SPHS Beta Club Officer Application

Applicant: ______

Please place a check beside the office(s) you wish to hold.

You may choose two. If elected to both offices, you will be given the higher office:

____President: The president will be responsible for conducting monthly meetings, as well as the New Member Induction ceremony, along with other leadership responsibilities requested of him/her throughout the year by the Beta Advisors and Principal. The president’s effectiveness will be measured by his/her ability – by voice, demeanor, and stage presence – to keep order and to so conduct himself/herself that fellow members are willing to abide by his/her decisions and directions.

____ Vice President (Membership): The vice president of membership will work with the executive committee to develop activities that promote a desire for membership among our general school population. This person will also encourage participation and involvement in club activities among members.

____ Vice President (Projects): The vice president of projects will work with the project committee to develop service projects of interest to the majority of members. The projects should be of value to the Beta Club membership or entire school or the school community.

____ Secretary: The secretary should be detail-oriented and willing to keep excellent records of membership along with detailed notes from monthly meetings. These notes will be kept organized in a notebook and returned to the club advisor at the end of the year as a record of activities for the year.

____ Treasurer: The treasurer will be responsible for reporting the balances in the club account periodically throughout the year. This person will also be responsible for counting the ballots following the election of officers and will be responsible for collecting service project logs and tallying the information to determine eligibility for membership the following term. This person will also be responsible for taking role during meetings and recording absences.

____Historian: The historian will arrange for publicity for any activities or special features of club operations.In addition, he/she shall be responsible for keeping records, pictures, and other materials of historic importance to the club and shall compile a log to be displayed at state meetings and other places.

Please describe the qualifications that you have which would enable you to serve the Saint Pauls High School Beta Club in the office for which you are interested:


Please return this form to Mrs. DeGrood in room 117 before the designated deadline. Late applications will not be accepted for any reason. You are required to obtain three teacher evaluations to complete this application. I suggest giving-out all four. The evaluations must be placed in my mailbox by the evaluating teacher, not the student. You may check on the status of your returned evaluations during my planning period or after school.

Applicant Information and Questionnaire

Check One: Current Member______New Member______

If you are a current member, describe in detail your involvement with the Beta Club for the current year. Have you served on a committee? Have you attended monthly meetings? Have you helped in creating community service projects? Have you served on a community service project? Have you participated in any fundraisers or other club events? ______







If you are a new member, describe in detail your involvement within the community or with another organization in a leadership position ______






Are you willing and able to stay afterschool to meet with other officers and committees? ______

Do you have reliabletransportation? ______Are you self-motivated? ______

Dear ______

(Student) ______has applied for a leadership position in the Beta Club. Please take the time to evaluate this student for us and return to this form to my mailbox in the teacher’s lounge.

Thank you,

Mrs. DeGrood

Excellent / Good / Average / Fair / Poor
Communication Skills
Public Speaking Skills
Willingness to work

Would you recommend this student as an officer for Beta Club? ______yes ______no

Dear ______

(Student) ______has applied for a leadership position in the Beta Club. Please take the time to evaluate this student for us and return to my mailbox in the teacher’s lounge.

Thank you,

Mrs. DeGrood

Excellent / Good / Average / Fair / Poor
Communication Skills
Public Speaking Skills
Willingness to work

Would you recommend this student as an officer for Beta Club? ______yes ______no

Dear ______

(Student) ______has applied for a leadership position in the Beta Club. Please take the time to evaluate this student for us and return to this form to my mailbox in the teacher’s lounge.

Thank you,

Mrs. DeGrood

Excellent / Good / Average / Fair / Poor
Communication Skills
Public Speaking Skills
Willingness to work

Would you recommend this student as an officer for Beta Club? ______yes ______no

Dear ______

(Student) ______has applied for a leadership position in the Beta Club. Please take the time to evaluate this student for us and return to my mailbox in the teacher’s lounge.

Thank you,

Mrs. DeGrood

Excellent / Good / Average / Fair / Poor
Communication Skills
Public Speaking Skills
Willingness to work

Would you recommend this student as an officer for Beta Club? ______yes ______no