Valleyview PTO Meeting Minutes

From September 12, 2017 at 6:30pm

Attended by: Anne Gregory (Secretary), Michele Wilson (Vice President), Cindy Lehr (Treasurer), Walt Baskin, Erika Heller (President), Dayle Allen, Axel Estable, Cassandra Pearson, Tina Stanley, Kim Trask

1.  Agenda Items:

·  Ice Cream Social: We had a great turnout for the Ice Cream Social on Sept. 8th. We will be sure to order more ice cream next year and also offer a non-dairy option.

·  Coupon Books: Walt Baskin coordinates this fundraiser. Books recently went home and can be sold through Sept. 27th.

·  Yearbook/Photographer: The PTO is looking for someone to act as yearbook coordinator. He/she would be responsible for collecting and photos of school events and students and planning the layout of the yearbook. We are also looking for anyone who would like to take photos at school events to be submitted for the yeabook. Anyone interested in helping out should contact the PTO or join us at our next meeting!

·  Halloween Parade: The PTO discussed having the parade float be a special project for the 5th grade class and is looking for a 5th grade parent who may be interested in coordinating this. Please contact one of the PTO members if you are interested.

·  Dance Program Replacement: The PTO would like to coordinate some kind of dance program during PE class and bring in someone to instruct students in basic dance moves. We will continue to explore this idea.

2.  Miscellaneous Items:

·  YMCA Intramural Program: Valleyview will be working with the YMCA to offer an intramural program for K-5 students in the morning from 7:45-8:25. The program will be taught by Kim Norlander and will start in October.

·  Square 1 Art: Michele Wilson will be coordinating this fundraiser this year. Information will go home in the next several weeks so that orders can be received in time for the holidays.

·  Orpheus Field Trip: PTO would like to sponsor another field trip to an Orpheus Theatre production. Mr. Baskin will contact Jeff Gardner for more information.

·  Dance Night: The PTO discussed the idea of offering a “dance night” instead of the Snowflake Dance that used to be held in January. Fifth grade students would be invited to learn various dances from an instructor. More information to follow.

·  October Movie Night: PTO will be hosting movie night on Friday, October 13th. This is a free event for VV students but you are asked to bring a canned good to help the Backpack Program.

·  Donations: The PTO would like to extend a very special thank you to Seth Clark and the First Presbyterian Church for their generous donations to our Backpack Program. We appreciate your continued support!

Next PTO Meeting: Tuesday, October 3rd at 6:30 in the library. Come join us!