative Employment Services and Deaf & Hear Alberta. Kim will follow up and schedule them in. 100 schedules will be printed at the registration table. Posters will also be around the atrium with the Program. Kim will follow up with the scheduled vendors.
Action: Kim
c. Emcee and script
Marc is scheduled and Brandon is the back up. Bios are based on Marc’s and Kent Hehr’s websites, Kim and Brandon will follow up and print up the bios for Jamie, Markrina Morozowski and a print out of Bill 7. Premier’s council will have bios of the award winners and are part of the last 20 minutes. Signage will also be put on the chairs at the front to reserve for people involved in the 1 hour lunch program.
Action: Kim & Brandon
d. Photos for the Day, Brittney will be the photographer for the website.
Action: Brittney
5. Debriefing Teleconference
Debrief to Premiere’s council for next week to update the Premier’s Council for December 13th, 2017. Kim will send out teleconference time and debrief to the group.
Action: Kim
IDPD Calgary 2017
City Hall Atrium
800 Macleod Trail SE, Calgary, AB T2G 2M3
When: December 1, 2017
11:00 – 2:00 pm
PROGRAM - Emcee – Dr. Marc Ross (Introduction)
9:30 – 10:00 Volunteers Arrive
10:00 – 11:00 Vendors/Artists arrive – find their tables and set up
11:00 – 12:00 Vendor Fair/Artist Showcase (including 10 minute scheduled demos -
conversation level at their tables)
12:00 – 12:05 Honorable Minister Kent Hehr – Bill 7 announcement
12:05 – 12:25 Circle of Rhythm Drums – Jamie Gore - Synergy Experience
12:25 – 12:40 Markrina Morozowski – Keynote Speaker
12:40 – 1:00 Handing out of Premier Council’s Awards – 3 recipients
1:00 – 2:00 Vendor Fair/Artist Showcase (including 10 minute scheduled demos conversation level at their tables)
2:00 – 2:30 Vendor Table/Artist Showcase Take down
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