- Organisation Name:Tanzania Environmental
Development and Animal Power
Society (TAN-EDAPS)
- Name of the contact person: Kaanaeli Moses Mafie National Executive Director
- Postal Address : P.O. Box 2238,
Arusha - Tanzania
- E-mail address :
- Website :
- Telephone number : +255 787 579894
- Region/city/town : Arusha Region
- Country : United Republic of Tanzania
- Project Name : Organizational and Community
- Cost of the Project : US$ 100,000
- Project start : January, 2012
- End date : December, 2012
This project seeks in a modest way, to address and build the Tanzania Environmental Development and Animal Power Society (TAN-EDAPS) organisational capacity needs and appropriate training support activities. It is an institutional building project and will play a very significant role in:-
(i)Strengthening the commitment of TAN-EDAPSBoard of Directors and Community Own Resource Persons (60 CORPS), towards the vision, mission and core values of the organisation.
(ii)Enhancing skills of the programme staff.
(iii)Purchasing of necessary equipment such as a programme vehicle, personal computers, printer, photocopier, and office furniture.
(iv)Community sensitization towards construction of 2 classrooms for each of 3 villages of Kikatiti, Ngyeku and Ngurdoto forOVC Day care Centres.
(v)Meeting salaries and other benefits to the project staff.
To ensure TAN-EDAPS’ effective and efficient delivery of itsdevelopment services to the target communities.
Tanzania’s population is approximately 40 million among which 85% live in rural areas and derive their livelihoods from agriculture which accounts for 50% of the country’s GDP and 75% of foreign exchange earnings.
Since independence in 1961, Tanzania has enjoyed political stability and has since made considerable progress in addressing the development problems of the country. The current multi-party system seeks to reinforce national unity and peoples’ participation in decision making through the decentralization process, which has devolved power from the central government to the local administration. The interests of vulnerable groups (youths, women, children and the disabled) are articulated at all levels of government involving national, regional, district, wards and villages especially through their respective government leaders.
The Government of Tanzania operating under a Multi-party system has strived to reverse the trends of economic decline through its development policies and strategies, promoting and institutionalizing democratic governance and sound economic management. These government development policies and strategies have focused on people’s efforts to eradicate poverty. In spite of the positive government achievements, there remain challenges that must be addressed in order to further improve democracy as one of the national strategies for poverty eradication.
The Tanzania Environmental Development and Animal Power Society (TAN-EDAPS) operates in 20 village communities in Arusha and Tanga Regions of Tanzania with average population of 300,000 people per village. The target population are experiencing a general indication of increased lack of general knowledge and skills, food insecurity, unemployment, low household income, poverty and lack of participation in decision-making processes that affect their livelihoods. These challenges reflect a high degree of vulnerability to poverty and deprivation among the population and if not solved will continue to increase negative impact on the people’s livelihoods.
TAN-EDAPS and other potential partners have significantly been involved into community mobilization and sensitization to alleviate problems and promoting poverty reduction programs. Although these approaches have been partially effective in meeting community needs they are not having as great an impact as the TAN-EDAPS and other development stakeholders would like to see on the overall social life of the target population. The organisational capacity building project proposal is the response of TAN-EDAPS to the development needs of the target communities in Arusha and Tanga regions who are the ultimate beneficiaries.
The specific objectives we hope to achieve with an endowment grant through the proposed activities to address the specific problems identified above are two-fold:-
i)Enhanced institutional capacity at organizational and community levels for effective and efficient service delivery.
ii)Promote social inclusion and participation of target population including women and youths in policy development issues related to environment and food security, education and early childhood development, integrated health, water and sanitation; and economic empowerment.
The main activities intended to be carried out are:
a)Purchase of few necessary materials and equipment for the office of Tanzania Environmental Development and Animal Power Society (TAN-EDAPS).
b)8 days training workshops for 7 members of TAN-EDAPS Board of Directors, 6 program staff membersand Community Own Resource Persons (60 CORPS)on:
- Leadership and good governance,
- Organisational sustainability,
- Human Resource Management,
- Financial Management systemsand
- Entrepreneurship.
c)Orphans & Vulnerable Children (OVC) support in terms of educational materials, teaching aids and school uniform, for 150 children at 3 Day care Centres.
Activity 1:
To Purchase various programme Materials and Equipment during the first quarter of the financial year 1:
Output 1.1
Various office furniture and equipment purchased and fully utilized involving:- Personal computers (1) and UPS (1), printers (1), Digital camera (1), power-point projector (1), various office furniture including chairs (4) and tables (2), filing cabinets (2), Accounts Safer (1), Refrigerator (1), Water distillation Machine, programme vehicle (1Toyota double cabin 4x4), and workshop tents.
Output 1.2
Improved organisational management systems for delivery of quality services to target communities leading to long-term sustainability.
Activity 2:
To conduct Leadership development Trainings (2) quarterly during the financial year for Board of Directors (7), Programme staff (6) and Community Own Resource Persons (60 CORPS).
Output 2.1
Trainings (8 lessons) conducted to Members of the Board of Directors (7), programme staff (6) and Community Own Resource Persons (60 CORPS) in:-
- Leadership and good governance
- Project planning & Resource mobilization
- Human Resource Management policy
- Financial Management systems
- Management of Information system
- Gender and Gender mainstreaming
- Environmental conservation & food security
- Child Rights and protection
Output 2.2
Improved organizational strategic plan, financial management systems, human resource management policy, management of information system and resource mobilization strategies in place.
Output 2.3:
Motivated Board of Directors, skilled managementteam and Community Own Resource Persons (CORPS) able to network and strengthen strategic alliances with relevant government line ministries, research institutions, local and international donor organisations/agencies.
TAN-EDAPS has an elaborate monitoring, evaluation and reporting logical framework formats that will be used to clearly indicate project objectives, objectively verifiable indicators, means of verification, and responsibilities. The National Executive Director in collaboration with a team of programme staff together with members of the Board of Directors will direct the capacity building project using the appropriate monitoring and evaluation tools, and will backstop the project implementation. The project will also utilize the services of external consultations especially for training workshops of programme staff and members of the TAN-EDAPS Board of Directors.
The Tanzania Environmental Development and Animal Power Society (TAN-EDAPS) is a Non-profit, local Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) which was registered in the United Republic of Tanzania (URT) under the Society Ordinance, 1954 on 22nd November, 1999 with certificate of registration SO No. 10086 from the Ministry of Home Affairs. Its headquarters are situated at Maji ya chai, 23Km from Arusha International Conference Centre (AICC), Eastwards along the Arusha – Moshi highway.
TAN-EDAPS’ vision and mission is;
Vision:Improved quality of lives among Tanzanian communities living in a well conserved environment in a sustainable manner.
Mission: To enhance the quality of life of the people in Tanzania, using trainings and other approaches that are sustainable and in harmony with the natural environment;and to educate people to use draft animals in effective and humane way.