Tool I: Government and human resources

Instructions for this tool:

For each indicator included in this tool, the individuals who should answer the questions and provide the information are specified. It does not require individual interviews. Each indicator will use one form.

Indicators included in this tool:

Indicator #34

Established and functioning mechanism that guarantees the participation of several outside actors in CARE management and strategic decision-making processes.

Indicator #35

Established and functioning mechanism that guarantees the participation of personnel in CARE management and decision-making processes.

Indicator #38

# and % of positions that reflect diversity in terms of representation and influence.

Indicator #39

# and % of personnel who demonstrate the use of basic and new skills.

Indicator #40

Staff turnover.

Indicator #34

Established and functioning mechanism that guarantees the participation of several outside actors in CARE management and strategic decision-making processes.

Instructions: These questions should be jointly answered by the executive committee of the country offices. For measurement purposes, committee members should answer these questions in an executive committee session held during the organizational performance study period.

I1. What formal mechanisms exist to guarantee the participation of a range of outside actors in CARE’s strategic decision-making processes?

I2. How does this mechanism work? How does it guarantee that the strategic decisions made are based on outside participation?

I3. How frequently do outside actors participate in decision making?

I4. Which outside actors participate in strategic decision-making? Who represents these actors? Why were they selected?

I5. Describe the quality of the dialogues of the mechanism during the past 12 months. Have these discussions influenced CARE’s strategic decisions?

I6. During the past 12 months, have the opinions of outside actors been respected in strategic decision making? Have agreements been fulfilled?

Conclusion (based on the response to the questions above): Do you believe a functioning mechanism exists to guarantee the participation of a range of outside actors in CARE’s management and strategic decision-making processes?

Yes, and it functions well

Yes, but it could function better


Indicator #35

Established and functioning mechanism that guarantees the participation of personnel in CARE management and decision-making processes.

Instructions: These questions should be answered by a group of employee representatives. The team responsible for measuring organizational performance should select a group of four to six employees to answer these questions during a group meeting. To obtain information from a range of personnel, staff of different levels should participate.

Participants in the group meeting to respond to these questions (specify level/functions of the personnel, but do not use their names): ______


I8. What formal mechanisms are established to guarantee the participation of personnel in CARE management and strategic decision-making processes?

I9. How does this mechanism(s) work? How does it guarantee that strategic decisions are made based on broad staff participation?

I10. Which personnel participate in management and strategic decision-making processes? Who do they represent? Why were they selected?

I11. Describe the quality of the dialogue for management decisions and strategic decision making during the past 12 months.

I12. During the past 12 months, have the decisions been respected? Have agreements been fulfilled?

I13. Conclusion (based on the response to the questions above): Do you believe a functioning mechanism exists to guarantee the participation of personnel in CARE’s management and strategic decision-making processes?

Yes, and it functions well

Yes, but it could function better


Indicator #38

# and % of positions that reflect diversity in terms of representation and influence.


For representation, see the online form (go to the file “Tool I-government and human resources-online form”). Human resource personnel should fill in the form. The aspect of influence is included in Tool J in a form for personnel.

Indicator #39

# and % of personnel who demonstrate the use of basic and new skills.

For new skills, see the online form (go to the file “Tool I-government and human resources-online form”). This should be completed based on the 360-degree feedback assessment.

For basic skills, see the online form (go to the file “Tool I-government and human resources-online form”). Human resource personnel should complete this form.

For the baseline survey, complete and analyze the following data:

§  The 360-degree assessments (leading with impact) applied during FY 2005 (if this tool was used to evaluate at least 10 employees to guarantee confidentiality). This information will help to illustrate the situation in terms of new skills.

§  The annual performance evaluations at the end of FY 2005. The evaluations will provide information on basic skills. Once again, it is essential to guarantee confidentiality and review the aggregation and summary of data.

Given the effort required to measure this indicator, it is best to limit baseline information to employees on the management team and if possible, to those in mid-level positions.

Indicator #40

Staff turnover.

For staff turnover, see the online form (go to the file “Tool I-government and human resources-online form”). Human resource personnel should complete this form.

The information is analyzed at two levels, total staff turnover and staff turnover with adverse effects. The latter refers to the percentage of personnel that have the skills required to enable CARE to achieve its long-term goals and objectives, but that have left CARE in a way not desired by the organization. The tool includes the most important variables of analysis. Country offices may include any other variables for analysis they deem useful.

For the baseline, analyzing the staff turnover for FY 2005 is recommended. Monitoring may take place annually or more frequently if necessary.