Friday, January 22nd– Conference Call Agenda

2pm Eastern; 1pm Central; 12pm Mountain; 11am Pacific; 8am Hawaii

The Practice Council needs volunteers! Before you read the notes, take a moment to see if you are interested in any of these volunteer opportunities. If you are interested, please email the contact person listed for more information. Thank you for considering volunteering your time!

Volunteers Needed
Writers Needed / Write for the Theory into Action Bulletin / Tabitha Underwood ()
Leadership Roles for AEA TIG / Interested in getting involved in the AEA Community Psychology Topical Interest Group? Contact Susan. / Susan ()
Ask An Advisor / Serve as a mentor/advisor to SCRA members for a rotation period in 2016 / Bill ()
Community Mini-Grants / Seeking all interested in serving as a Mini-Grants reviewer / Contact Jasmine Douglas () or Kyrah Brown ()
1 / Dawn Henderson / 4 / RamyBarhouche / 7 / EspreneLiddell / 10 / Greg Meissen / 13 / Emma Ogley-Oliver / 16 / Carlos Luis / 19 / Olya Glantsman / 22
2 / Linda Silka / 5 / Ashley Anglin / 8 / Chris Corbett / 11 / TabithaUnderwood / 14 / Gina Cardazone / 17 / JulianHasford / 20 / 23
3 / Bill Berkowitz / 6 / Chris Kirk / 9 / Nicole Freund / 12 / Al Ratcliffe / 15 / Elizabeth Stone / 18 / Kyrah Brown / 21 / 24


  1. Report from EC Members
  1. SCRA Executive Committee Nominations

- Thank those who submitted nominations. Five nominations of individuals from the Practice Council for various positions.

  • After briefly discussing the nominations process, members shared concern regarding the existing protocol for the Executive Committee nominations process. Olya/Kyrah committed to drafting a memo, on behalf of the Practice Council, to voice the concern for the existing process and provide recommendations for improving (and potentially creating a formal protocol) for the process for next year
  1. Strategic Planning
  1. Purpose of this Call
  2. Review of Existing Goals
  3. Improve graduate education for Community Psychology Practice.
  4. Enhance the visibility of Community Psychology Practice within the field by increasing number of publications and conference presentations focused on Community Psychology Practice and related issues.
  5. Engage in outreach efforts to those outside of SCRA, including members of allied fields, members of other divisions of APA, and the general public.
  6. Support the career development of Practitioners and the market for Community Psychology Practitioners.
  7. Support the career development of Practitioners and the market for Community Psychology Practitioners.
  8. Advocate for organizational level actions within Division 27.

Strengths (Alaa)

What did we do well in 2015?

Where are areas of improvement?

  • Really good job at the Biennial and coming together at the Visioning Session
  • Getting the Summer Institute off the ground
  • Good connection with the Executive Committee (questioning about processes; lobbying; spearheading improvements on voting protocol)
  • Communication about the calls and follow-up with minutes
  • Engagement of the practice members
  • Lobby/take on processes /collaborate with others
  • Practice Council has an effective leadership team established (institutional memory)
  • We are used as an example for many things
  • Face/Face Interactions and possibilities of having conversations with other members (Biennial)
  • Workgroup thriving
  • Mini-Grants program
  • -Publications

Weaknesses (Jasmine)

Where are areas of improvement?

  • Improving connection between CEP/CPPC waning and waxing . Grow that liaison position.
  • Participation- Figuring out how to create a process for making that happen; more involvement/engagement of members
  • It’s important for us to figure out how to leverage collaboration and presence; balance multiple roles
  • There are people who have not been welcoming. Would not describe the council as being a welcoming group; (2) Practice Council should consider the timing of scheduled calls
  • There is a need to be more clear about things that are needed from volunteers.
  • The PC may need to tap more into members: What are my assets and how can my assets drive what we’re doing forward
  • Provide list of volunteer tasks
  • Lack of welcoming: consider creating additional structures and opportunities for involvement.

Opportunities (Nicole)

What trends can we take advantage of?

In what ways can we turn our strengths or weaknesses into opportunities?

What ideas/activities from the Visioning Session can we push forward?

  • The Practice Council can be more active on social media and promote interaction between members.
  • The Practice Council may consider trying a more systematic process for recruiting and being member-focused.
  • There may be a need to establish a strategic plan for the Practice Council that outlines a clear vision for the year
  • Consider using different forums that we have to attract more people (i.e., peer consultation calls, webinars)
  • The Practice Council could benefit from a ‘membership & recruitment committee.
  • A Brainstorming Group was formed to meet in between calls to generate ideas
  • Volunteers: Elizabeth Stone, Al Ratcliffe, Nicole Freund, Carlos Luis, Julian Hasford, RamyBarhouche

Threats (Carlos)

What threats do our weaknesses expose us to?

What potential barriers threaten our ability to meet our goals?

Will continue discussion


In closing, we will highlight areas of consensus, agreed upon activities/actions, identify individuals who have volunteered to lead these actions?

Overall themes from the January Call represent recommendations regarding:

  • The need to continue fostering a culture of member participation and engagement
  • By identifying strategies that effectively welcome, connect and engage new members
  • Welcoming/Recruitment Committee
  • Assessment of Skills and Talents of new members to better connect them to Council
  • By identifying strategies that effectively engage and recognize current members
  • Providing clear, detailed descriptions of opportunities for engagement
  • Enhancing member recognition
  • Consider doing member highlights
  • Consider conducting a member survey to track and update member roster, to keep record of member interest and skill areas, etc.
  • Consider conducting an audit of workgroups and updating the Interest Survey
  • The need to enhance practice and practice council visibility in new, engaging ways
  • Enhance social media presence; enhance interactive nature of the Practice Council
  • Engage in creative outreach to Society members as a whole
  • The need to enhance and maximize collaborative relationships with other councils and interest groups
  • By strengthening existing partnerships
  • Auditing and revitalizing collaborative work and vision with other councils and interest groups.
  • Other Topics