Buccaneer Plan



1.  Circle the number that corresponds with the student’s level of achieving the expected behaviors listed in the matrix below.

3= Above Expectation, 2= Average, 1 = Below Expectation.

2.  Initial the box. Initials: Initials: Initials: Initials: Initials:

B- Be Respectful and Responsible
·  Adheres to all classroom policy and procedures
·  Follow all instructions immediately when given / 1 2 3 / 1 2 3 / 1 2 3 / 1 2 3 / 1 2 3
U- Use Safety and Self-Control
·  Keeps hands, feet and objects to yourself
·  Remains seated unless
instructed to do otherwise / 1 2 3 / 1 2 3 / 1 2 3 / 1 2 3 / 1 2 3
C- Come Prepared and Ready to Learn
·  Arrives in class and be seated before the ringing of the tardy bell
·  Brings all required materials to class / 1 2 3 / 1 2 3 / 1 2 3 / 1 2 3 / 1 2 3
S- Strive for Excellence
·  Studies Daily
·  Asks questions when course material is not understood
·  Completes all assignments when given / 1 2 3 / 1 2 3 / 1 2 3 / 1 2 3 / 1 2 3

Date: _____/______/______Total Score: ____/60= _____%

Positive Comments:


Buccaneer Plan Percentages
Points / % / Points / % / Points / %
60 / 100% / 23 / 38%
59 / 98% / 22 / 36%
58 / 97% / 21 / 35%
57 / 95% / 20 / 33%
56 / 93% / 19 / 32%
55 / 92% / 18 / 30%
54 / 90% / 17 / 28%
53 / 88% / 16 / 25%
52 / 87%
51 / 85%
50 / 83%
49 / 82%
48 / 80%
47 / 78%
46 / 77%
45 / 75%
44 / 73%
43 / 72%
42 / 70%
41 / 68%
40 / 67%
39 / 65%
38 / 63%
37 / 62%
36 / 60%
35 / 58%
34 / 57%
33 / 55%
32 / 53%
31 / 52%
30 / 50%
29 / 48%
28 / 47%
27 / 45%
26 / 43%
25 / 42%
24 / 40%

Buccaneer Plan Goals:

§  To assist BMS students with their behavioral and academic progress.

§  To assist positive structure and positive support for students to ensure their success within the school setting.

§  To build positive, caring, and meaningful relationships between the students and adults at BMS.

Student Expectations:

§  Check in with the Mr. Lewis in the designated area every morning between 7:30 and 7:35. Have your agenda, binder, books, paper, pencils, and other school supplies.

§  Return the parent signed Buccaneer Plan.

§  Pick up your new daily Buccaneer Plan. Fill in your name, team name, and date.

§  Take your Buccaneer Plan with you throughout the day. Give the plan to each of your teachers.

§  If you forget the plan or lose it, you make a decision to go back to your previous class or go to Mr. Lewis to ask for another Buccaneer Plan form.

§  Check out: Report to the assigned Buccaneer Plan adult in the designated area at 2:15 with the completed Buccaneer Plan.

§  Take the form home, along with your homework. Go over the completed Buccaneer Plan with your parent (s)/ guardian.

§  Ask your parent (s)/ guardian to sign and date the Buccaneer Plan. He/she may add comments.

§  Follow all BEP Program Guidelines

§  Sign BEP contract agreement

§  Give it my BEST!!!




Date / Check-In / Check-Out

Check-In/Check-Out Procedures

1.  Between 7:30-7:35 am be at the designated location – Mr. Lewis office.

2.  Students are responsible for finding their assigned check-in/check-out adult.

3.  Greet students and give positive encouragement for the day.

4.  Check that students have the returned Buccaneer Plan from yesterday and that it has a parent signature. Students all need their agenda book and class supplies. Use the Check-In/Check-Out log to document these items.

5.  Give students their daily Buccaneer Plan monitoring sheet.

6.  Students should go to 1st period.

7.  If a check-in staff member is absent, cover their students as well as your own.

8.  Between 2:05-2:15 P.M., be at the designated location determined by you and your students.

9.  Greet each student and ask about his/her day.

10.  Review Buccaneer Plan, document on Check-In/Check-Out log.

11.  Add, or have students, add up total points. (A calculator is needed.)

12.  Check the percentage chart on page 3.

13.  If a student achieves his/her designated goal, give the student a PBIS ticket.

14.  Give the student a copy of Buccaneer Plan to take home for parent review and signature.

15.  Document student points on a chart and give the chart to Mr. Lewis on Friday.

Dear Parent/Guardian

Your child ______, is being placed in a new program we are implementing at our school called The Buccaneer Behavior Education Plan (BEP). The Buccaneer BEP is sponsored by School-wide Positive Behavior Interventions & Support (SW-PBIS) plan. The club will utilize behavior management strategies that encourage positive behavior.

Each day, members of the Buccaneer Behavior Education Plan will “check in” with one of our coordinators. A coordinator will remind them of the school-wide expectations and positively encourage them to show the Buccaneer Behavior Education Plan throughout the day. Your child’s teachers will complete a daily Buccaneer Plan each period. The positive behaviors demonstrated by the student during the day will be discussed with them as the “check out” with a Buccaneer Plan coordinator at the end of the day. Your child will receive a copy of this report for you to review and sign each evening. As your child works toward improving his/her goals, he/she will be acknowledged and may earn privileges.

We encourage you to share in this experience at home with your child through praise and positive interactions. If you have any questions about the Buccaneer Plan program or would like additional information, please call the school and ask to speak with Mr. Lewis (or designee).


Gavin C. Lewis, Sr.

Buccaneer Plan Contract Agreement:

I have read the Buccaneer Plan Guidelines. I understand that my signature indicates that I am willing to participate in the BEP program.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent(s)/Guardian Signature: ______Date ______

Assistant Principal’s Signature: ______Date ______

Dean of Students’ Signature: ______Date ______

Copies will be given to all Buc’s Plan participants. Thank you for your participation and support today!!!