Radioisotope Permit Application RSP-911

Radiation Safety Manual
Number: / Radioisotope Permit Application
RSP-911 Page 1 of 4
Issued by:
Approved by: / Environmental Health and Safety
Radiation Safety Committee / Date revised:
Date Approved: / October 27, 2006
October 27, 2006


a)All persons planning to use Radioactive Materials at locations controlled by the University of Manitoba are required to apply and obtain an approved Internal Radioisotope Permit

b)All new Designated Workers and permit holders must be registered with the Radiation Safety Office. Registration requires completion of RSP-912 Personnel Registration and Consent Form (PRCF).

c)Complete answers to the following questions are required to assess your application and implement appropriate safety procedures. Attach additional pages if required.

d)Return completed application to: Radiation Safety, Environmental Health and Safety Office, T248 Basic Science Building, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3E 0W3 Phone: (204) 789-3613 or 789-3359. May be faxed to (204) 789-3906, hard copy to follow!

Is this an application for: Renewal of existing Permit ORNew Internal Radioisotope Permit 

Current or previously assigned Permit Number(s):______

When do you anticipate requiring an approved Internal Radioisotope Permit?

 January 1, 2007 OR  requested permit to be effective______(Allow up to four weeks for processing.)

1. Applicant/Responsible User:


If you were not previously registered with the Radiation Safety Program, have you attached a completed PRCF (RSP-912)? Yes ( )


Office(Room #Bldg):______


Fax number:______email:______

Radioisotope Permit Application (revised August 2005)Page 1 of 4University of Manitoba

  1. Intended Use of Radioactive Materials

a)Statement of Intended Use of radioisotopes(Briefly describe the types of experiments):

b) Biological Material Used with Radioactive Materials: Please note that if any radioactive waste containing biologically active component will be generated as a result of your experiments, the corresponding Radiological-Biological Waste Procedure (RBWP) must be pre-approved by the EHSO. Approval of new RBWP may take four weeks. Be sure to register with the University Biosafety Program at:

Check one:

There will be no radioactive, biologically hazardous waste generated.

There will be radioactive, biologically hazardous waste generated and the corresponding RBW Procedure is attached.

3. Radioisotopes: List all isotopes that you are applying to be permitted to use or store. There are two types of permits - sealed source or open source. If you require both types of permits, each type must be applied for on separate copies of this application form. Fill in either section a) or b). List activities in MBq (1 mCi = 37 MBq).

a)Sealed Source Permits allow the purchase, use and storage of radioactive materials that are encapsulated or encased in such a way that it is extremely unlikely to be absorbed into the body. Sealed Sources may be in the form of calibration sources, moisture density gauges, electron capture chromatographs, X-ray fluorescence equipment or Mossbauer spectroscopy sources. NEW: Certain Liquid Scintillation Counters containing more than 0.1MBq of Cs-137, more than 0.01MBq of Ra-226 or Eu-152. Attach additional sheets if required.

Radioisotope / Activity and Calibration date / Source Serial Number / Fill these columns for Sealed Sources incorporated into Devices.
Device Manufacturer Device Model # Device Serial #

Leak testing of SEALED SOURCES containing more than 50MBq (1.35mCi) is mandatory.

Radioisotope Permit Application (revised August 2005)Page 1 of 4University of Manitoba

I agree to be included in the University of Manitoba Leak Test Program and will pay the prescribed fee.

b)Open Source Permits allow the purchase, use and storage of radioactive materials in the form of a solid, liquid or gas. These sources are provided in a container designed to allow the removal or extraction of some or the entire radioactivity such as a vial, ampoule or bottle. The information supplied by the applicant will be used to access the level (Basic or Intermediate based on CNS regulations). Maximum activity in storage and requested possession limit include the total activity of all stock solution, samples and waste in the possession of the Permit Holder. Attach additional sheets if required.

Radioisotope / Maximum activity in use at a single time / Maximum activity per via/container / Maximum activity in storage / Requested Possession Limit / Approved Possession Limit (this column is for Safety Office use only)

4. Locations (Room & Building) where radioactive materials will be stored and/or manipulated:

Locations for storage and manipulation:
Locations for storage only:
Locations for manipulation only:

5 a) Laboratory Radiation Supervisor (LRS) The LRS must indicate their agreement to act on behalf of the Permit Holder by completing the LRS declaration at the end of this form.

First Name: / Surname: / Department: / Room # & Building:
Work Phone #: / If this person is not previously registered with the University Radiation Safety Program, attach a PRCF : Yes ( )

b) Designated Workers:List all personnel who, in addition to the Permit Holder and LRS, may be working with radioactive materials.

Attach additional sheets if required.

First Name: / Surname: / Department: / Room # & Building:
Work Phone #: / If this person is not previously registered with the University Radiation Safety Program, attach a PRCF : Yes ( )
First Name: / Surname: / Department: / Room # & Building:
Work Phone #: / If this person is not previously registered with the University Radiation Safety Program, attach a PRCF : Yes ( )
First Name: / Surname: / Department: / Room # & Building:
Work Phone #: / If this person is not previously registered with the University Radiation Safety Program, attach a PRCF : Yes ( )
First Name: / Surname: / Department: / Room # & Building:
Work Phone #: / If this person is not previously registered with the University Radiation Safety Program, attach a PRCF : Yes ( )
First Name: / Surname: / Department: / Room # & Building:
Work Phone #: / If this person is not previously registered with the University Radiation Safety Program, attach a PRCF : Yes ( )
First Name: / Surname: / Department: / Room # & Building:
Work Phone #: / If this person is not previously registered with the University Radiation Safety Program, attach a PRCF : Yes ( )

6. Instruments for Contamination Monitoring and Sample Counting: (List all instruments that you might use (yours or borrowed) - YOU MUST demonstrate that you have access to appropriate instruments for monitoring.

a) Bench Top Counters (beta or gamma counters)

Make and Model of counter / Serial # of counter / Location
(Room & Bldg)

b) Portable Survey Meters

Make and Model of meter / Make and model of probe (s) / Location (Rm & Bldg) / Calibrations Check Source (if you have one) / Ownership
Radioisotope / Activity / Date / Int. Std. Serial #


I, the nominated Laboratory Radiation Supervisor (LRS), accept the responsibilities to act as the designate of the applicant in accordance with the Terms Of Reference - Radiation Safety Committee.

Date:______Signature of nominated LRS:______

I, the Applicant, warrant the statements contained herein to be true and agree that the radioisotopes supplied against this application shall be used for the purpose and in the manner authorized by the University of Manitoba Safety Committee. I hereby agree to comply with the rules and procedures outlined in the University of Manitoba "Radiation Safety Manual".

Date:______Signature of Applicant:______

Department Head Approval: I, the supervisor of the Applicant, approve of the applied for activities including the use of the locations listed in Section 4) and I am aware that the cancellation of the Applicant's Internal Radioisotope Permit requires the completion of a Radioisotope Permit Decommissioning Form and decommissioning of these areas.

Date:______Signature of Department Head:______

Related notes:

Radioisotope Permit Application (revised August 2005)Page 1 of 4University of Manitoba

Requests for amendment of the following information should be submitted in writing to the EHSO for subsequent approval by the Radiation Safety Committee.

Records required as outlined within the conditions listed on the Internal Radioisotope Permit and the Internal Radioisotope Permit itself are the property of the University of Manitoba and must be returned to the Safety Office upon request.

If the Permit Holder wishes to cancel a permit they are required to indicate such intent to the Safety Office as soon as possible, and submit a completed "Radioisotope Permit Decommissioning Form".

Radioisotope Permit Application (revised August 2005)Page 1 of 4University of Manitoba

Radioisotope Permit Application (revised August 2005)Page 1 of 4University of Manitoba