College of Arts & Letters

Bachelor of Science in Spanish Education

2011-2012 Undergraduate Catalog

Degree Progression PlanFreshman Year
1st term / 2nd term
SPA 102 / First Year Spanish* / 4 / SPA 201 / Second Year Spanish / 4
ENG 105 or MAT 114 / Critical Reading & Writing or Quantitative Reasoning / 4 or
3 / ENG 105 or MAT 114 / Critical Reading & Writing or Quantitative Reasoning / 4 or
LS / Liberal Studies / 3 / LS / Liberal Studies / 3
LS / Liberal Studies / 3 / LS / Liberal Studies / 3
EDF 200 / Introduction to Education / 3 / LS / Liberal Studies / 3
Total units / 16-17 / Total units / 16-17
Sophomore Year
3rd term / 4th term
SPA 202 / Second Year Spanish / 4 / SPA 301 / Advanced Spanish Grammar / 3
POS 220 / Fed & AZ Constitution** / 3 / SPA 304W, 311W, or 312W / Spanish Stylistics: Int. Comp, Spanish for Native Speakers, or Comp. for Native Speakers / 3
LS / Liberal Studies / 3 / SPA 341 / Spanish Applied Linguistics / 3
LS / Liberal Studies SCI:LAB / 4 / SPA 303 / Intermediate Oral Communication / 3
GE / General Elective / 3 / LS / Liberal Studies / 3
Total units / 17 / Total units / 15
Junior Year
5th term / 6th term
SPA 321 or 322 / Intro to Literature in Spanish or Hispanic Drama / 3 / SPA 406 / Spanish-American Culture & Civilization / 3
SPA 340 / Spanish Linguistics / 3 / SPA 404 / Advanced Composition & Oral Expression / 3
EPS 325 / Educational Psychology / 3 / LAN 308 / Foreign Language Education Practicum / 3
SPA 300-400 elective / See Catalog or Advisor / 3 / SPA 351,352, 353, or 354 / Survey of Peninsular Spanish Literature, Survey of Spanish- American Literature, Chicano and US Latino Literature, or Survey of Latin American Film. / 3
LS / Liberal Studies / 3 / SEI / SEI course / 3
LAN 430 / Language Teaching Methods / 3
Total units / 15 / Total units / 15
Senior Year
7th term / 8th term
SPA405 / Culture & Civilization of Spain / 3 / ECI 495C / Supervised Teaching Sec. / 12
LAN 435 / Issues in Second Language. Acquisition & Education / 3
SPA 351,352, 353, or 354 / Survey of Peninsular Spanish Literature, Survey of Spanish- American Literature, Chicano and US Latino Literature, or Survey of Latin American Film. / 3
SPA 300-400 elective / See Catalog or Advisor / 3
SEI / SEI course / 3
Total units / 15 / Total units / 12
AHI (6 units) / SPW (6 units) / CU (6 units) / Science (7 units) / Additional 3 units to reach 35 total


Be aware that, for the B.S.Ed. degree, you must have the following:

  • a grade of at least B for the English foundation requirement (ENG 105 or equivalent) (If you don’t receive a 3.0, you may complete an additional writing course, at the 200 level or above, with at least a B, to meet this requirement.)
  • a grade of at least C for the mathematics foundation requirement (generally MAT 110, 114, 125, or 155)

* Please note that this path to graduation can be accelerated by study abroad and/or summer classes, thus allowing a Spanish education student to begin their career with SPA 101 or SPA 102. Please see an advisor before your first semester for proper consultation.

**This course is required for Arizona certification, not graduation. May be waived by examination.

Students may not use SPA prefix courses to meet any liberal studies requirements.

Students may only take lower-level SPA courses if you have not already taken advanced SPA coursework. For instance, after you’ve completed 200-level SPA courses, you can’t take SPA courses at the 100 level; after completing 300-level courses you can’t take 100 or 200 level courses.

Students must earn a grade of C or better in any course they wish to apply towards their major in Spanish.


  • This degree progression plan is to be used in conjunction with the academic catalog and degree progress report.
  • Students should see an academic advisor regularly to confirm their academic progress.
  • Students must see an academic advisor before enrollment for the 7th term in preparation for graduation.
  • Many courses have pre-requisites. Please check the academic catalog for pre-requisite and placement information.
  • Honors students complete different requirements to meetNAU's liberal studies program. Students should consult an Honors Program advisor for complete information on fulfilling Honors Liberal Studies requirements.
  • All students are required to complete at least 120 total units which includes:

- 35 units of liberal studies courses:

- 6 units of diversity courses:

- 30 units of upper division courses (300-400 level), 18 of these units must be taken at NAU

  • English placement:
  • Math placement:
  • Cum GPA 2.0 or higher to graduate


Modern Languages Office

Babbitt Academic Annex (Bldg. 23), Room 108

PHONE: 928-523-2361

Department Chair: Dr. Joseph Collentine

PHONE: 928-523-5988


Student Services Center

College of Arts and Letters

Riles (Bldg. 15), 2nd Floor

PHONE: 928-523-8632

FAX: 928-523-8477

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