Directions: Identify the correct answer to each of the following questions. Answer on your own paper and submit.


1. Which of the following are characteristics of a sporting event: (5 points)

a. Intangible and perishable c. Unlimited and costly

b. Inexpensive and regional d. Unchanging and scarce

2. What must be present for a sporting event to take place? (5 points)

a. Amateurs c. Athletes

b. Professionals d. Spectators

3. What type of sporting goods are you purchasing when you buy a hat that features the logo of the Miami Dolphins?

a. Team uniforms c. Novelty items

b. Licensed merchandise d. Athletic equipment

4. Participating in an exercise class at the local health club is an example of (5 points)

a. taking lessons. c. weight lifting.

b. improving skills. d. personal training.

5. When you read a magazine article about a star athlete, you are using the product of (5 points)

a. advertising media. c. marketing data.

b. promotional records.d. sports information.

6. What do the unorganized participants in sports have that the organized participants do not have?

a. Professional status c. Regulated teams

b. Freedom from rules d. Specific times to participate

7. The National Collegiate Athletic Association and the Professional Golfers’ Association are examples of

a. sanctioning bodies. c. labor unions.

b. trade associations. d. professional societies.

8. One of the main differences between professional and amateur athletes is that for the professionals, the game is often

a. played for enjoyment. c. free of charge.

b. closed to the public. d. their occupation.

9. Which of the following help create the excitement and enthusiasm that make the games what they are: (5 points)

a. Trainers c. Spectators

b. Coaches d. Team owners

10. The businesses that make the sporting events available to those who cannot attend in person are

a. radio announcers. c. team owners.

b. corporate consumers.d. stadium managers.

11. One of the main reasons why many businesses sponsor a sports product or event is to (5 points)

a. support local teams. c. spend excess funds.

b. contribute to society.d. reach a target market.

12. Which of the following is an example of marketing the sport event: (5 points)

a. Delivering exercise bikes to retailersc. Distributing information about a NASCAR race

b. Selling food products to a concession stand d. Holding a race for a charitable organization

13. The marketing of sport goods and services involves a ______focus. (5 points)

a. retail c. local

b. wholesale d. personal

14. Businesses that place ads in college football programs are using the sport as a (5 points)

a. delivery system. c. marketing tool.

b. publicity medium. d. pricing technique.

15. Pepsi and Coke competing for the right to sell their line of soft drinks at a stadium is an example of marketing

a. products to sports.c. the sport event.

b. sport goods and services. d. services through sport.

16. What has the growth of the sports industry created? (5 points)

a. Physical goals c. Athletic skills

b. Job opportunities d. Marketing trends

17. Which of the following is one of the benefits you receive when you participate in sports: (5 points)

a. Publicity c. Training

b. Compensation d. Recreation

18. What benefit does a major sporting event or popular sports attraction provide to a city? (5 points)

a. Cultural c. Political

b. Economic d. Athletic

19. What often transfers from a sport team to the city it calls home? (5 points)

a. Image c. Logo

b. Goals d. Symbol

20. One way that sport benefits society in general is by opening up additional opportunities for

a. amateurs to feel healthy.c. communities in rural areas.

b. participants to be entertained. d. businesses in related industries.